Peerless Killing God

Chapter 234 The third round of trials!Purgatory!

Chapter 234 The Third Round of Tests!Purgatory!
After a group of elders inspected the elixir and metal materials that Long Feng refined, looking at other people was like looking at garbage. All kinds of bad comments spit out from their mouths, so that those who recovered from their spirits The tester looked extremely ugly.

In the end, under the busyness of the elders, only more than 6000 testers passed the second round of tests. After the second round of tests, they are actually regarded as the outer disciples of the Alchemy Hall. Three rounds of trials, as long as they can survive, they are destined to become one of the members of the Alchemy Hall.

Only then did the tests of refining elixir and metal refining come into being. As long as the number of finished products refined by the person who has passed the test is biased towards alchemy or weapon refining, then they can assign it to the alchemy hall or the tool hall.

"Little guy, the test is over, it's time for you to show your true face!" Above the void, Dan Chenzi stepped down slowly step by step with the soles of his feet on the void, and then smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Long Feng gave a wry smile, it seems that his disguise technique in his previous life still couldn't hide it from a strong man in this world of martial arts.

Seeing what Dan Chenzi said, everyone's eyes froze slightly at the moment, isn't this person his real face?Could it be that he is really an immortal?

But listening to what Dan Chenzi said was not right. If it was an old man, how could he still call him a little guy?

As Dan Chenzi's words fell, countless people's eyes in the entire square were on Long Feng. They were very curious, what is the real appearance of this seemingly ordinary young man, is he an old man?Is it middle age?

Under the attention of everyone, Long Feng helplessly stretched out his palm and rubbed his face. Soon, Long Feng's face stretched out. When Long Feng's more resolute, handsome and youthful face appeared in front of everyone, Everyone's eyeballs popped out.

"How is it possible? How could it be you?" Suddenly, in the square, Liu Tian shouted in disbelief. Before that, he felt that Long Feng's back was somewhat similar, but he tried his best to deny it. After all, the relationship between the two The difference in appearance is too great.

"Why not me? It's just that, Young Master Liu, thank you Liu family for your hospitality, I will remember this love." With a sneer, Long Feng immediately turned his eyes from Liu Tian to Liu Xu'er and smiled embarrassedly Said: "It's really embarrassing to leave without saying goodbye that day."

Hearing this, Liu Xu'er, who had always been worried about losing Long Feng, her only male friend, vanished instantly after Long Feng's words fell, and she showed her face with a smile that captivated the city.

Compared to Liu Xu'er's happiness, Liu Tian's expression was not very good-looking, and there was even a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. With the peerless talent that Long Feng had just displayed, he would definitely become a serious problem for his Liu family in the future.

"That's right! The third round of testing!" Suddenly thinking of something, Liu Tian sneered, the murderous intent in his eyes was dark and sinister.

"Okay. The second round of testing is over, and everyone who passed the test will come with me." Fu Xu smiled, and Dan Chenzi stretched out his palm, and the ancient golden road fell from the nine heavens to the square.

When the figures of more than 6000 people landed on the ancient golden road, under the envious eyes of countless people, the figures slowly disappeared into the void sky along the ancient golden road.

"The three-year recruiting ceremony is over, and you can all leave." Following Dan Chenzi's misty voice, the figures of the Pill Artifact Hall also slowly disappeared into a golden gate in the void.

The world of medicine and equipment, a small world that has existed for tens of thousands of years, is the place where the alchemy hall is located. For tens of thousands of years, the alchemy hall has continued to multiply in this world, forming the appearance of a truly big world.

The Alchemy Hall is the only force here, and mortals also live here, but some of them may not be able to touch the Alchemy Hall in their entire lives.

The crowd disappeared into the sky with the figure of the ancient golden road, and when a golden light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, palaces like fairylands appeared above the void.

"The energy of the heavens and the earth is very strong, at least ten times thicker than that of the outside world!" As soon as they entered, many people could feel the difference in the intensity of the energy between the heavens and the earth.

And their eyes glanced down, and what appeared in front of them were green and gloomy mountain peaks, with auspicious clouds around the mountain peaks, and there were people's shadows flickering on them, and palaces and residences abound.

"These mountain peaks are populated by outer sect disciples and drug slaves or Qi slaves, while inner sect disciples are entitled to have their own separate mountain peaks. In addition, if they become core disciples or elders of the Alchemy Hall, the void You can also have one of the above palaces, and then you can bring your family members in to live in, so you have to work hard in the future."

Pointing at the mountains below and the palace above the void, Dan Chenzi explained to everyone with a smile.

Everyone's eyes flickered when they heard the words, and they sighed in their hearts what a great deal. As long as you become an inner disciple, you can have your own independent mountain. If you become a core disciple, you can have your own independent void palace. What a prestige this is.

"However, you are still not official disciples. You haven't passed the third round of tests. Of course, if you don't want to participate in the third round, you can become outer disciples, but you will lose the qualification to be promoted to inner disciples. It also means that he can only be an outer disciple for the rest of his life."

Facing the yearning crowd, Dan Chenzi's words were like pouring cold water on them. It turned out that only those who passed the third round of tests were eligible to become core disciples of the inner sect.

"If you take part in the third round of testing, I don't even know what will happen afterwards. It may be a great opportunity, or it may be a huge crisis. But those who participate in the test will live or die,"

Dan Chenzi's voice sounded slowly again, making the expressions of all the people who were eager to participate in the third round of the test freeze.Regardless of life or death, it means that the third round of testing may be a great opportunity, or it may be a great crisis.It may even lead to their death.

"I emphasize again, you can choose to quit, but you can only be outer disciples forever, but if you participate in the third round of tests, as long as you can pass the testers, the Alchemy Hall will do its best to train you, and even you can become core disciples in the future , or the elders, or even the masters of the two halls." However, Dan Chenzi's seductive voice sounded again, and everyone's expressions immediately became a little uncertain.

Seeing a group of people who were hesitant, Dan Chenzi did not urge him. In the past, in the third round of trials, the probability of survival for these people who participated was less than [-]%.

In other words, the more than 6000 people who went in may only survive at most in the end, half or even less.

And this third round of trials is to let everyone enter a mysterious place, which is called the place of trials, also known as purgatory!In the ten directions, many powerful forces will send their disciples to this place from time to time.

After experiencing a cruel fight, he grows himself in the tempering of life and death, truly feels life and death, instead of blindly enjoying the cauldron and glory, that is a mediocre person.

There is also a reason for the third round of testing of the Alchemy Hall. More than 6000 years ago, the Alchemy Hall was also one of the top ten overlords in the Ten Directions, but there were only a group of people in the Alchemy Hall at that time. A master who only knows how to refine medicine and tools.The actual combat ability is extremely low.

Even at that time, only the ancestor in the entire alchemy hall was the only strong man in the realm of life and death, and it was really because of this that the alchemy hall finally caused a huge disaster.

The two sects of the same top ten forces jointly attacked the Alchemy Hall at that time. In that battle, the Alchemy Hall had no resistance at all, and all the refined medicine pills were looted. They were all taken away by force.

After that battle, the entire alchemy hall was devastated, and the owner of the alchemy hall at that time was also the ancestor of the alchemy hall. To know how to make alchemy and refine weapons, one is also a powerful warrior.

And this rule has been handed down for more than 6000 years since then, and the Hall of Alchemy has also changed from the bottom of the top ten forces at the beginning to the top three terrifying existences of the top ten forces in the Ten Directions.

Today's alchemy hall not only has a group of alchemy masters, but also this group of alchemy masters has a fighting power that makes countless people frightened.

At the beginning, the two sects that blood robbed the Alchemy Hall were finally uprooted and removed from the ten directions by the unstoppable rise of the Alchemy Hall. Since then, the Alchemy Hall has been the absolute overlord for thousands of years. No one can shake it anymore.

After all, these alchemy masters in the alchemy hall are completely brave in fighting people, let alone death, they are extremely fierce in battle, and the most desperate thing is that these people can take drugs at will when they are injured, just like drinking cold water .During the battle, the heavenly soldiers in his hands and the treasure armor on his body came out one after another, and one was destroyed, and another one was almost endless.

As for the third round of testing, the rules were set from the year 6000. Purgatory was a small world created by the top ten forces of the Ten Directions at that time, and more than a dozen experts in the realm of life and death jointly opened up thousands of years ago. There are endless crises in it, but also great opportunities.

Because there are many treasures left over from the previous generation of life and death realm powerhouses, even now and even every year, life and death realms of major forces store a lot of coveted treasures in it from time to time.

And here, the biggest crisis is naturally the disciples from other forces. There are no rules at all here, killing people is commonplace, because people who come to this kind of place are a group of lunatics who are trying.

When everyone heard that the third round was going to enter the legendary purgatory, many people's eyes shrank suddenly, and their expressions were extremely ugly. In that kind of place, life and death are really commonplace. Maybe they haven't entered for a long time. It would be a corpse.

And this third round of test actually requires them to stay in it for three days. Isn’t this killing people? It is very difficult to persevere, and it is even more difficult to survive for three days with the cultivation base of the Venerable Spirit Realm.

Unless they are very lucky and hide in a place without being discovered, it is really difficult for them to get out of it after three days alive.

As a result, many people chose to give up when they learned that the third round of the test was going to enter Purgatory. There were probably more than 4000 people who finally agreed to enter the refining medicine to participate in the test. Naturally, Long Feng was among them. .

(End of this chapter)

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