Peerless Killing God

Chapter 239 Calling Brothers!

Chapter 239 Calling Brothers!

"Xing Zhan? I seem to have heard that name before?" Hearing this, Long Feng frowned, and a memory flashed in his mind. A generation of geniuses.

At that time, someone talked about the top ten geniuses in the Shifangyu, and Xingzhan was mentioned among them. The young master of the God of War Palace ranked first among the top ten overlords in Xingzhan. His combat power was unstoppable at the same level. Fang Yu's No. 1 younger generation, an invincible existence in the realm of life and death.

"No wonder it's so terrifying!" Thinking that his all-out blow to Qian Kun Zhan only made the opponent retreat a few steps, Long Feng finally realized that the guy he was fighting with had such a powerful background.

Seeing that Long Feng didn't change his face when he heard his name, Xing Zhan nodded in satisfaction at the moment, he was qualified to be his friend, like those people there immediately panicked when they heard his name.

"Long Feng, you are very suitable for me. Seeing that you are like this, you should also come to this world of purgatory to practice, so let's go together." With a smile, Xing Zhan walked to Long Feng and said.

Hearing this, Long Feng's eyes flickered, and it was a good idea to go together. With the criminal battle, those killers would not dare to act recklessly.

"Hey, it's mainly in the world of purgatory. Most of the strong people know me. I escaped far away before I got close to them. I have no choice but to wait for someone here." Grinning, Xing Zhan said carelessly.

Hearing this, Long Feng stared strangely at the Ba Dao behind Xing Zhan, which was bigger than his own burly body. It's not that everyone knows your appearance, but that when they see your Ba Dao, they know it without thinking. You are no one.

After Long Feng adjusted his breath for a while and recovered a lot from his injuries, he immediately walked with Xing Zhan, and at Long Feng's suggestion, Xing Zhan also suddenly realized and put away the Ba Saber behind him.

Seeing this scene, Long Feng could only shake his head with a wry smile. It seems that Xing Zhan's strength is terrifying, but his experience is not very deep. It seems that Xing Zhan is a battle madman. He has probably been in battle since he was a child. Get over it.

Thinking in this way, Long Feng also chatted with Xing Zhan, and after a while, the two became brothers and drank strong wine.

"Haha, it's different to have a brother. You can also drink with someone." He drank the spirits boldly, and Xing Zhan's laughter continued to resound in the dense forest, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Brother, after drinking this pot, I will take you to find the treasure. Although I don't like the things in the purgatory world, it is not bad for you."

And Xing Zhan's bold voice never concealed, so his voice fell, and many small voices continued to resound from the dense forest, especially many people's eyes turned red immediately when they heard the word "treasure".

In the purgatory world, apart from giving them experience, the most important thing is to find the treasures left by those strong people in the realm of life and death. You must know that those treasures are not ordinary things. martial arts.

Hearing Xing Zhan's unhesitating words, Long Feng gave a helpless wry smile, took a sip of the spirit in his hand, it seemed that the next journey was destined to be extraordinary.

"Brother, wait a minute. What I don't like the most is this group of guys who hide their heads and show their tails. They are sneaky. They don't dare to come out and they only know how to attack." Suddenly, Xing Zhan's feet suddenly stopped and said to Long Feng .

As soon as the words fell, Xing Zhan's strong left hand suddenly raised and then fell down suddenly, and suddenly terrifying power blasted from his fist towards the dense forest. Suddenly, the hiders in the dense forest felt like they were facing the collapse of heaven and earth, terrifying The howling sound brought by the powerful force shook the space, and there was a tyrannical wind blowing in all directions.

"Boom, boom!" When Xing Zhan's terrifying fists struck out, everything they passed was exploded, turned into powder dust, and all ashes were wiped out.

An incomparably huge force rolled over, and more than a dozen terrifying cracking sounds came out. It was the sound of the body being exploded. Under Xing Zhan's random punch, more than a dozen strong men hiding in the dense forest in that direction Died directly, and it included the existence of two holy spirits.

And such appalling and horrifying strength made the surrounding space quiet, and soon there were rapid air-breaking sounds, and many people turned away from the direction where Xing Zhan was located with a look of horror on their faces.

"Hey, these annoying flies are gone at last, brother, let's continue to drink." With a twitch of his mouth, Xing Zhan immediately took out a jug of spirits and handed it to Long Feng with a wry smile on his face.

"Brother Xing, since you have some strength, why do you need to come here. Presumably, even the strong in the late stage of the Holy Spirit Realm are hard to be your opponent." Looking at Xing Zhan, Long Feng said helplessly. This purgatory world is simply invincible.

"Ahem, brother, you don't understand. It's more comfortable to stay in the God of War Palace. What's more, I can't hurt those guys in the God of War Palace, otherwise I won't be so easy to talk to." Speaking of his father, the corners of Xing Zhan's mouth twitched slightly, he was not afraid of anything, only his father.

Seeing this scene, Long Feng just took a sip of wine and didn't say much. He had never enjoyed fatherly love, and it was the same in the past life and the same in this life, so he couldn't say much.

"This purgatory world has also existed for thousands of years. There are many remnants of life and death powerhouses randomly placed here. If we are lucky, we may encounter some useful treasures and exercises." Grinning casually Said that Xing Zhan doesn't seem to be interested in those treasures.

"By the way, brother, I can give you other treasures, but if you have knives about knives, you must keep them for me. The big reason why I am here is to find a knives." Thinking of something, Xing Zhan said quickly.

I have to say that Xing Zhan is an absolute wonder in the God of War Palace. The God of War never concentrates on learning, but likes Ba Dao instead. There is only one ground-level saber technique that is suitable for a weapon like the Ba Dao.

For this reason, Xing Zhan did not know how many times he had been beaten by his father, but he still loved Ba Dao and was unwilling to give up the sword skills he had cultivated. In desperation, his father ignored it, but he gave an order. If he does not have the sword kung fu of the heavenly level, then he must concentrate on practicing God of War Art, because it is related to whether he can break through the life and death realm.

In this regard, Xing Zhan can only choose to compromise, and in the world of purgatory, although Xing Zhan has found many good treasures, but those things are useless to him, and he will not even take a look at them.

"Sword skills?" Hearing this, Long Feng frowned, and then he remembered that he had obtained four martial arts from the Kung Fu Hall in Zi Xuzi's small world.

"Ba Dao Jue! Heaven-level low-level exercises! Ba Dao Jue is suitable for all swordsmen to practice, and the sword comes out of Ba Jue world. Those who have achieved the pinnacle of kung fu practice can cut the universe with a sword, smash the sun and the moon! The sword is amazing! The mountains and rivers are broken .It was left by the Heavenly Sacred Batao!"

When Long Feng thought of this exercise, his mind moved, and an ancient scroll appeared in Long Feng's hands, and then Long Feng said to Xing Zhan: "Brother, can you see if this is useful to you?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Xing Zhan looked at the simple and lifeless scroll in Long Feng's hand, took a sip of strong wine, and reached out to take the scroll in his hand.

When the scroll fell into Xing Zhan's hands, a dazzling light flashed in Xing Zhan's eyes, and he slowly spread the introduction part of the scroll with his palm, Xing Zhan trembled slightly all over.

"Bao Dao Jue! Dao cuts the universe! Cleaves the sun and the moon! The sword is amazing, and the mountains and rivers are shattered!!!" At this moment, Xing Zhan's eyes seemed to shoot out a peerless sword, and he couldn't put it down. The scroll of swordsmanship.

Suddenly raising his head, Xing Zhan's eyes fell on Long Feng and he said slowly: "Brother, are you really willing to give this volume of Ba Dao Jue to my brother?"

"This Overlord Sword Art may be a priceless treasure in my brother's eyes, but in my brother's eyes it's just a volume of heaven-rank exercises. Although it's priceless, it's not a priceless treasure. What's more, didn't my brother say , the other treasures belong to me. Naturally, my brother should also match a sword with a hero, right?"

Smiling, Long Feng didn't feel bad about sending Ba Dao Jue, he had almost forgotten about Ba Dao Jue, if Xing Zhan hadn't mentioned it, he might have forgotten that he had such a skill.

"Haha, I've already said that, so I won't be hypocritical!" Laughing loudly, Xing Zhan's eyes flickered, and Long Feng never imagined that from this moment on, he became Xing Zhan Zhan's only brother and friend, Xing Zhan's help and feedback to him in the future will far exceed this scroll.

"If you are hypocritical, let's not talk about it, drink!"

"Yes! Drink!"

Soon, two bold voices sounded in the dense forest, and the figures of the two gradually disappeared into the messy dense forest.

In the darkness, several black shadows suddenly distorted and appeared in the void. Looking at the direction where Long Feng and Xing Zhan were leaving, the expressions of these black shadows became extremely ugly.

"How could this guy get mixed up with Xing Zhan and call him a brother?" The shadow assassin who attacked and killed Long Feng first had the worst expression at the moment. He never imagined that Long Feng would find someone like Xing Zhan The evil star, and even called each other brothers and sisters.

"Hmph! If that's the case, we won't accompany you. We don't want to seek death for the assassination of Xingzhan." With a cold snort, except for the black shadow who had a deep hatred with Long Feng, the other black shadows disappeared into the darkness with twists and turns.

"Boy, just wait, I won't let you go so easily." Seeing the other assassins leave, the resentment in the black shadow's eyes became more and more fierce, and the hatred for Long Feng became more and more deep.

And Long Feng never thought of it, because he escaped trouble once in Xing Zhan, otherwise he would have to fight hard again and get injured.

(End of this chapter)

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