Peerless Killing God

Chapter 244 Two Best Ways!

Chapter 244 The Best of Both Worlds!
"Seniors, why don't you ask who Long Feng wants to be with?" Liu Xu'er on the side looked at him with a helpless expression on his face, Long Feng couldn't help but cover his mouth with a smile. It can be said that a smile can make a lot of men Her eyes couldn't help falling on Liu Xu'er.

"That's right!" Hearing this, the two of them immediately set their eyes on Long Feng, seeing that this problem was actually thrown to him, Long Feng secretly smiled wryly in his heart, no matter how he answered, he would probably end up with someone else.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became awkward, Liu Xu'er turned her beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "Seniors, this junior has a way to get the best of both worlds."

"Huh? Little girl, you have a way to say it!" Hearing this, Ouyang Huo, who was already grumpy, said loudly immediately. Of course, it doesn't matter if he calls Liu Xuer little girl, after all, he is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. , I am afraid that Lun is several generations older than the ancestor of the Liu family.

"Since the two seniors want to accept Long Feng as a disciple, why don't you have a contest. Whoever wins can naturally be Long Feng's teacher, and the other can't say anything." Beautiful eyes fell on Long Feng, Liu Xu Er'er smiled mysteriously, obviously she was helping Long Feng.

"What kind of contest?" Hearing this, Dan Chenzi returned to his image of a great Confucian, stretched out his hand to caress his long silver beard and squinted his eyes.

At this moment, everyone also pricked up their ears, and they also wanted to know what kind of contest it was.

"Three months later, it will be the alchemy conference of the alchemy hall. At that time, all the alchemy masters in the ten directions will come to participate in this conference. Now there are still one hundred days before the conference. The two seniors can take turns to guide each other every day. Teach Long Feng alchemy and weapon refining, and in the conference after three months, if Long Feng ranks higher in that competition, that senior will naturally win."

Smiling, Liu Xu'er explained the method.Immediately, both Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo's eyes lighted up. This method is good. Then the two of them will be able to compete and gain disciples. Isn't it the best of both worlds?

Thinking like this, the two of them looked at each other with extremely confident eyes. Obviously, they were already fantasizing about the other's ugly look at that time.

"Tomorrow, Long Feng will learn the way of alchemy with the old man first!" Stroking his beard, Dan Chenzi said first.

"Why? Tomorrow he must first learn the art of refining from the old man!" Ouyang Huo immediately objected when he heard the words.

Seeing that the flames of war were about to ignite again, the two old men who had lived for thousands of years, even Liu Xu'er gave a wry smile helplessly.

"It seems that you want to compete again?"

"Contest is contest, whoever is afraid of whom!"

After the words fell, the figures of the two disappeared silently in front of everyone in an instant. Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

While everyone was waiting, an hour passed slowly, and finally everyone's eyes blurred, and Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo after the contest had reappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It's just that the appearance of the two of them is very different from before. Not only are the original extraordinary robes of the two of them now tattered, but their faces are also swollen with blue eyes and beards and hair.Although the two had recovered a lot when they appeared in front of everyone, people with discerning eyes could still see that the traces still existed.

The final result was not announced by the two of them, only Dan Chenzi's voice slowly sounded in Long Feng's ear, and Long Feng immediately understood that it seemed that Dan Chenzi was slightly better.

"Thank you!" When Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo disappeared, Long Feng walked to Liu Xu'er and said with a smile.

"We're friends, aren't we?" Hearing this, Liu Xu'er smiled playfully, and this smile fell into the eyes of Liu Tian, ​​who had been paying attention to Liu Xu'er and the two of them, and suddenly revealed the sinister look in Long Feng's resentful eyes. It is getting more and more prosperous.

"Long Feng, I have nothing to do with you now, but my good sister can cause you countless troubles." Staring fixedly at Long Feng who was talking and laughing happily with Liu Xuer, Liu Tian suddenly thought of something, and his expression was gloomy sneered.

Now that Long Feng has become the disciple of the two palace masters, he naturally has nothing to do with the other party, but Yan Yang, the sun son of the Sun Palace, has a lot of ways. Liu Xuer proposes.

But if the other party sees Long Feng talking and laughing with Liu Xu'er, what wonderful expression will he have?Thinking so viciously in his heart, the venom in Liutian's eyes gradually subsided. Now is not the time to offend Long Feng. After all, he is also an inner disciple of the Pill Artifact Hall. Offending Long Feng is not a one-off. what a good thing.

Long Feng didn't know that there was such a dark and deadly poisonous snake hovering around him, and this poisonous snake might bite him hard at some point,
However, at this moment, the poisonous snake came up with a smile on his face and said congratulatory words, as if he had completely forgotten about the festival with Long Feng in the past.

Long Feng saw Liu Tian who came up to congratulate with a smile on his face, and immediately nodded with a smile, but a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, but this trace of coldness was quickly covered up by Long Feng.After all, the other party is also Liu Xu'er's second brother, not to mention that the other party greeted him with a smile, so naturally he couldn't reach out and hit the other party's face.

And Liu Tian never thought that although his killing intent was well concealed, the murderous intent in his eyes and body made Long Feng also move the murderous intent.

Afterwards, under the leadership of a number of pretty maids, everyone was also arranged in turn. As for Long Feng, because he was an inner sect disciple, he was even assigned to a beautiful mountain peak, which was named Mountain Peak.

And the peak of Liu Xu'er also happened to echo Longfeng's Ziyun mountain.And on Ziyun Mountain, there are many attics, drug slaves and maids can be seen everywhere, and from now on, all of them have his master.

"Huh! With such treatment, it's no wonder everyone wants to become a disciple of the alchemy hall." Looking at the hundreds of figures standing respectfully in front of him, Long Feng secretly sighed, these people will be under his management from now on. up.

At this moment, many pretty maids were throwing winks at Long Feng, but they were not interested in Long Feng, so they waved their hands and said, "It's good that you each have your own duties, don't worry about me. Just let me know if there is anything."

After finishing speaking, Long Feng's figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. Seeing this scene, the maids all had a look of disappointment on their faces.

In the world of alchemy, these maids are all pretty women selected from the mortal world, in order to serve these inner sects or core disciples, and they naturally want to leap the dragon's gate with carps, once they are spotted, then their families in the world of alchemy It will also follow the prosperity.

And sometimes, the quality of the master of a peak also determines their fate, but this is also a helpless thing, who let them be born in this cruel world of martial arts.

Compared with the maids, those drug slaves hope that the peak master will sometimes reward some pills or something, or be seen as assistants and so on.

Long Feng sat on the bed with his eyes closed, his mind sank into his body, and the Hunyuan One Qi Art slowly began to circulate. Ever since he reached the realm of the Five Qi Chaoyuan, the Hunyuan One Qi Art had no movement, and the Five Qi Chaoyuan After that, it was the gathering of three flowers.

According to Long Feng's guess, to reach the realm of three flowers gathered at the top, one must break through to the Holy Spirit Realm.

However, this Hunyuan Qijue is all-encompassing. So far, Long Feng has not yet understood its true meaning, but it can be seen from a glimpse.You must know that he has been in the world of martial arts for so long, and he has never heard of the kung fu method that can cultivate the power of the five elements and gather the nine forces of life and death. You must know that these nine forces include the origin of all things in a big world.

But now, he has reached the state of Wuqi Chaoyuan with Hunyuan Yijue, and the power in his body is endless.This is also the reason why he can quickly recover in the shortest time every time he exhausts his internal strength in fighting with others.

"Holy Spirit Realm! We must break through within a year!!" Taking a deep breath, Long Feng's eyes flashed brightly.After getting acquainted with peerless geniuses like Xing Zhan and Jian Wuji in Purgatory World, Long Feng deeply felt a sense of oppression and inadequacy of his own strength.

The night passed slowly, and the sky just dawned.Long Feng opened his eyes and found that Dan Chenzi's figure had been waiting for a long time.

"Senior Dan!" Seeing that Dan Chenzi was more anxious than himself, Long Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly. It seemed that he would not be able to think about it for the next three months.

"Little guy, we don't have much time, I don't want to waste it! Now I will teach you the basics of alchemy first, that is to distinguish medicine!" After finishing speaking, a sapphire scroll appeared in Dan Chenzi's hand.

"This is the Ten Thousand Pharmacopoeia. It is the result of the painstaking efforts of countless seniors in the Dandian Palace for tens of thousands of years. It contains more than [-]% of the medicinal materials in the entire Qiankun Continent." Looking solemnly at the sapphire scroll in his hand, Dan Chenzi whispered Said.

Hearing this, Long Feng's expression straightened immediately, the Ten Thousand Pharmacopoeia was probably the most precious thing in the Pill Palace, and it was unexpected that Dan Chenzi would give it to him.

"Little guy, try to memorize the records in the Ten Thousand Pharmacopoeia with your soul power, as much as you can remember. But please remember, this Ten Thousand Medicine Palace is an undisclosed possession of the Pill Palace. Don't pass it on to others, otherwise the Dan Palace will find out, and the consequences will be very serious." Carefully handing the sapphire scroll to Long Feng, Dan Chenzi ordered.

"Thank you, Senior Dan, for your great love and trust. I promise that no one but me will know the slightest record of this Wan Pharmacopoeia." Hearing this, Long Feng immediately nodded and assured with an extremely firm tone.

Seeing Long Feng's firm assurance, Dan Chenzi was relieved at the moment. After all, even the core disciples could hardly get in touch with the Ten Thousand Pharmacopoeia. Only some elders were qualified to get in touch. He probably wouldn't take out the Wan Pharmacopoeia either.

Seeing that Long Feng was already holding the Ten Thousand Pharmacopoeia, Dan Chenzi continued to say slowly: "This is the best, now you just sit with your eyes closed and submerge your consciousness into the Ten Thousand Pharmacopoeia, remember you only have twelve hours , How much you can remember depends on your chance, but if the power of the soul is exhausted, it must be stopped immediately."

"En! I understand, kid." Hearing this, Long Feng took a deep breath, then concentrated his spiritual thoughts and suddenly transformed them into a spiritual consciousness and poured it into the sapphire scroll in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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