Peerless Killing God

Chapter 25 Iron and Blood God!

Chapter 25 Iron and Blood God!

After the war, night fell, and the night in late autumn was chilly, but Hulaoguan was now raging with war.The entire battlefield was lit with torches. After the rectification was completed, Yuan Zhan did not intend to give too many soldiers to the soldiers at Hulao Pass. This time, he assembled an army of 50 even more frantically to launch a frenzied attack.

However, on the other side, an incredible scene took place in Tianliang City, the capital of the Liang Kingdom. Within a day of sneaking into Tianliang City, Long Feng had already discovered the reality of Tianliang City. It was less than five thousand, and there were only a few thousand imperial guards left in King Liang City. This was a rare and truly god-sent opportunity for Long Feng.

But King Liang of the Liang Kingdom would never have dreamed that there was a ten thousand soldiers of the Feng Kingdom quietly hiding outside the city of Tianliang.

"Pfft!" A cold light suddenly appeared on the necks of several city guards, and they lost consciousness immediately and were gently placed on the ground. It was obvious that Long Feng's subordinates who had entered the city in disguise were the ones who killed them. The first centurion and the ten thousand commanders stood up again impressively.

"Ten of you go to open the city gate! Let me cover the rest!" In the dark night, Long Feng's eyes were as piercing as a black eagle's sharp gaze, scanning the left and right sides of the tall city gate, and then waved his hand, The ten centurions rushed to the city gate immediately.

"Ka...Ka...Ka!!" When the city gate was slowly opened, many of the city guards patrolling above the city tower were finally alarmed.

"Who?" Amidst the loud inquiry of a Liang Guo captain who seemed to be a ten-man captain, a Fang Tianhalber gleaming with cold light came through the air, and the captain was split in half and fell to the ground dead.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!" At this moment, all the guards suddenly heard the sound of enemy attack when they were drowsy in the middle of the night. When it hits the sky, they don't think it's a joke anymore.

"Boom! Boom!" When the towers of Tianliang City opened wide, and [-] tigers and wolves dressed in Liang soldiers' armor poured in, the end of these capital guards came.

There were no accidents, one sided, blood flowed into rivers immediately, and the sound of the city gate naturally alarmed the entire Tianliang City, and the Wangcheng of Tianliang City received the news immediately.

King Liang, who was still sleeping soundly, was awakened suddenly. When he learned that no less than [-] elite soldiers from the Fengguo invaded disguised as his own army, King Liang was truly shocked.

Without caring about anything, King Liang's first order was to abandon the king's city. In the panic, he let the imperial guards escape from Tianliang city.

Obviously, King Liang's decisiveness saved his life, because at this time Long Feng had already led [-] of his men straight to the king's city, and the remaining imperial guards could not withstand the strong offensive and had all been killed. Amidst the cries, the flames burst into the sky.

When he learned that King Liang had escaped, Long Feng frowned at the first moment. It seems that this King Liang is indeed a man, and he is a man who can stretch and bend. A person who dies with the country is a pedantic person in Long Feng's eyes. .

Knowing that King Liang had escaped, Long Feng issued a decisive order to hunt down and kill him!

King Liang's distress letters were flying all over the sky in an instant. Maybe soon, Yuan Zhan, who was fighting bloody battle ahead, would know what happened in Tianliang City.

However, when daylight just came, Hulao Pass had already been plunged into a bloody battle. The densely packed soldiers of Liang State fearlessly attacked the towers of the Invincible City, and the ground had already been stained red with blood.

However, something unexpected happened at this time. During the frenzied fighting among the soldiers in the front, an elite army of 50 people wearing the armor of the Wind Kingdom suddenly appeared in the rear.

On the city tower, when he heard his subordinates report that 50 soldiers from the Feng Kingdom appeared in the rear, Li Hao suddenly laughed and said, "The reinforcements from the Marquis of Iron and Blood have finally arrived, and the Liang Kingdom will definitely be defeated this time."

However, at the next moment, the sound of shouting and killing suddenly sounded, and the 50 Fengguo soldiers beat drums and trumpeted as if they were going to attack Hulao Pass.

"Dugu Aotian premeditated rebellion, and had correspondence with Prince Liang. He already had a rebellious heart, and now the evidence of the crime is convincing! The king has ordered Dugu Aotian to be arrested and brought to Beijing for trial. Resistors! Kill without mercy!" At this moment, the general in white armor declared loudly with a yellow imperial decree in his hand.

As soon as the general's words fell, all the officers and men locked in Hulao suddenly boiled, and countless people's faces were covered with incredulous expressions.How can this be?You must know that Dugu Aotian guarded Hulao Pass for more than [-] years.Withstood hundreds of Liang Guo's attacks, it can be said that half of his life has been devoted to Feng Guo, but now someone ridiculously said that he had a correspondence with Liang Guo's prince, and would treason the country?
I'm afraid no one will be able to accept this matter. At this time, behind Hulao Pass, in the middle of the Chinese army barracks with 50 troops, there is a figure dressed in crimson. It is paired with pure jade that is rare in the world, exuding a faint bloody light under the hazy sky.

The middle-aged man in the python robe, which was carved like a knife and an axe, pursed his lips and raised his lips slightly, a pair of coercive black eyes seemed to fall straight on Dugu Aotian on the other side of the tower through the city wall of Hulao Pass.

With the white hair on the temples fluttering in the wind, the middle-aged man murmured: "The myth of invincibility, today, you are doomed to lose, and you are still doomed to be defeated by me."

This person is the Marquis of Iron Blood, Dugu Aotian is guarding the east against the Kingdom of Liang, while the Marquis of Iron Blood is guarding the West against the mighty Chu Kingdom.It's a pity that everyone in Fengguo only knows the myth of the undefeated Dugu Aotian, but they don't know that he is a god of iron and blood. All the plans to encircle and suppress Dugu Aotian this time are his conspiracy, including the so-called letter.

If Dugu Aotian is an unrivaled hero, then the Iron-Blooded Marquis is a hero of the generation. Obviously, Dugu Aotian's merits are so high that other people have not seen it, but the scheming Iron-Blooded Marquis has long seen Feng Wang's suspicion up.

Therefore, find a few imitations of Dugu Aotian's handwriting, and then modify the letters between him and Prince Liang and submit them to Feng Wang. As expected, Feng Wang was furious, and immediately issued an imperial decree to capture Dugu Aotian and go to Beijing. .

It's a pity that Feng Wang didn't know the current situation at Hulao Pass, but sent someone to capture Dugu Aotian at this time. Obviously, this war that will determine the demise of Feng Country is already doomed.

What's more, the Marquis of Iron Blood is not for the purpose of defeating Dugu Aotian, his ambition is for the entire Feng Nation and even Liang Nation, of course no one knows about all this.

"Dugu Aotian blatantly resists the decree and kills without mercy!" Without giving Dugu Aotian any extra explanations and justifications, the Marquis of the Iron Blood God waved his hand, and the 20 vanguard army suddenly launched an attack, and the rear of Hulao Pass immediately panicked.

On the other side, Yuan Zhan smiled coldly when he heard the shouts of killing behind Hulao Pass. This is Fengguo's own destruction.Then you can't blame him.

With a big wave of his hand, this time it was no longer ordinary Liang soldiers, but 30 elite imperial guards took a step forward. Above the tower, the commanders of several major legions were already in chaos, and the morale of the entire army was even more unstable. For a moment everyone was questioning whether Dugu Aotian was really rebellious?
Some of Dugu Aotian's old subordinates naturally believed in Dugu Aotian to the death, but those noble regiment leaders were different, among them Li Hao was on guard against Dugu Aotian immediately.

"Iron Blood God!" Dugu Aotian in black armor showed a strong murderous intent on his resolute faces, but at this time, Dugu Aotian seemed to be more than ten years old, and his long black hair was now more than half white. .

"All troops obey orders! Except Yuxuewei! The rest of the people guard the west gate of Hulao! Yuxuewei, follow my blood to stain the universe!" With a sudden wave of a huge and mighty blood-colored spear in his hand, Dugu Aotian delivered the final He ordered everyone except the blood bathing guards to go to the west gate. Obviously, he gave up Hulao Pass and wanted to prove his innocence by death.

"Blood in blood! Blood in blood! Blood stains the universe!" At this moment, the thundering roar of the [-] blood bathing guards of the Invincible Legion resounded throughout the world, as if they really asked the heavens what justice is?

The Undefeated Legion, known as the Bloody Guards, is an army reborn from a hundred battles. They are the real elites, the real masters of tigers and wolves, and they belong to only one person, that is Dugu Aotian!

"Boom!" The huge south city gate opened with a bang, and one hundred thousand bloody guards in dark blood armor stepped out neatly on sweaty BMWs. With the appearance of the bloody guards, the entire void seemed to be stained red with blood, and the evil spirit soared into the sky. It actually turned millions of people in the Liang Kingdom on their backs.

It is said that the armor of the Blood Bathing Guards was originally pitch black, but their armor was dyed red by the blood of each battle and gradually turned into a dark blood color, and this color was dyed red by countless soldiers of the Liang Kingdom for more than [-] years. It can be said that The blood of countless soldiers of Liang State was filled with every blood bathing guard.

"Forbidden Army, fight with me!" Seeing that the soldiers on his side turned their backs on their backs, Yuan Zhan was furious, and with a roar, he, who was wearing silver-white armor, lifted a huge slashing knife and swept it out of the air that fell on the Imperial Guards. ahead.

It was said that the 30 imperial guards all took a sudden step, and their terrifying aura rose to the sky, colliding with the blood bathing guards' soaring evil spirit constantly in the void.

At this moment, everyone in Hulao was in awe, and their eyes fell on Dugu Aotian who was at the front of Yuxuewei. At this moment, Dugu Aotian's originally burly body became taller and taller in their eyes.



There was no extra nonsense, no extra sarcasm, Dugu Aotian and Yuan Zhan both roared, and immediately 30 dark blood-colored torrents and [-] black torrents launched a turbulent fight on the battlefield of Hulao Pass.

However, a sudden change occurred again. Li Hao, the regiment commander, led his men to open the gate of the north gate, and the 50 troops of the iron-blooded gods entered the north gate without any effort.

Because of the fame of the Iron and Blood God Master Hou and the fact that the general situation is gone, immediately, there were 50 Fengguo troops left in the north gate of Hulaoguan, 40 of which gave up resistance, and the remaining [-] were other veterans of Dugu Aotian. It is a pity that the soldiers led by the subordinates were controlled and disarmed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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