Peerless Killing God

Chapter 257 The Fire Realm Opens!

Chapter 257 The Fire Realm Opens!
Facing Liu Zongyuan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Long Feng could only sigh helplessly in his heart.In any case, this favor is owed.

In fact, recently, Long Feng has been gradually alienating Liu Xu'er. He only hopes that the relationship between the two of them will remain as boyfriend and friend, and he doesn't want to get too involved with other emotions.

But I have to say that I have been with Lan Zhihui Xin's Liu Xu'er for a long time.Gradually, Long Feng saw the other party's traces in his heart. Although it was very shallow, it was enough to make Long Feng dare not accept it.

However, Liu Zongyuan did not intervene in this matter. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Since he became the Supreme Elder of the Alchemy Hall, he has rarely paid attention to some things in the Liu family. It is Liu Xuer, a little girl who makes him quite fond of , because he saw his daughter's young figure on Liu Xu'er, although it was very faint, it was enough.

As long as strong people like them are not killed, it is not uncommon for them to live for tens of thousands of years under normal circumstances. Therefore, the word "family" is sometimes so rare and precious to them, but time is always Ruthless, it doesn't stay for a moment because of someone.

"Okay, let's talk about the business! Little guy, it's quite difficult for you to obtain the Fire Soul Sword. That thing, Qi Laogui and I couldn't take it back when we joined forces. We can only use the power of space to form a boundary to seal it When it comes to business, Dan Chenzi dare not relax a bit, the Fire Soul Sword is not as easy to subdue as imagined.

Hearing this, Long Feng's expression suddenly straightened, even the two elders could not subdue the Huo Soul Sword together, I am afraid that if he really wanted to subdue the Huo Soul Sword, the difficulty would be extremely difficult.

After Dan Chenzi's voice fell, Ouyang Huo's expression also sank. He also knew that Long Feng must obtain the Huo Soul Sword, but the horror of that thing was dangerous even with his strength, not to mention that the latter was so powerful. Less than the cultivation level of the holy spirit.

But he also knows Long Feng's temper. This is a determined target, even if the sky collapses in front of him, he will not stop and turn back, so he can't make Long Feng change his mind. Come back safe and sound.

"Little guy, this is the Bingxin Snow Soul Pill of the fifth rank of the holy rank. He can protect your soul when you are in crisis!" Taking a slow breath, Dan Chenzi turned over a white jade bottle and appeared in his hand. Then he said to Long Feng.

Bing Xin Xue Soul Pill, only when people are in the most critical situation, when the soul is about to dissipate, can freeze the body, and the soul can be frozen instantly to leave a trace of life, so as to find a chance to revive.

And the horror of the Fire Soul Sword is not comparable to ordinary flames. Once burned, the body may immediately turn into nothingness, and even the soul will not be able to escape. Feng's last resort to save his life.

On the other side, Ouyang Huo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Dan Chenzi take out this life-saving elixir: "Boy Long, do your best in everything, don't force it."

As soon as the words fell, a snowflake robe as white as jade appeared in his hand. As soon as the snowflake robe appeared, the whole space seemed to be frozen.

Seeing what the second elder took out, Long Feng's heart couldn't help but warm at this moment, and he bowed slowly and said: "Teacher! Thank you, disciple!"

"You kid, why are you being polite to us?" Hearing this, Dan Chenzi smiled slightly, while Ouyang Huo said with a wide eye.

Hearing this, Long Feng didn't hesitate any more at the moment, with a wave of his palm, the two things disappeared in front of him, this kindness will always remain in his heart, and from this moment on, Long Feng truly regarded himself as the master of the alchemy hall. A member is no longer the original idea that he had to join the Alchemy Hall just to obtain the Fire Soul Sword.

After taking another sip of the fine nectar and jade liquid, under the instructions of the elders, time slowly passed and before he knew it, dusk was approaching. In the end, Long Feng said his goodbyes, and left the Pill Artifact Hall in a blink of an eye!

When returning to Danxuan Pavilion and passing by Ziyun Peak, Long Feng accidentally fell from the void. After he left, Ziyun Peak is now considered to be an ownerless thing. Maybe when recruiting disciples next time, some It is also possible that a genius with outstanding talent will become the master of this mountain again.

The figure slowly fell from the void, and when there were still dozens of years away from Ziyun Peak, Long Feng's expression couldn't help but froze slightly. On the top of Ziyun Peak, a beautiful figure in white clothes fluttered like a smile looking at him.

With a wry smile, Long Feng stepped on the void, and his figure landed beside Qianying. The two looked at each other, but for a moment they didn't know what to say.

"Thank you!" Long Feng suddenly said after a long time.

"Do you still need to say thank you between me?" Hearing this, Liu Xu'er smiled sweetly. With that beautiful face, it can be said that a smile can make a city, and another smile can make a country.

Hearing this, Long Feng didn't know what to say, and slowly raised his head to look at the distant mountain peaks at sunset.

And Liu Xu'er didn't say a word this time, and quietly accompanied Long Feng to watch this picturesque scene.

Three days passed in a flash, and when the morning light poured down from the sky, the Danqi City, which had not yet boiled over, became hot again.

Countless people couldn't help rushing to the huge square of the Pill Art City. Today, when the top ten of the Pill Art Conference surrendered the Fire Soul Sword, countless people were very curious. What does the magic soldier look like, and which strong man will get it in the end?
Therefore, in less than a while, the entire square was full of people's voices again, and dark figures filled the surroundings of the entire square.

When the radiance of the sun on the void finally gradually heated up, the space above the endless void fluctuated slightly.The four figures appeared under the eyes of countless expectations under the attention of everyone.

"Those who enter the Fire Realm, get ready!" Following Dan Chenzi's faint voice, figures emerged from the crowd above the sky. There were eighteen figures in total, including the Black Demon who was also wearing a black robe. Two black ink brothers.

Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo glanced at the eighteen figures, and finally they all set their eyes on the expressionless black brothers.

Facing the gazes of Dan Chenzi and the others, the Hei Mo brothers only moved their gazes slightly, but they didn't move too much. They knew that Dan Chenzi and the others still didn't dare to do anything with them in such a large crowd. Entering the Fire Realm, then everything is up to them.

Slowly withdrawing his gaze, Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo looked at each other, now that everything is ready, the result can only depend on Long Feng's luck.

Soon, Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo's palms swiped across the void, and the space was cut open like a cloth bag.

Seeing this scene, many people were amazed, tearing up the space with every gesture, such methods are indeed the unique methods of the strong in the life and death realm.

"Now, everyone follow us in!" Looking around the crowd below, Dan Chenzi's eyes flickered slightly. Obviously there are some old immortals among them.

Fortunately, they had expected this a long time ago, so they exiled the Fire Realm that sealed the Fire Soul Sword in the endless turbulent space, leaving only the two of them with a ray of divine sense attached to it, that is to say, only they Only two people know how to open the fire realm.

Looking at the eighteen figures and Dan Chenzi entering the chaotic turbulent space, many people looked a little ugly at the moment. It seemed that their previous calculations had not come to fruition.

As soon as everyone entered the chaotic space, they saw Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo making handprints with solemn expressions, and the majestic and terrifying spirit power continuously emerged.

At a certain moment, the space trembled suddenly, and an unusually terrifying scorching aura came towards everyone's perception, and then I saw the terrifying power of the law emerging from Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo at this moment, and when the palms were waved, the power of space At this moment, it was opened, and finally a fiery red space door was formed in front of everyone.

"Come in!" Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo opened the door of the Fire Realm, but they couldn't leave easily. This Fire Realm was created jointly by them. Every once in a while, they need to re-bless the sealed space power, and every time The first time the Fire Realm is opened is when they bless the space power seal. After all, the fire soul sword is a terrifying thing that can incinerate even space.

"I hope everything will go well for Boy Long!" Ouyang Huo shook his head slightly, looking at the figure of Long Feng who finally entered the Fire Realm and disappeared in front of them, and said worriedly.

"Hehe, this little guy doesn't seem like a short-lived person, and some things in this little guy's body are also extremely difficult." Hearing this, Dan Chenzi said with a smile, but there was a look of worry in his eyes , the horror of the Fire Soul Sword is definitely far beyond everyone's imagination, and if you are not careful, you may be doomed.

"Old man Liu Zongyuan is the Supreme Elder of the Alchemy Hall. Next, you will follow the old man into the Fire Realm. Remember not to get separated. This Fire Realm exists in the cracks of space, and the space is a bit unstable. Once you If you accidentally break into it, except for those who are above the life-death level, everyone else will definitely die."

The smiling Liu Zongyuan walked up to the front of the crowd while talking, and while speaking, his meaningful eyes still fell on the two brothers Hei Mo and Hei Mo from time to time.

And Long Feng, who was following Liu Zongyuan, did not dare to relax at the moment, and everyone flew in the void for a period of time, I don't know how long it has passed.Everyone found that their surroundings were filled with boundless flames at this moment, and the whole world was like a sea of ​​flames at this moment. The extremely hot temperature could even melt fine iron in an instant.

At this point, those who are not strong have already sacrificed their spiritual energy to protect their bodies. Of course, Long Feng won't feel the slightest heat when he wears the holy soldier-level snowflake robe that Ouyang Huo gave him.

(End of this chapter)

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