Peerless Killing God

Chapter 27 Those who offend my siblings will be punished even if they are far away!

Chapter 27 Those who offend my siblings will be punished even if they are far away!
However, the ten scouts sent by Hua Xin never came back. When Li Hao's [-] troops surrounded the Bone Fortress, Long Feng knew that the ten scouts were in danger.

Thinking of this, Long Feng's eyes suddenly darkened, thinking that his tens of thousands of subordinates went to Daliang country, and he didn't lose much under his strategizing, but now returned to the border of Feng country, ten of them were inexplicably killed.

"Long Feng, right? Even though this commander saw you for the first time, he already knew your name like thunder!" Among the three armies, Li Hao slowly stood up and his eyes fell on Long Feng who was in front of the crowd in the Bone Fortress. .

"It's a pity that you shouldn't offend me. The Bone Burial Fortress seems to be a suitable place for you to bury your bones. But before that, I want to give you a big gift! Come on, go to the front Go." With an interested smile on the corner of his mouth, Li Hao waved his hand, and ten blood-stained death guards were escorted to the front of the three armies.

"General, those ten brothers of mine." Seeing this scene, Hua Xin's eyes turned red immediately, and he rushed to the front and said to Long Feng.

"I know!" Hearing this, Long Feng was expressionless, but the cold gaze in his dark pupils made the air seem to freeze.

"Haha, I see how arrogant you are today! I will chop off the heads of your brothers one by one and feed them to the wolves. Of course you can't run away." The face was arrogant and proud, and even his eyes fell on the tower of the Bone Fortress from time to time.

"Haha! Have fun!" Li Jin grinned grimly and raised the machete in his hand to chop off the heads of the ten death guards one after another.

This scene fell into the eyes of the other death guards, and all of them immediately had ferocious faces and clenched their fists tightly. At this moment, they could clearly see the blue veins on the faces of each death guard.

"General!" There were no extra words, all the Death God Guards focused their eyes on Long Feng, and the furious roar resounded throughout the Bone Fortress.

"Although you are not real brothers, you should be better than real brothers. Brothers are like siblings, whoever offends my siblings will be punished no matter how far away!" The sound of piercing the air resounded, and the Fang Tianji of Long Feng's siblings was drawn across the air. At this moment, Long Feng The evil spirit on his body enveloped the entire Bone Fortress.

Although the deep voice was not loud, the hearts of Li Hao's [-] subordinates suddenly trembled. At this moment, their eyes fell on Long Feng as if they saw an ancient monster awakened from a rage.

After Long Feng's words fell, all the death guards tightly held the spears in their hands, and shouted in a roaring voice: "Brothers are like siblings, whoever offends my siblings will be punished even if they are far away!"

The sound pierced through the void and shook the heavens and the earth. At this moment, the aura of all the death guards outrageously overwhelmed the [-]-strong bloody army.

"Follow me to kill!" Today's Long Feng has shown his sharpness and no longer bears it. At the beginning, Li Hao's uncle and nephew made things difficult for him, but Long Feng had no choice but to endure it, but now Li Hao dared to make things difficult for him. I'm looking for death.

"Hmph! Where is Tutianba!" Li Hao said with a grim expression as he watched the ten thousand death guards pouring out of the Bone Fortress.

"Tu Tianba is here!" After Li Hao's words fell, a burly man with a height of three meters and a fleshy face came out from the crowd. At the peak of the early stage of the Earth Spirit Realm, he is the most powerful existence among the many commanders of the Bloodbathed Legion.

Naturally, the First Corps is also the most powerful one. Li Hao obviously wanted to use the First Corps to fight Long Feng's [-] Death God Guards to prove the strength of his Bloody Corps.

"Shut up and kill these rebels for this commander!" With a wave of his hand, the military order was issued, and Tu Tianba naturally took the order with a bang, and immediately led more than [-] people from his First Corps out of the tents of the three armies.

"Pfft!" When the first smear of blood was sprinkled all over the ground, the bloody fighting began. The ten thousand commanders stood up against each other, and Long Feng was in the center of the battlefield. It is far away from Tu Tianba.

Tutianba's head is like a black tiger, his face is like a grinding disc, he has a pair of big eyes like copper bells, his nose is flat and his ears are wide, his thick and wide mouth is open, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

His eyes fell on Long Feng's body, looking at Long Feng's young face with a calmness and calmness that did not match his age.Tu Tianba's seemingly rough face showed a dignified expression. He also knew a lot about Long Feng's rumors. You must know that Lu Hu, who was also the commander of the regiment, was killed by Long Feng. Therefore, he didn't underestimate Long Feng, who was only at the late stage of the Xuanling Realm.

"War!" With a loud shout, the golden light on Tu Tianba's body shone, and the thick golden element spirit power actually formed a thick golden armor on top of his originally pitch-black armor, and the spiritual power was condensed. An ability that can only be mastered by those in the spiritual realm.

And Tu Tianba, who was wearing a golden armor and swung his sword straight away, suddenly looked extremely burly. Naturally, Long Feng would not be at a disadvantage. When the spiritual energy in his body was activated, a golden spirit shield formed on the golden scales on his body.The Fang Tianhalber in his hand was flickering with spirit energy surging and flickering, making him look extremely sturdy.

"Chop!" There were no extra moves, and he used all his strength. The long knife in Tu Tianba's hand slashed down in the air. Before the knife reached, the five or six meter long knife was already slashing towards Longfeng.

"Sweeping thousands of troops!" Suddenly raised his head, Long Feng also unleashed all his strength, the Fang Tianhalber in his hand seemed to come alive, carrying an aura of sweeping thousands of troops like a rolling mat, directly piercing through the air of the sword and the figure that came from the sky The long knife in Tianba's hand slashed wildly together.

"Boom!" Like the sound of thunder cracking the void, Fang Tianji collided with the long knife, sparks scattered from the spiritual energy, and Long Feng and Tu Tianba retreated together.

Among them, Tu Tianba stepped back five or six steps before suddenly stopping his body. At this moment, Tu Tianba only felt that his internal organs were tumbling, and the palm holding the long knife trembled slightly. On the other hand, Long Feng stepped back ten steps. A trace of blood spilled out, but his palm still held Fang Tianji very forcefully.

This collision can be said to be evenly matched, Tutianba wins in the realm, while Long Feng wins in moves, plus the terrifying power of the three thousand catties of the Heavenly Halberd slashed down with ten thousand pounds, so Tutianba It also suffered a big dark loss.

At this moment, Li Hao was sitting on the head seat in the tent of the three armies, his eyes were deep and far away, his thoughts were changing, and from time to time he looked at the battlefield not far away with indifferent and hazy eyes.

"Qian Huan! Find me a chance to secretly get rid of this Long Feng!" When the First Corps on the battlefield was crushed one-on-one by the death guards and suffered heavy losses, Li Hao's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy. The battle has ended so far. It became clear that if he didn't make a second move, the entire First Corps might be wiped out.

"No!" Hearing this, Qian Huan, the commander of the Second Corps, slowly disappeared in place. Qian Huan was also at the early stage of the Earth Spirit Realm, but Qian Huan practiced a kind of phantom technique, which can hide his breath and With a stature, he can quietly take the head of an enemy general on a chaotic battlefield. Obviously, this is also the reason why Li Hao reused Qianhuan.

However, Li Hao underestimated Long Feng. You must know that Long Feng was the king of assassins in his previous life, and he had already reached the pinnacle of assassination methods. Broadsword - show ugliness.

When Qian Huan hid his breath and approached Long Feng, Long Feng had already noticed Qian Huan's existence immediately, so when he fought Tu Tianba, he mainly evaded with free and easy movements, without the first Times of reckless hard.

"Play with me!" The corner of his mouth slowly curled up into a playful smile, Long Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and Fang Tianji in his right hand performed the second form of the ancient halberd technique: "Invincible attack!"

The halberd method has its virtuality and reality, its advance and sharpness, its advance and retreat.Unmoving like a mountain, moving like a thunder!


Fang Tianji trembled suddenly, as if carrying the force of a thunderbolt, it once again collided fiercely with the long knife in Tu Tianba's hand, and suddenly a circle of energy rippled in the void of the collision.

At this moment, a sudden change suddenly appeared on Long Feng's back with a long sword shining with cold light, and this long sword actually carried a terrifying breath of spiritual energy. A one-hit kill with all its strength.

"Happy steps! One step at a time!" However, Long Feng had already made preparations. When the long sword appeared in vain, Long Feng urged the spiritual energy in his body to unleash the free steps, and the whole person teleported several steps to the right.

"Not good!" Qian Huan, who was about to enjoy the fruits of victory, changed his face and shouted loudly. Unfortunately, this instant change was enough to kill him. After Long Feng disappeared in an instant, his long sword did not stop but directly cut Tu Tianba, who hadn't recovered from the front, pierced his chest.

Just when Qian Huan pierced through Tu Tianba's chest and wanted to retreat, suddenly a cold light flashed past his neck, and the dragon-slaying dagger with the delicate dragon head inlaid on its handle was dripping blood in mid-air.

"Play assassination in front of me! I'm afraid you are still a little tender!" At this moment, the figure of Long Feng holding the dragon-slaying dagger in his left hand slowly appeared on Qian Huan's left side.

After fighting again and again, Long Feng traveled through different worlds to the present, and his physical fitness is already a bit better than when he was in Huaxia. Coupled with the dominance of his strong spiritual energy, he is enough to easily attack Kill Qian Huan who has not recovered.

"!" His mouth was opened, Qian Huan's pupils were wide open, and his face was full of horror until death. He never thought that someone would have such a quick reaction.

When Qian Huan's head fell to the ground and Tu Tianba's body fell to the ground, the entire battlefield fell silent. At this moment, the ten thousand death guards had already killed their opponents under their spears.

Every death guard's face was covered with blood, but they stood behind Long Feng expressionlessly, and they were all waiting for Long Feng's next order.

"Kill!" He raised his head, his cold and emotionless eyes fell on Li Hao, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, the dragon-slaying dagger on Long Feng's left hand disappeared into his sleeve, and with a wave of Fang Tianji with his right hand, a voice without any emotion resounded On the battlefield as quiet as water.

(End of this chapter)

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