Peerless Killing God

Chapter 29 You Can't Live!

Chapter 29 You Can't Live!

Just before everyone came back to their senses, louder footsteps roared, and the black torrent of 30 imperial guards instantly surrounded [-] blood guards in the center of the beheading platform.

"What a loyal minister! I didn't believe that you would rebel! Now it seems that I believe you by mistake!" Behind the army of 30 imperial guards, the king of wind in a royal robe sat on the king's car, his eyes were cold Looking at Dugu Aotian standing on the platform.

After Feng Wang finished speaking, all the onlookers stared at Dugu Aotian on the platform.Could it be that it is really as bad as Feng Wang said?
Just when there was only the sound of heavy breathing left around the entire Zhanjiangtai, a laughing sound suddenly sounded.

"It's ridiculous that Fengguo is on the verge of extinction, and you, the king, are still here to slander loyal ministers! How ridiculous!"

Obviously, the one who sneered was the indifferent Long Feng, his indifferent eyes fell on Feng Wang, only filled with endless ridicule and disdain.

"Presumptuous! Come on! Go take him down, and Gu will tear him apart." Hearing Long Feng's sneer, Feng Wang was furious, but what happened next made everyone terrified.

Because Feng Wang's order was issued, none of the imperial guards obeyed the order, and they still stood there motionless.

"Haha! It's a pity that you are still the lord of a country, and you don't even distinguish between loyal and traitorous? Now you should open your eyes and see the truth of reality."

With a loud laugh, Long Feng's face suddenly sank, his wolf-like cold eyes fell directly on the royal city behind Feng Wang and said coldly: "How long will we hide? Iron Blood God!"


"Iron Blood God?"

"how is this possible?"

When Long Feng's words fell, it could be said that one stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the entire beheading stage exploded.

"Hehe! Young people are indeed terrifying!" A calm laugh sounded, and the iron-blooded Marquis, dressed in crimson gold and wearing a blood jade around his waist, slowly appeared in front of everyone, and his admiring gaze It fell on Long Feng.

"The old man is quite curious. How do you know it's the old man?" With his slender hands resting on the city wall, the Marquis Iron Blood was a little puzzled. He had never met the young man in front of him. How did he know that all of this was conspired by him? ?
"It's very simple! If General Dugu wants to be the King of Wind! One sentence is enough! It's a pity that some people are self-righteous!" After Long Feng finished speaking lightly, his sarcasm eyes fell on the stern-faced King of Wind.

"That's right! This old man quite agrees with this point, but it's a pity that Dugu Aotian is only suitable to be a hero, not a tyrant." Nodding his head, Marquis Iron Blood didn't object to Long Feng.

"How is it possible? I don't believe it! You are all talking nonsense! It is obvious that the Iron and Blood God Marquis defeated Liang Guo's army. Otherwise, how could the other party withdraw?" At this moment, Feng Wang is on the verge of madness. If the result is as they said, then he He will become a stupid king who is reviled by the world.

"Ridiculous! You want the truth, right? Yuxuewei, please tell him loudly!" With a sneer, Long Feng turned his head and said to Yuxuewei who were holding their breaths.

"No!" Hearing this, a tidy roar sounded, and then all the blood bathing guards told the truth.

"Which battle! Liang's 200 million troops besieged Hulao Pass! Our 80 troops fought bloody battles! We fought from morning to night! At that time, more than half of the 80 troops at Hulao Pass were killed or injured. You came here with the order of the king to announce that we have rebelled!"

Speaking of this, all the blood bathing guards stared at Feng Wang, and the soaring resentment made the 30 imperial guards in front of Feng Wang tremble.

"In desperation, our Marshal could only let Li Hao lead the rest of the army to resist the Iron-Blooded Marquis in the rear, while the Marshal led our 30 blood-bathed guards out of the city to fight against Liang Guo's [-] imperial guards. And right here At that time, Li Hao actually let the Marquis of Iron and Blood into the city."

"On the city wall of Hulao Pass, our Feng Kingdom's million-strong army actually watched with cold eyes our Yuxuewei and 30 Liang's army fought. In the end, more than half of our Yuxuewei was killed and injured. At this time, Liang's army suddenly retreated. At the same time, Iron Blood Instead, the Million Wind Nation army led by Shenhou surrounded us, saying that we were rebels, and the marshal wanted to save our lives! Our marshal had no choice but to give up the crime of resisting and acknowledging that it was nonexistent."

When the [-] bathing blood guards narrated the truth, the audience was completely shocked and in an uproar. With a bang, countless anger rose into the sky. It turned out that the truth was so.

"As for why Liang Guo's army retreated, it was because our Commander Long Feng led his [-] death guards to attack the empty King's Capital of Liang. He led an army of [-] to destroy them. In the end, it was Liang Guo's army of one million that was approaching, which scared Li Hao back, don't you think this is ironic?"

Looking at the King of Wind and the Iron-Blooded Marquis on the city wall with cold eyes, the commanders of several undefeated legions continued to explain the reason behind it.

So far, all the truths have come to light. It turns out that Duguao Genius is the real loyal minister, and Iron Blood God Marquis is the traitor.It's a pity that it's too late now, because Wangcheng has been firmly controlled by the Marquis of the Iron Blood God.

"What they said is all the truth, but it's a pity that today I am destined to become king, and you are all defeated! But if brother Dugu is willing to be loyal to me, I will still say the same thing." At this time, the iron blood god still wanted to fight Dugu proud of the sky.

He knew that if he got Dugu Aotian, he would undoubtedly have an invincible and terrifying army.You must know that the three armies are easy to get and a general is hard to find, but Dugu Aotian is the kind of handsome talent who is easy to get a thousand generals but hard to find a handsome one.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Dugu Aotian's body on the Zhan Jiangtai. Suddenly, Feng Wang on the king's car trembled all over, and looked at Dugu Aotian with the last hope.

On the beheading platform, seeing Feng Wang's gaze, Dugu Aotian smiled desolately, this former sworn brother still puts hope on him now, if it was before, maybe he would turn the tide.

But if it is tonight, the blood of the 40 soldiers in Hulao cannot be shed in vain, and he will give them and their families an explanation.

"Bang!!" The body trembled suddenly, the iron chains all over his body were broken, and a terrifying breath emerged from Dugu Aotian's body.At this moment, he broke through from the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm.

After rest assured that he was persistent, he finally broke through to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but Dugu Aotian's resolute face did not show much joy, because his breakthrough was brought about by countless soldiers.

"Little guy, I'll leave the Yuxuewei to you. As for whether you can save Fengguo or not, it's up to you. I'm tired, and I want to walk around!" Nodding towards Longfeng, Dugu Aotian showed a A kind of ending, a sense of bleakness and desolation spread, making everyone feel the deep helplessness of Dugu Aotian.

After finishing speaking, Dugu Aotian glanced deeply at his subordinates, then stepped on the ground suddenly with his feet, the whole person soared into the air and flew over the void in an instant, and then Dugu Aotian's figure disappeared into the void in an instant .

"We send off the general!"


Suddenly, all the Blood Bathing Guards knelt down on one knee, and the deafening sound resounded through the void. Although there were tears on each of their faces, the corners of their mouths were always smiling.

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers and civilians in the Feng Country seemed to have lost something in their hearts, and the King of Feng stood still in place when he saw this scene.

At this time, Feng Wang remembered that Dugu Aotian was his only courtier, and he was also his only sworn brother.

Back then when he was still the fifth prince, he was captured by the enemy in a battlefield experience and battle. In the extreme despair, it was Dugu Aotian, covered in blood, who led thousands of people to rescue him through a bloody fight.

At that time, they had long been sworn brothers of the opposite sex, and even later when he ascended the throne, Dugu Aotian helped him all the way. At that time, when the eldest prince rebelled and hundreds of thousands of troops besieged the royal city, Dugu Aotian immediately led an army of [-] without sleep for two days. He rushed back to Wangcheng endlessly, and finally put down the rebellion after a day and night of fighting.

However, such a good brother who sacrificed his life for him was finally pushed to the stage of execution by him. At some point, he has become that cold-blooded and ruthless king of wind.

"Today, I, Fengxuan, and Dugu Aotian are here to sworn brothers of the opposite sex. We have the same blessings and enjoy the same hardships. We don't want to be born in the same year and the same month, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. If you violate the oath, heaven and earth will perish."

Recalling everything in the past when he swore with Dugu Aotian, Feng Wang's long black hair was all pale, but now it is too late for him to wake up, his best brother has already left him, and Feng Guo is also in danger.

"Heaven's evil is forgivable and self-inflicted can't live! Only when I saw the coffin did I know weeping! It's too late!" Looking at the much older Feng Wang, Long Feng didn't show any mercy. All of this was self-inflicted, no wonder other people.

Above the royal city, looking at Dugu Aotian who disappeared into the sky, the Marquis of Iron Blood frowned slightly. If Dugu Aotian hadn't broken through to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he could have killed the Yuxuewei, but now his hands are bound.

Although a strong person in the Heavenly Spirit Realm cannot participate in a war, if he secretly kills a commander or something, I am afraid no one will offend a strong person in the Heavenly Spirit Realm for a dead person.

At this moment, Long Feng didn't care what the Iron Blood God Marquis thought, he just waved his hand, and the [-] Blood Bathing Guards and the disabled veterans of the Blood Bathing Guards rushed towards the outside of Fengcheng. Prevent.

Actually, Marquis Tie Xue not only cared about Dugu Aotian, he had learned about Long Feng's identity as a child of the Long family from Liang Qi, the son of Prime Minister You, before that, so he didn't dare to take any action.

(End of this chapter)

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