Peerless Killing God

Chapter 290 The wedding day!

Chapter 290 The wedding day!

In the small world of the Liu family, a soft ray of sunlight fell from the sky and shone on the earth, giving off a hint of warmth.A ray of sunlight refracted on the majestic Liu family hall, making the hall even more majestic.

Outside the main hall, on the huge square, there were many figures surging, and the sound of piercing the void continued to resound, and then the strong men with extremely restrained breaths continued to fall from the void.

It was obvious that these strong men were people from all major forces who came to congratulate them, because three days later would be the big day for Liu Xuer, the eldest lady of the Liu family, and Yan Yang, the young lord of the Sun Palace.

On the square, a gorgeous red carpet was laid all the way from the outside of the square to the entrance of the main hall. Along the soft and gorgeous red carpet, one after another figure walked towards the Liu Family Palace, all smiling, as if they were with the Liu Family. The receptionist is very close.

And in front of the main hall of the Liu family, an imposing man was standing proudly, with a smile on his handsome face, continuously welcoming the guests who came to congratulate him.

Time passed slowly, and more and more guests came, making the members of the Liu family even busier, and the later the people who came, the more high-end they were.

"Haha, nephew Liu Tianxian, congratulations!" At this moment, a hearty voice rolled over, and above the void, a group of people flickered coming, and the leader was a majestic middle-aged man in a purple robe. The man, the middle-aged man with a warm smile on his face, is the head of the Gu family, one of the three major families in Pill Artifact City, Gu Yuan!

"Uncle Gu is here, and Liu Tian welcomes you!" Looking at Gu Yuan, Liu Tian's eyes flickered, but instead of going up to greet him, he smiled and clasped his hands.

And this scene fell in Gu Yuan's eyes, which made Gu Yuan curse inwardly. In his opinion, Liu's family is a typical wall, whoever is powerful can take refuge in whomever is powerful, but whoever makes the other party have a good daughter? Going to the Taiyang Palace's thigh, I am afraid that it may really become one of the top ten overlord forces in the future.

But no matter what, he is from the generation of Liu Jingtian, the Patriarch of the Liu Family, and Liu Tian's actions are undoubtedly deliberate and provocative.Thinking about it this way, how could Gu Yuan, who is old and mature, get angry? On the surface, he was still cheerful, shouting congratulations, but he was already extremely suffocated in his heart.

After Gu Yuan, the Lin family from Pill Artifact City also came, but compared to the Patriarch of the Gu family coming in person, the Lin family was much poorer, and just sent an enshrined person to perfunctory.

Regarding this, Liu Tian's expression became a little ugly, but Gu Yuan, who was watching this scene in the distance, sneered immediately, this soft knife barrel Liu Tian still had nowhere to vent his anger.

The Lin family is also one of the three major families in the Alchemy City, but they are the most loyal supporters of the Alchemy Hall. Compared to the ungrateful and hypocrite role of the Liu family, the Lin family is more like a loyal minister, while the Gu family is more like a duplicitous person.

In ordinary times, these performances are extremely perfect, and they are even more respectful to the Alchemy Hall. However, once they are in crisis, the nature of these people will be exposed. The so-called adversity sees the truth, this is not false .

Time passed by, and there were more and more people in the square, but no one seemed impatient. Instead, they all looked at the sky. Now that the sun is at noon, the powerhouse of the Sun Palace should be coming That's right.

"Whoosh!" At this moment, a whistling sound came from a distance. At this moment, countless people's eyes turned to the distance, and even many people's figures flickered, stepped into the void, and looked at the distant place.

Above the void in the distance, nine extremely gorgeous sacred beasts, the flamebirds exuding golden flames, actually pulled a magnificent sun to the sky.

The dragon and phoenix patterns sing together on Luanjia, and the jewels and precious jades are extremely gorgeous, and the brilliance shines on people's hearts.

In front of Luanjia, a fiery red bridegroom outfit, Yan Yang, was smiling all over his face. His long black hair was flying in the wind. His handsome appearance and noble temperament attracted countless people to nod secretly. He is worthy of being the leader of the younger generation. The temperament alone is many times stronger than their juniors.

"I'm here to greet the relatives. It seems that this marriage is real!" Looking at Yan Yang who was accompanying Luanjia, many people's eyes flickered. They will get married in three days and come to welcome the relatives today. It must be won, but speaking of it, it is true that even a man can't resist the body of Tianyin.

"Hey!" Liu family, one after another figure rose into the sky, the leader is naturally Liu Jingtian, the head of the Liu family, Liu Jingtian at this moment can be said to be radiant, and there is always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

As for the Sun Palace personally coming to greet the relatives, as the head of the Liu family, he would naturally come to greet him, and there is nothing wrong with that, after all, the Sun Palace is an existence of the overlord level that surpasses many forces in the entire Ten Directions.

"Father-in-law, you don't have to be so polite. Starting from today, Sun Palace and Liu's family are one family." Looking at Liu Jingtian, Yan Yang said with a smile on his face.

"That's that, and I invite my son-in-law to marry my little girl." Hearing this, Liu Jingtian said with a smile.

Many people curled their lips immediately when they heard the words. The marriage was not over yet, and the two parties called out father-in-law and son-in-law.

Hearing this, Yan Yang nodded with a smile, and then took the lead to drive the dragon horse holy beast under him down, while Liu Jingtian fell behind, looking at an old man in a golden sun-patterned robe.Then he said somewhat cautiously: "Excuse me, you are the Great Elder of the Sun Palace, Senior Yan Lie."

Hearing this, Yan Lie who chased and killed Long Feng back then said with a smile, "Patriarch Liu doesn't have to be too polite. From today onwards, the Liu family and Sun Palace will be one family. If there is any difficulty, You can come to the old man for help in the future."

Hearing this, Liu Jingtian nodded repeatedly, and immediately followed Yan Lie with an apologetic smile on his face, but his mind had already paid attention to other things. After all, Yan Lie is the Great Elder of the Sun Palace. If the terrifying existence in the middle stage of reincarnation can make Liu God worships him as a teacher, then...

Thinking of this, the smile on Liu Jingtian's face became more intense, and even the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became much smaller.

The incomparably gorgeous Luanjia flew across the void, and countless people in the square below looked up, all with envious expressions on their faces. From now on, the Liu family has skyrocketed, and his daughter will definitely become the wife of the Palace Mistress of the Sun Palace in the future.

If once he gave birth to an heir or something, wouldn't he become the grandpa of the lord of the Sun Palace? This would be many times better than being attached to the Pill Artifact Sect and staying in the Pill Artifact City as a family of alchemists.

"Congratulations... Congratulations! Mr. Yanyang is full of talent, he is one of the best among the younger generation, and Miss Liu is even more beautiful and generous. They are truly a match made in heaven."

"Yeah, I'm so envious!"

..., ...

Compliments sounded out one after another, and everyone in the Liu family felt very honored. At the moment, everyone was in a state of joy and bliss.

Naturally, marriages of martial arts powerhouses cannot be arranged casually. The more honorable the juniors get married, the longer the celebration will be. For the big wedding of Yan Yang and Liu Xu'er, they will first entertain guests at Liu's house for three days, and then formally welcome them to the Sun Palace.

After arriving at the Sun Palace, it was even more lively. It took about ten days to drink wedding wine there, so a marriage could last for half a month.

A gorgeous boudoir is full of red gauze, festive and gorgeous, with tassels hanging and pleated skirts.The maids were busy step by step, in various poses.

Hongshangxia wears the crown step by step, and the tin wreath wears Shanshan!At this moment, Liu Xu'er was wearing a rainbow dress, a Xiapei, and a phoenix crown. She had a noble and glamorous temperament, but there was a bit of icy coldness in her beauty.

Three thousand blue silks were tied up with a headband, and a strand of blue silk hung on her chest. The beautiful face was lightly applied with powder and daisy, which only added color.The looming red leaves on the cheeks add to the glamorous beauty, but the pair of beautiful eyes exuding a touch of indifference are like clear and clear ice and snow.

"Long... Feng!" The faint voice echoed in the entire empty room, and a faint sad smile appeared on the corner of Liu Xu'er's mouth, as if she was remembering something.

Beauties fall in love with each other until death!No one thought that Liu Xu'er's heart would go with the news of Long Feng's demise. Maybe the word love is really the most wonderful thing in the world.

In the space tunnel, Long Feng looked at the increasingly unstable space, and couldn't help but feel happy. The boring space journey that lasted for more than a month is finally coming to an end. I don't know how the Shifangyu is now, but the two teachers are still okay. .

Thinking like this, a beautiful image could not help but appear in Long Feng's heart. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh softly.In other words, his heart was also frozen forever with another one.


Shifangyu, a remote and unnamed area.The space actually shattered in vain, a pair of big hands tore the space alive, and then a figure flickered out from the crack in the space.

"Phew!" Feeling the thriving energy of heaven and earth and the soft sunlight, Long Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The Netherworld is finally not as good as the real and complete big world. After staying in that kind of place for a long time, people may become extremely depressed.

"I'm finally back. Do the math, four years have passed." For this wonderful journey, Long Feng will naturally remember it in his heart forever, and after counting the time, Long Feng came to this big world It's been almost eight years.

He has also come to the 25-year-old now in that instant. Although the years have not left much change on him, he himself has undergone tremendous changes.

Starting from the lowest level of the Huang rank warrior, he has climbed all the way, and now he has stepped into the immortal state that countless people desire to achieve, but this is just the beginning for Long Feng, and above him there is immortality and even immortality. With a higher level of martial arts cultivation, it can be said that the world of martial arts is far more exciting than that.

"Looks like we have to find out where this is and how to get to the Pill City." Looking at the vast and barren jungle area, Long Feng's feet were a little empty, and his figure appeared ten thousand feet away in a blink of an eye, and then a few blinks Then it disappeared directly into the vast sky.

(End of this chapter)

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