Peerless Killing God

Chapter 297 The Cursed Body!Curse to kill!

Chapter 297 The Cursed Body!Curse to kill!

"Death!" Looking at Long Feng, who was already close at hand, one of the Immortal Realm powerhouses in the Sun Palace roared, carrying terrifying power from the sky with his palm.

Just when the terrifying palms condensed by this Immortal Realm powerhouse were about to bombard Long Feng, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of the man's eyes, and a pair of slender palms clashed head-on with the opponent. Everyone retreated in unison.

With a sudden step on the sole of his foot, the sole of Long Feng's second soul stepped out of a deep hole on the ground, and then he stopped and stepped back.

After all, the second soul is the second soul, and it is far inferior to the deity in terms of strength and cultivation. In calculation, the second soul can only barely compete with the strong people in the early stages of the immortal state.

"Two Long Fengs?" Seeing that another Long Feng appeared again, the other two Immortal Realm powerhouses in the Sun Palace couldn't help but pause their feet, and slowly took a step back.

"Don't be afraid, he is pretending to be a ghost. This person's cultivation level is at most similar to one of the three of us." The sole of his foot stomped, and the strong man of the Sun Palace who also stopped walking immediately shouted.

"Really?" Hearing this, Long Feng smiled playfully, raised his palm, and the cursed scepter slowly floated in front of the Second Primordial Spirit, and then his deity took a few pills and immediately sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes .

The moment Long Feng himself closed his eyes to heal his wounds, Long Feng's second soul breath suddenly changed, from the previous emptiness to decisiveness at this moment.

Looking at the three of them, Long Feng sneered and said, "I'm right here, if you want my life, just come and take it!"

After Long Feng's words fell, Liu Jingtian, who had blood-red eyes and ferocious, roared in a low voice. From today onwards, the Liu family is over. Not only the marriage was messed up, but even their ancestral world was destroyed, all because of this Damn Long Feng!

"First Elder, Second Elder, follow me to kill this beast at all costs!" With blood-red eyes, Liu Jingtian shouted angrily, and the power of law rolled out of him.

In a blink of an eye, the six immortal realm powerhouses surrounded Long Feng's real body and the second soul, and the powerhouses who had survived the terrible battle before became particularly exciting at this moment.

"After this battle, the sky in the Ten Directions is about to change!" Everyone knew vaguely at this moment that after today, everyone in the Ten Directions would know Long Feng's name.

"It seems that everyone is already a little impatient!"

Looking at the six powerhouses surrounding him, Long Feng couldn't help but raise his brows, slowly raised his palm to hold the curse scepter, and then a strange curse power condensed and a curse law swept from his body at this moment out.

"Who is this person? Why can he even control the power of the curse!"

Feeling the strange gray energy constantly sweeping out of Long Feng, the expressions of the six people suddenly changed.The power of the curse is the strangest power in the world, even if they are in the immortal state, they dare not be contaminated too much, otherwise the consequences will be worse than death.


Looking at the six people indifferently, Long Feng gave a soft drink, and the curse scepter in his hand hummed continuously, and then the endless curse power pierced through and finally turned into a touch of gray light and fell into the brow of the second soul.

The curse scepter and Long Feng's second soul actually merged into one. The terrible and horrifying curse seemed to turn Long Feng's second soul into a cursed plague god. Just a look made people shudder , as if under an extremely vicious curse.

"Thousands of curses to kill, curse the sky, curse the earth, and finally curse myself to condense the curse body!" Long Feng naturally did not dare to combine with the power of the curse easily, the power of the curse is a kind of dreadful power. It is a strange power that no one dares to touch easily. Once it is cursed, there will be terrible consequences.

However, using the second soul to fuse the curse scepter to condense the curse body does not have so many scruples.

"Let's join forces to kill him!" A powerful member of the Sun Palace immediately roared, a strong killing intent emerged from Tou's body, and the power of law roared towards Longfeng.

"Death curse!" Hearing this, Long Feng glanced at the man coldly with his eyes that were filled with infinite curse power. In an instant, the man's body was ashes, and his eyes became lifeless in an instant.

"Curse to kill!" He shook his palm towards the man, and the terrible law of curse swept out from his body, and then entwined tightly around the Sun Palace powerhouse who was roaring towards him. The victim's face was ashen, his whole body was extinguished, and he fell from the void directly powerless, and was cursed to death directly.

"Dead! Today's first Immortal Realm powerhouse has fallen!" Seeing the Sun Palace Immortal Realm powerhouse who died in the fight without a single move, the hearts of countless people were twitching violently. for a moment.

Once upon a time, the high-ranking Immortal Realm powerhouse would be killed so easily. Are the Immortal Realm powerhouses weak?Not weak, just because Long Feng is too strong!

If someone pays close attention at this moment, they will find that there are terrible lines appearing in Long Feng's eyes, and the light of curse is shining on the lines, as if they want to curse and kill everything!

But the former's swift fall caused the remaining five people's bodies to tremble suddenly, and the figure that was rushing towards Long Feng actually stopped alive.

"Here we come, why rush away!" Looking at the few people who were about to retreat, Long Feng's cold and emotionless voice fell, and his eyes turned to another Sun Palace powerhouse, the cold words came from his Spit out from the mouth.

"Blood Curse!"

After the words fell, a terrifying bloody light flashed from the center of Long Feng's eyebrows with a buzzing sound, and then under the eyes of everyone, the bloody light could not be stopped no matter how the strong man in the Sun Palace tried to stop him. Then it fell directly into his body.

Seeing this, everyone fixed their eyes on the strong man in the Sun Palace, and all of them froze in shock. After a while, everyone's expressions immediately became terrified.

At this moment, the blood of the strong man in the Sun Palace gushed out from the seven orifices as if he didn't want money, and even the blood overflowed from the pores. In an instant, the strong man turned into a blood-colored skeleton powerlessly.

"Boom!" There was an ear-piercing broken sound, and a bloody light flashed from the pupil of the strong man, and then the bloody skeleton turned into blood mist, and died instantly!

Seeing that another Immortal Realm expert fell directly before making a move, the hearts of countless people trembled violently.

However, at this moment, the power of the curse on Long Feng's body became more and more terrifying, as if his whole body was about to be controlled by the curse, becoming a body of calamity and curse.

The body of the curse, first curse yourself, and then curse others!If Long Feng is not the second soul, not a real life body, he will have to experience the death curse and blood curse just now.

But even so, Long Feng was still a little uncomfortable. Continuously casting the strongest spells of thousands of killing spells would take a huge toll on him. If he kept fighting, he might be in real danger today.

But Long Feng cursed and killed two people continuously, and the scene immediately became quiet, even Liu Jingtian didn't do anything at this moment, because he didn't know if he could resist the terrible curse law to kill.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Just as the scene was at a stalemate, dozens of piercing sounds sounded in the distance. Under the perception of everyone, two terrifying and extremely angry auras were pressing down from the void, and there were more than a dozen auras among the dozens of people accompanying them. Weaker people.Everyone understood that the strong man from the Alchemy Hall had finally arrived.

"Withdraw!" Sweeping Long Feng's eyes with incomparable hatred, Yan Lie, who had lost his arm, said hoarsely.As soon as his voice fell, the powerhouses from the Sun Palace immediately gathered together. Yan Yang and the remaining Immortal Realm powerhouse tore apart the space with their palms, and then all the powerhouses filed in.

Yan Yang, who was the last to leave, suddenly cast his eyes on Long Feng, and murmured: "You and I will have a battle sooner or later, when my Heavenly Demon Physique is fully developed, you must be the one who dies next time!"

As the words fell, an extremely strange purple light flashed in Yan Yang's eyes, which belonged to the devil's light. It seemed that Yan Yang's death and resurrection had an ulterior secret, otherwise he would not have taken action in the previous battle , the reason is that he can't make a move now!
Long Feng, whose spiritual consciousness and second soul were combined into one, saw the strong man from the alchemy hall whizzing towards him, and two of the extremely familiar auras made Long Feng smile involuntarily.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the cursed scepter in Long Feng's eyebrows flickered out and landed on the arm of Long Feng himself, turning into the pattern of the cursed scepter.

As for Long Feng's second soul, at this moment, it turned into a golden light, entered Long Feng's eyebrows, and escaped into the golden human flower.

Anyone who looked into Long Feng's sea of ​​consciousness would find that the human flower that exuded a bright golden light before had become a bit dim now, as if it had been consumed too much.

After the powerful man from Pill Tool City arrived, everyone understood that this earth-shattering battle had come to an end, and the news that Long Feng and the Grand Elder of the Sun Palace would lose and lose in the battle would soon sweep across the entire ten directions like a gust of wind.

Perhaps starting tomorrow, the No. 1 of the younger generation is no longer Yan Yang, nor Xing Zhan, but this young man named Long Feng in front of them.

At this moment, although Liu Jingtian can't wait to kill Long Feng, he also understands that there is nothing he can do now. Perhaps from today onwards, the Liu family will no longer have the capital to take revenge, just because Long Feng's strength is too strong, so strong that the entire Liu family They didn't have the strength to kill it.

It was also from now on that Liu Jingtian began to regret it. If he had let Liu Tian and Long Feng be friendly in the past, then Liu Tian would not have fallen, and even if he thought about it, what would happen if Liu Xuer and Long Feng were combined?

It's a pity that there is no if!Back then, Long Feng was a negligible little ant in his eyes, but who could have imagined that in less than a few years, Long Feng would become a terrifying evildoer famous in all directions.

Fight reincarnation, cut immortality!
This kind of achievement has not been achieved by the younger generation of Shifangyu for thousands of years. You must know that Long Feng is still very young, not even thirty.

All this shows that in the future, Long Feng will break out of the sky of the Ten Directions, and even finally reach the pinnacle of martial arts, standing on the top of the Qiankun Continent and looking down upon the common people!
Thinking like this, Liu Jingtian seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.Sometimes people are like this, only when they lose can they understand what regret is, but it is a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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