Peerless Killing God

Chapter 300 The Infinity Realm Opens!

Chapter 300 The Infinity Realm Opens!
After the young man in gray finished speaking, the phantom image of Long Feng's divine sense finally dissipated. Under the eyes of everyone, on another table, Long Feng looked at the young man in gray, and said slowly: "Assassination sect...halfway red!"

"What? Half way red!" After Long Feng's words fell, there was a sound of exclamation, and everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Hearing this, the young man in gray didn't admit it or deny it, but slowly sat down and raised his hand to drink the glass of fine wine that he hadn't drunk before, and then said in an indifferent voice: "Long Feng, I'm looking forward to seeing you again." I will fight to the death with you in the Infinity Realm!"

After the words fell, the wine glass slowly fell on the table, the figure of the young man in gray gradually became unreal, and Long Feng's eyes narrowed slightly at this moment, nodded and murmured: "Half Daohong, he really is a formidable enemy!"

Afterwards, Long Feng's figure also turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot. As for the other people, they were completely dumbfounded at this moment. No one thought that the two people they were chatting with before were actually the famous people in their mouths.

One Long Feng, one Half Dao Hong, a subtle contest between the two of them made everyone feel chills, it was too scary, Half Dao Hong's stunning and sure-killing sword, Long Feng's spiritual thought half a second earlier Dodging and passing this decisive blow, the short-term contest between the two seemed ordinary, but in fact it was extremely thrilling.

They believed that if an ordinary Immortal Realm expert faced that amazing sword, he would surely die. As for how Long Feng would know this in advance, they could not guess.

Of course, like everyone else, Long Feng couldn't realize that Ban Dao Hong's target would be him, after all, the other party's disguise had reached its peak, but there was one thing that Ban Dao Hong couldn't disguise, and that was his eyes, no matter how he disguised, The eyes will always betray him.

The eyes are scattered but full of spirit, and the eyes are calm but sharp.Although this point is so subtle that ordinary people can't find it at all, but after all, they can't deceive Long Feng, who is also known as the king of killers.Because he also has this defect, even if it is extremely subtle, even so subtle that it can almost be ignored.

It is also this subtle point that makes both of them can only be called the king of killers, not the gods of killers. When their eyes are open as if they are closed, maybe they can be killers in the next step. .


When Long Feng also left and everyone was still in shock, three popping sounds suddenly sounded. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, a small hole like a pinhole appeared between the eyebrows of the three Immortal Realm experts from Sun Palace.

"Dead?" How? "Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts twitched fiercely. It was terrible. Three immortal realm experts were killed right under their noses, and none of them noticed it. Chilling, it was also at this moment that they finally witnessed the horror of Ban Daohong.

And this brief confrontation between Ban Daohong and Long Feng, and Ban Daohong's killing of the three Sun Palace powerhouses without any shame, made the whole Wuji City boil again.

After Long Feng and Ban Daohong, Wuji City is about to usher in its peak moment. The top ten forces have all arrived, and countless geniuses, evildoers and powerful people have gathered together. Everyone seems to see the rise of a prosperous world.

Rumor has it that there are legends in the world of martial arts, which goes from prosperity to decline, and from decline to prosperity.Reincarnation once every ten thousand years, when various shocking geniuses appear in a certain region, this not only represents a region, but represents the entire Qiankun Continent, the entire world of martial arts.

In this prosperous age, the entire continent will have countless amazing geniuses rising up like comets into the world, and a hundred flowers will compete for beauty. Those who can stand out from among them will stand at the peak of the Qiankun Continent in the future, and their legends will be passed on forever.

Of course, the beginning of such a prosperous age will always be accompanied by rivers of blood and countless dead bones and dead souls. When the Infinity Realm opens, killing will also be staged.

In the private courtyard of the Pill Artifact Hall, a burly and domineering figure expressed its joy with a thick laugh.

"Haha, brother, brother said at the beginning that you will be extremely extraordinary in the future. Unexpectedly, in just a few years, you will surpass my brother." A loud laugh sounded, and the visitor and Long Feng had a big bear hug .

"Brother, I'm really ashamed of saying this. With your current strength, I'm afraid even the strongest in the reincarnation realm may not necessarily be your opponent." Looking at Xing Zhan, Long Feng showed a happy smile.

He can clearly feel how terrifying and surging the power in Xing Zhan's body is now. The opponent probably doesn't need martial arts, and this power alone is enough to make the strong in the late stage of Immortal Realm drink a pot.

"Haha, brother, of course you can't be weak, right? But I still have to thank my brother for the Overlord Sword, otherwise I can break through to the immortal realm so quickly!" He stretched out his big hand and patted Long Feng's shoulder. Zhan laughed.

The God of War Palace is known as the descendant of the God of War, and Xing Zhan has the blood of the God of War. After breaking through the Immortal Realm, he will undergo earth-shaking changes. Now his strength is just like what Long Feng said. Compete and even defeat the opponent.

"Thank you for your generous help back then!" Hearing this, Long Feng looked at Xing Zhan with grateful eyes and said.

Long Feng knew in his heart that if the God of War Palace hadn't intervened in the Sun Palace back then, after he came out of the fire domain, he would not have just faced a few half-step life and death experts from the Sun Palace leading thousands of holy spirits to hunt him down.

"What are you talking about, we are brothers. By the way, go drink, this time you must not get drunk. But speaking of it, brother, you are really capable, and you still got your siblings." Seeing Long Feng's gratitude eyes, Xing Zhan grinned boldly at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go, my brother will get drunk with my brother today. By the way, if there is a chance in the future, I would like to introduce someone to my brother." Suddenly, for some reason, the figure of the Dragon Emperor came to mind, and the corner of Long Feng's mouth could not help showing a twitch With a playful smile, he believes that if these two people meet in the future, they will definitely fight first without saying a word.

In ten days or so, the Wuji Realm is about to open, and the strong men in the Wuji City live in peace with each other. They also know that the current battlefield is not in the Wuji City, but in the Wuji Realm.

For more than ten days, Long Feng understood some of the rules of Shifang Wendao. After entering the Infinity Realm, life and death were up to him, but in the Infinity Realm, there were great opportunities and crises everywhere.

It is said that the Wuji Realm was created by Emperor Wuji, and it is a real world. Naturally, there are things that countless people are jealous of. Precious ore and elixir can be seen everywhere, and some holy soldiers and heaven-level martial arts are even hidden in a corner of the Wuji Realm. Let people go to find out.

Every time from the opening to the end of the Infinity Realm, many people will get good things in the end, but the treasures in the Infinity Realm seem to be completely endless, as if they will never be exhausted.

This is not the case with the most important things in Wuji Realm. The most important things are something called esoteric shards and law shards.

Profound Truth fragments are good things that the Immortal Realm powerhouses have accumulated over time after comprehending the Profound Truth power. It can allow some Holy Spirit Realm powerhouses to absorb and perceive the origin of a kind of power Profound Truth, and thus comprehend the power of the law to increase their chances of breaking through the Immortal Realm.

It's just that this kind of esoteric shards is extremely rare. Ordinary Immortal Realm powerhouses can't even condense one piece in a hundred years. As for the higher-level law shards, you don't need to think about it to understand that it is a rarer treasure than the esoteric shards.

If a strong person in the Immortal Realm and the Reincarnation Realm can absorb many fragments of laws of the same origin, then his cultivation base will increase quickly and even break through the current realm.

In addition to the esoteric truth and law fragments, there are also dao fragments in legends in Wuji Realm, but the number of people who have obtained them for thousands of years is so small that there are only a handful of them.

And the Dao Fragment is the true treasure of the entire Infinity Realm, because it can make the absorber feel the most quintessential power of the Dao, even some immortal powerhouses will be jealous instantly when they see such a good thing.

However, Long Feng had also supplemented his knowledge of the Infinity Realm in the past few days, when he knew that there were fragments of laws in the Infinity Realm that could increase his cultivation.At that moment, his pupils also lighted up slightly. After breaking through to the Immortal Realm, he really felt the difficulty of improving his cultivation in this realm.

Now he also understands why some people can't break through the reincarnation after staying in the realm of immortality for thousands of years. The speed of this cultivation improvement is hundreds of times slower than that of a snail.

"It seems that I must get some law fragments to enter the Wuji Realm, otherwise I will have to stay in this realm for at least a few hundred years."

With a wry smile, Long Feng made up his mind. After entering the Promise Realm, he must get the law fragments. Now he really needs to improve his cultivation.

After all, the Blood Sword, one of the Nine Great Divine Soldiers, is still sealed in the Nine Nether Demon Realm. It is undoubtedly a dream to get the Blood Sword with his current cultivation base. The means may be forced once.

When everyone was gearing up and waiting for the opening of the Infinity Realm, time finally passed slowly, under the anticipation of countless people.

At a certain moment, the clouds and mist around the entire Wuji City evaporated from the ground.At this moment, the energies of the heaven and earth in the entire Central Territory surged towards the sky above Wuji City as if being pulled by something.

Under the eyes of countless people, the energy of the heaven and earth above Wuji City was so intense that it even formed a vast ocean formed by the condensed energy liquid.

"Is this the Emperor's method?" Feeling that he could no longer absorb any power from the heavens and the earth, even the power of the law could not use half of it, many strong men murmured in shock.

"As expected of the legendary Great Emperor powerhouse, only such an existence can do this terrible method of instantly draining the entire Central Territory!" Looking at the vast ocean of energy condensed in the void, many reincarnation realm powerhouses They are all secretly sighing and yearning.

"Is the Infinity Realm finally going to open?" Looking at the vast ocean of energy in the void roaring and condensing a series of profound and incomparable avenue lines, Long Feng, who had already been gearing up for a while, raised his head and said slowly.And like him, countless people are waiting for the moment when the Infinity Realm opens to pour into the Infinity Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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