Peerless Killing God

Chapter 32 Breakthrough!

Chapter 32 Breakthrough!

As time passed, the outer reaches of the Yunwu Mountain Range had already been stained with blood, and the wailing sounds of countless monsters continued to resound through the void.

While the blood bathing guards were fighting frantically, Long Feng fell into a state of selflessness. He closed his eyes tightly, his figure flashed rapidly in the dense forest, and the two dragon-slaying daggers in his hands seemed to turn into afterimages.

At present, Long Feng, who has fallen into the state of selflessness, can clearly feel that he has reached the critical point of breakthrough, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the earth spirit state.

But even this one step away, he couldn't make it. Long Feng knew that he still lacked a life-and-death challenge before he could break through.

The tall and straight body slowly stood still, Long Feng's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and a smile slowly appeared on that knife-like face.

At this time, Long Feng had already approached the central area of ​​the Yunwu Mountain Range due to his rapid attack all the way, and in front of him was a pile of rocks full of rocks.

And the reason why Long Feng stopped was precisely because a huge monster appeared in front of him. The whole body of this huge monster was covered with thick tile-like dark brown scales, from the center of the back to the sides. Arranged in a column shape, the back scales are diamond-shaped, as wide as a palm, the ventral side, forelimbs, etc., are shield-shaped, with a keel protrusion in the center, and the tail scales are folded.

It is obvious that this monster with a hideous face is not a kind person. The blood-red eyes of the beast are staring at Long Feng, an uninvited visitor, and the huge mouth full of fangs growled even more. With a strong beast roar.

"Finally I have met an opponent who can do my best." Sensing the terrifying aura of an unknown monster comparable to the middle stage of the Earth Spirit Realm, Long Feng showed no trace of fear, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

If someone with knowledge is here at this time, I'm afraid they will scream in horror: "Third-level monsters, dragon-armoured beasts!"

Naturally, Long Feng didn't know the horror of this dragon armored beast. You must know that the dragon armored beast has the title of the strongest defense among the third-order monsters. At the beginning, in order to kill a dragon armored beast, a force sent several experts in the spirit realm to exhaust them. The method was bombarded for a whole day, but the armor of the dragon armored beast was not broken. In the end, those strong men in the earth spirit realm had no choice but to give up killing the dragon armored beast.

If it is true, it is because they are not afraid of dragon armored beasts because of their large number of people. If it is just a strong man in the earth spirit realm, it will be much more dangerous. Dragon armored beasts not only have abnormal defenses, but also mountain gravel of terror.


Suddenly, Long Feng stretched out his right hand, and Fang Tianji, which was three meters long and weighed three thousand catties, appeared out of thin air. Because of its terrifying power, the energy brought by Fang Tianji's appearance actually rolled up the dead leaves around it.

With the appearance of Fang Tianji, Long Feng's originally restrained aura suddenly became violent, the cyclone in the dantian in his body circulated crazily, and the thick spiritual energy swept out from Long Feng's body.

"Roar!!" He sensed the dangerous aura emanating from Long Feng.The Dragon Armored Beast raised its head and roared, its limbs bounced off the ground, its huge body jumped up suddenly, and with its protruding back scales, it fiercely slammed into the opposite Longfeng!

Raising his eyelids, Long Feng's halberd buzzed, he raised his foot lightly, and then stepped on it suddenly, his figure suddenly changed from extremely still to extremely dynamic, and his whole body leaped into the air like a roc spreading its wings.

"Boom!" Fang Tianji slashed across the void, and the space seemed to be torn apart. In the end, Fang Tianhalber, carrying terrifying power, collided fiercely with the Dragon Armored Beast in midair.


There was a deafening sound as if gold and daggers collided together, and the huge bodies of Long Feng and the Dragon Armored Beast flew backwards from the void.

"Boom!!" The spiritual energy in his body suddenly circulated, and Long Feng stepped on the ground for more than ten steps before he stabilized his body with the help of a big tree.

At this moment, if someone looked closely, they would probably be shocked. They saw that although there were only faint footprints on the ground that Long Feng stepped on before, the ground around the footprints was cracked, and the cracks extended to an unknown distance.

"This is the real steel and iron!" Sensing the numb right arm that was almost unconscious, the smile on Long Feng's face slowly subsided, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

But at this time, the Dragon Armored Beast that had smashed a huge deep pit on the ground just shook its head and got up from the deep pit to glare at Long Feng, only to see that Long Feng's blow with Fang Tianji only hit its iron back. Except for the faint white marks left on the body, there was not even a trace of injury.

"Crack!" At the same time that the man and the beast looked at each other, the big tree behind Long Feng split into pieces.

"It's interesting! It seems to be serious." Fang Tianji slowly lifted up, and the spiritual energy in Long Feng's body surged again, this time Long Feng never held back.

"Sweeping thousands of troops!" shouted angrily, the Fang Tianji in Long Feng's hand seemed to come alive, the three-meter-long Fang Tianji was covered by spiritual energy, and there seemed to be countless shadows of the halberds, buzzing continuously.

This time, Long Feng didn't wait for the armored dragon to attack first, he took the lead in using the first form of the ancient halberd technique, and then turned his man and the halberd into a cold light and swept towards the armored dragon.

"Roar!" Seeing that Long Feng was the first to attack, the Dragon Armored Beast roared angrily, but stayed where it was.And just when Longfeng's Fang Tianhalberd was about to sweep across the armor-piercing beast, the huge body of the dragon armored beast suddenly turned around and threw out that huge tail like a steel blade.

"Hmph!" Seeing that the armored dragon beast responded to all changes without change, Long Feng snorted coldly, but Fang Tianji in his hand did not lose his momentum and confronted the armored dragon beast head-on.


The loud and ear-piercing golden sound sounded again, and Long Feng flew upside down like a cannonball with his halberd. Long Feng who flew upside down didn't know how many big trees he had smashed, but he felt a surge of blood in his body , the viscera and six internal organs actually feel a little misplaced.

This time, the huge body of the Dragon Armored Beast also spun and flew upside down, smashing countless huge stones before stopping.


With a mouthful of blood spurting out, Long Feng felt that his spine was about to break, and similarly, the head of the dragon armored beast that was smashed into the air was a little bit covered.

When the man and the beast stand up again, they all know that the other is a hard bone that is not easy to chew.

"Roar!" The blood-red eyes of the beast stared at Long Feng, and the Dragon Armored Beast, who was obviously completely enraged, roared. Its already huge body slowly began to swell, its limbs began to grow longer, and the black scales on its body began to swell. A layer of light slowly flowed from the armor, the claws scratched the ground, and two sharp claws with a faint cold light slowly emerged from the toes.

"It seems that I plan to attack with all my strength!" Looking at the appearance of the dragon armored beast, Long Feng no longer intends to confront the dragon armored beast head-on this time.

After a while, as expected by Long Feng, the Dragon Armored Beast let out a roar, like a big black mountain, it rushed towards him ferociously.

"Happy pace!" This time, Long Feng's figure flickered quickly, and he avoided the fatal blow of the dragon armored beast in an instant. Instead, the moment the dragon armored beast did not react, the Fang Tianhalberd in his hand hit the dragon again. On the body of the armored beast.

It's a pity that all the way, there was no wound except for a white mark on the Dragon Armored Beast's body.

Repeated this several times, Long Feng finally stopped doing useless work, staring at the dragon armor beast that kept roaring and furious, Long Feng also shook his head secretly, this dragon armor beast is like a tortoise shell.

"By the way, tortoise shell." Suddenly, Long Feng's eyes lit up, as if he had caught something.

"I understand!" In an instant, Long Feng's spiritual energy surged again, and Fang Tianji in his hand seemed to vibrate irregularly.

I saw Long Feng closed his eyes again and waved the Fang Tianji in his hand slightly. The body of the halberd was erratic, seemingly fast and slow, indifferent, and an indescribable sense of rhythm instantly filled Fang Tianji's surroundings.

At this moment, Long Feng actually reached a state in the world of martial arts in his previous life, that is, lifting weights like light.

Lifting weights lightly is a state, which cannot be learned, only comprehended. It is obvious that the talented and intelligent Long Feng seemed to have an epiphany just now.

If the weight is lifted lightly, it seems that the force is not very strong, but the force is already very strong.

At this moment, Long Feng gathers all the power in his body at one point, sends this terrifying power gathered at one point into the body of the dragon armored beast through rhythm, and finally explodes in the opponent's body. In this way, the internal organs of the dragon armored beast will Fried shattered.

After comprehending the principle of lifting weights as lightly as possible, Long Feng felt that the originally heavy Fang Tianji seemed to be nothing now, but if the power on Fang Tianji burst out, it would be extremely terrifying.

When Long Feng swung Fang Tianji again after realizing that lifting weights was as easy as light, the spiritual energy around him suddenly surged, and countless spiritual energy visible to the naked eye seemed to be drawn into the dragon crazily. Feng's body.

With the crazily pouring of spiritual energy, the cyclone in Long Feng's body began to spin more and more crazily. Originally, the spiritual energy after the high pressure of the cyclone would condense into a liquid, but this time the liquid formed by the spiritual energy was a bit weird and harmonious. The cyclones are entangled together.

"Death!" With his eyes closed, Long Feng spat out the word death, and the surroundings of Fang Tianji in his hand twisted strangely.

Then, Fang Tianji seemed to penetrate the space and reach the Dragon Armored Beast. This time, the Dragon Armored Beast didn't seem to have suffered any damage as before.

However, after a few seconds, bright red blood overflowed from the scales of the Dragon Armored Beast's huge body. It was obvious that the Dragon Armored Beast had been killed unconsciously.

"Huh! Have you finally broken through!" When Long Feng opened his eyes again, Long Feng knew that he had broken through to the early stage of the Earth Spirit Realm.

It's just that when Long Feng looked inside his dantian with his spiritual sense, Long Feng's body couldn't help shaking suddenly. The cyclone and the liquid spirit energy in his dantian disappeared, replaced by a golden elixir emitting a faint light .

And this golden elixir was quietly suspended on Longfeng's dantian, and the devouring power like a cyclone came from the golden elixir, which was devouring the invisible spiritual energy outside Longfeng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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