Peerless Killing God

Chapter 35 This is just the beginning!

Chapter 35 This is just the beginning!
The black robe swayed with the wind, and Long Feng's figure outside the City Lord's Mansion gradually turned into an afterimage. However, when Long Feng quietly sneaked into the City Lord, Long Feng's expression suddenly became gloomy.

At this time, although the night was dark, Long Feng's dark eyes were shining with strange light. He was standing on a rockery in a garden, and there were bound women everywhere in the garden.

Each of these women's faces were pale, their eyes were dull and lifeless, as if they had already despaired of their future, and there was even a sense of death in each of their eyes.

"Hey, the general is going to favor you again tonight. I don't know who is so lucky." Just as Long Feng's figure slowly merged with the night, a lieutenant in armor had a look on his face. With a lewd smile, he led a dozen Chu soldiers out of the inner courtyard of the city lord's mansion.

"Forget it, it's still the old rule, whoever you click on is whoever you are." After finishing speaking, the deputy general licked his tongue, closed his eyes, stretched out his right hand and pointed in a random direction.

The women who were pointed in the direction suddenly changed their expressions, and the despair on their pale faces became more and more intense.

"Hey, there are more than ten, but the general only needs six, brothers, what do you think?" The deputy general laughed when he saw so many women in the direction he pointed.

"Hey, my lord, if you don't follow the old rules, you can choose three from the inside, and give the rest a few points." Hearing this, a Chu soldier next to the lieutenant suddenly said with a flattering smile.

"Haha, that's great." Laughing loudly, the lieutenant licked his tongue and couldn't help but glance at the dozen or so women.

"These three stay, these six take away, and the rest of the brothers are divided." With a finger pointing, the deputy general decided the tragic fate of these women, and it was obvious that this was not the first time for them.

Behind the rockery, the smile on the corner of Long Feng's mouth became more and more indifferent, and then he said in a cold voice: "It really is a good idea, I wonder if there is a share in it?"

After finishing speaking, Long Feng's figure slowly appeared in front of the deputy general and a dozen soldiers.

"Who is your Excellency?" Seeing Long Feng who suddenly appeared, the deputy general's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help pressing his fingers on the saber at his waist, but the next moment the deputy general was scared out of his wits.

Because at this moment of breathing, Long Feng appeared ghostly in front of the lieutenant general, with an extremely sharp dagger resting on his neck.

"Your Excellency, what do you want to do? I am a general of the Chu State. If you kill me, you will definitely die." At this time, the deputy general was already pale and sweaty, but the desire for life made this The deputy general forgot his fear and threatened loudly.

"Is that so? Well, then I won't kill you." Hearing this, Long Feng raised his eyebrows, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and actually put down the dragon-slaying dagger in his hand.

Before the lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief, the lieutenant only felt a sharp pain in his arms, and then he heard the lieutenant's horrific screams.

At this time, the deputy general's arms had already been cut off by Long Feng, but no matter how the deputy general yelled, the ten Chu soldiers behind him did not respond at all.

"Plop!" With the sound of corpses falling to the ground, the ten Chu soldiers had all had their throats cut.

Obviously, the moment Long Feng disappeared from the rockery just now, these soldiers were all killed silently.

"Kill you, dirty my hands! But, who will the heavens spare?" After finishing speaking, Long Feng swung the dragon-slaying dagger in his hand, countless sword lights flashed past, and the ropes that bound the women were all cut off.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!" Under the eyes of countless women eating people, the deputy general screamed again, but it didn't take long for the deputy general to stop screaming, because his body had been crushed. The extremely angry women chopped them into meat sauce.

"Boom!" Numerous orderly footsteps sounded from the inner courtyard, and a well-trained soldier heard the scream of the lieutenant general and was rushing quickly.

Soon, a [-]-man brigade surrounded the entire garden. Naturally, these soldiers were Li Hu's personal guards left behind to protect his own safety. As for the other [-] soldiers, they were stationed in the barracks.

Looking at the more than a thousand elite soldiers surrounding him, Long Feng didn't even frown. If he hadn't broken through to the Earth Spirit Realm, he might still be afraid of sea battles, but after condensing the golden core, he no longer fears sea battles.

If there is no extra words, Long Feng will naturally not be merciful to these people who are helping and abusing others. The Fang Tianhalber appeared in his hand instead of the Dragon Slaying Dagger, and he swept away thousands of troops with one move and released it directly towards the crowd.

"Whoosh!" Even Fang Tianji turned into a flash of lightning, and then the terrifying spiritual energy rolled out of Long Feng's body, and Fang Tianhalberd in his hand turned into a huge spiritual blade.

"Kill!" Similarly, this thousand-man brigade had nothing to say. The commander-in-chief shouted, and the spears in the hands of a hundred-man brigade stabbed at Long Feng, which turned into a bolt of lightning.


At the moment when countless spears stabbed out, the Fang Tianhalberd in Long Feng's hand also swept out with terrifying power, and the spears broke into countless pieces one by one. Like a bolt of lightning, it swept past everyone's eyes.

In an instant, countless flesh and blood human heads and stumps flew up from where Fang Tianji swept. The power of the halberd was terrifying. Follow-up action, because they all turned into a pile of broken corpses.

At the moment when all the Chu soldiers lost their senses, Long Feng, who had killed hundreds of people with no expression on his face, had once again turned into an afterimage and charged into the crowd.

"Chi!!" Falling into the crowd, the Fang Tianhalberd in Long Feng's hand thrust out in vain, and a dozen halberd points appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, more than a dozen soldiers fell to the ground one after another.Looking at the dense and unavoidable team, Long Feng had a cold look on his face, and Fang Tianji spun violently in his hand, and then turned his palm violently, Fang Tianji twirled and flew out.

Fang Tianji, who fell into the crowd, immediately became a meat grinder.One side of Fang Tianji turned into a meat grinder, and the other half of Longfeng turned into a veritable god of death. Every time the dagger in his hand was swung, a cold light flashed through the void, and a Chu soldier fell to the ground.

Blood spurted wildly, and countless Chu soldiers were killed by Long Feng and fell to the ground. When Long Feng swung Fang Tianji again, Chu's thousand-man brigade died geometrically. Every time Long Feng swept Fang Tianji, there were two More than a few Chu soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

"It's over!" The commander-in-chief of this thousand-strong brigade was terrified, and his whole body trembled and lost his voice, because Long Feng had killed all his thousand soldiers.

"Death!" When Long Feng's icy voice came out of his mouth, the commander also fell to the ground and died.

In just one stick of incense, under the trembling bodies and gazes of the rescued women, an elite brigade of Chu State was all buried in the hands of Long Feng.

Looking at the corpses on the ground blankly, the golden core in Long Feng's body began to function, and the originally exhausted spirit energy in his body quickly recovered again.

"You wait here! You can leave after I finish killing people." The blood on his body was blown away with a sudden shock of Lingyuan force, and Long Feng disappeared in place with Fang Tianhalberd in his hand.

At this moment, Li Hu was still drinking heavily in the main mansion of the city lord's mansion, his scorching eyes kept scanning back and forth on the dancing girls.

Li Hu is a regiment commander of the First Army Corps of the State of Chu, but he is cruel and lustful to the extreme, but he is fierce and deadly when fighting, so the military always turns a blind eye to Li Hu One-eyed indulgence.

Obviously, generals like this in Chu are absolutely indispensable, and it is obviously the biggest mistake of Chu to let a general who is fighting on the battlefield take over an enemy's city.

And Li Hu was unscrupulous after taking over Fengcheng. He never treated Fengren as human beings. This can be seen from the fact that he killed thousands of people in just a few days after he came to Fengcheng. up.

It's just that Li Hu never imagined that today he finally ushered in a death-killing god.

"Report! General, it's not good, there are assassins coming here! Brothers have already been killed and injured." Suddenly, a terrified voice sounded, and a blood-stained Chu soldier rushed in and rolled The crawler came to Li Hu and shouted in horror.

"How many people are there?" Hearing this, Li Hu, the commander of the regiment, did not change his expression.It's just that his complexion became a little gloomy, and his deep eyes gradually turned cold.

"Just one person!" The Chu soldier didn't raise his head and was trembling all over, as if he was still afraid of something.

"What? Just one person? Could it be that Xiao Jun is a good-for-nothing and can't be solved by one person?" Hearing this, Li Hu immediately got up and said angrily. It was obvious that the Xiao Jun he was talking about was the commander Long Feng had killed before.

"Xiao Jun is dead, of course I don't mind giving you a ride too!" The extremely cold voice suddenly rang in Li Hu's ear, and under Li Hu's horrified eyes, the soldier who reported the news At this time, he actually looked at him face to face with the eyes of a dead person.

Needless to say, Li Hu didn't have time to react to the sudden change. He saw Long Feng's right hand stretch out the dragon-slaying dagger and directly plunged into Li Hu's heart from his right sleeve, and then retracted into the sleeve in an instant, not even a trace of blood flowed out.

And all of this happened in less than a second, it was obvious that Long Feng was pretending to be the Chu soldier.

When Long Feng took off the disguise, a young man with a stern face appeared in Li Hu's eyes, whose pupils gradually faded. look at yourself.

"It's not a pity for you to die! Letting you die like this is too cheap for you, but your ten thousand brothers are waiting for you underground." As Li Hu's still burly body fell to the ground, the corner of Long Feng's mouth twitched. With a ruthless and cold smile, Long Feng's figure gradually turned into an afterimage and dissipated amidst the screams of countless dancing girls.

At the same time, in the barracks where Li Hu's corps was located, countless sharp daggers appeared from nowhere and harvested sleeping Chu soldiers one by one. Nine thousand Chu soldiers killed each other in less than a moment. Within a few minutes, all of them were silently assassinated to death.

And after all the Chu soldiers in the barracks were killed, the death guard actually rescued more than thousands of devastated women.

"Bah! You are said to be soldiers, and you have tarnished the noble profession of soldiers, and you are almost like animals." Spit on the face of a long-dead commander of the Chu State, Pang Xiong's face was ferocious. These people are really dead. It's a pity, no wonder the adults want to issue a kill order.

On the gate of Fengcheng, Long Feng looked at Fengcheng, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and then he muttered something, Long Feng turned into a black night and disappeared into the void.

"This is just the beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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