Peerless Killing God

Chapter 38 Fierce battle in the void!

Chapter 38 Fierce battle in the void!
In the void, Long Feng's Xiaoyao pace continued to display, and he had already arrived at the gate of Fengcheng City while moving around.

"Your Excellency, we have been waiting for a long time." Long Feng suddenly stood up in the void, and in front of him were more than [-] strong people in the earth spirit realm suspended above the void.

And below these Earth Spirit Realm powerhouses are countless archers and more than thousands of Mysterious Spirit Realm powerhouses.

"What a great handwriting!" Eyes narrowed slightly, Long Feng said slowly without changing his expression.

"That's natural. In order to deal with Your Excellency, the Marquis of God dispatched fifty regiment commanders and thousands of commanders." The square face gave this person a sense of self-prestige.

And this person is Tie Kuangzhan, the head of the Jagged Legion, who is also the number one general of the Chu State, and has a supreme reputation in the Chu State.

As for the Marquis of the Iron Blood God, it is another matter. The Marquis of the Iron Blood God, formerly known as Chu Jun, is the eldest prince of the Chu Kingdom. In order to strengthen the Chu Kingdom, he sneaked into the Feng Kingdom ten years ago. Annexed Feng Guo and Liang Guo in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that Long Feng's sudden birth disrupted many plans of the Iron Blood God Marquis, and now it has almost ruined his ten-year plan.

As for the Marquis of Iron and Blood, he had already left Feng Country overnight after he decided on this plan to kill Long Feng. Because the [-] Blood Bathing Guards continued to assassinate in Chu Country, some people with a heart took advantage of this opportunity to move their minds.

In the palace, the king of Chu was assassinated to death, and less than a day after the assassination of the king of Chu, the second prince Chu Xiong announced that the country could not live without a king, so he succeeded to the throne immediately.

Needless to say, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the death of King Chu has a great relationship with the second prince Chuxiong. The Iron Blood God Hou vomited blood and passed out the moment he received the news. The first thing he did when he woke up was to lead the 50 The army left Fengcheng and returned to Chu.

Today, there are less than 20 Chu soldiers stationed in Fengcheng. As for the remaining [-] regiment commanders, they were left by the Marquis Iron Blood to kill Long Feng.

Even the Iron Blood God Marquis kept the head of the Iron Blood Legion to be on the safe side. After Tie Kuangzhan killed Long Feng, the culprit, he would lead the remaining soldiers to stay or return to Chu State depending on the situation.

"Which one of you is willing to capture and kill this man for me?" Facing Long Feng who was alone, Tie Kuangzhan didn't let people rush up, but glanced back and said calmly.

"The final general is willing to give it a try!" Tie Kuangzhan's voice fell, and immediately a general stepped out of the void with fists clasped.

"Okay!" Nodding his head, Tie Kuangzhan nodded with a smile on his face, and this person is Xiao Bing, the commander of the [-]th Corps under his Iron Blood Legion.

Looking at the person who came out of the void, Long Feng didn't say much, Fang Tianji appeared in his right hand as the space ring flashed in his hand.

"Fight!" With a roar, Xiao Bing took the sword in his hand and directly slashed towards Longfeng with the turbulent wind. Xiao Bing exhausted all his strength for this blow.

Looking at Xiao Bing who was approaching quickly, the Fang Tian halberd in Long Feng's hand hummed, and both the man and the halberd turned into an afterimage.


The saber and Fang Tianji collided suddenly, and under the twitching mouth corners of Tie Kuangzhan and others, Xiao Bing's body directly vomited blood and some internal organ fragments flew upside down.

Take it easy!A strange inner strength move directly killed Xiao Bing, a strong man in the earth spirit realm.

But in the eyes of others, only Xiao Bing was knocked into the air by Long Feng's attack, killing him directly.

Little did he know, Long Feng used the secret trick of lifting weights lightly to shatter Xiao Bing's internal organs, even Xiao Bing's bones were completely shattered.

Looking at Xiao Bing who was completely out of breath, all eyes locked onto Long Feng in front of them again. At this moment, there was no trace of contempt on their faces.

They knew how strong Xiao Bing was, but Xiao Bing didn't follow through with a single move. Could it be that Xiao Bing was too weak?No, it can only be said that the opponent is too strong, so strong that Xiao Bing can't catch a single move, although both of them have the cultivation base of the early stage of the Earth Spirit Realm.

"Who will come up next to die!" Taking a slight step in the void, Long Feng was full of fighting spirit, and his extremely domineering and arrogant words immediately turned back on the void.

mad!Undoubtedly, Long Feng was the first person to be so arrogant in the face of more than 50 Earth Spirit Realm powerhouses.And this is due to Long Feng's character, he has never had the word fear in his dictionary, otherwise he would not have crossed the other world.

"Son, don't be crazy! I'll meet you for a while!" A roar sounded, and a big man three points taller than Tie Kuangzhan appeared in front of Long Feng.

The muscles of this person's whole body turned out to be a golden bronze color, and a pair of big eyes shot out a dazzling light.

And this person is King Kong General Tuo Baao, who is known as the number one defense in the Chu Kingdom, and is also one of the three commanders of the Iron Blood Legion, his status is only lower than that of Tie Kuangzhan.

"This is something to watch!" Looking at the person coming, Long Feng's eyes soared with fighting intent. Although a frontal battle is more dangerous than an assassination, what a man desires most is a bloody fight.

"Soul Awakening! Golden Dragon Fist!" Without any nonsense, as soon as it came up, King Kong's whole body glowed with golden light, and the thick metallic spiritual energy rolled out.

Looking at Tuoba Ao's body glowing with golden light, Long Feng's face became slightly serious. He was another soul awakener. The soul awakener he met last time was Xuankui's Gravity Soul. Unexpectedly, this time he met another .

When the terrifying metallic spiritual energy continuously condensed, a huge aura condensed on Tuoba Aoyou Fist. The golden light covered the sky and the sun, and a four-clawed true dragon that seemed to be cast in gold gradually formed.The moment the golden dragon was formed, the sky around Tuoba Ao was distorted, as if all the surrounding space was affected by this terrifying force.

The first time the golden dragon was formed, he sensed the suffocating pressure and surging pressure. Long Feng's pitch-black eyes shot out fiery fighting intent, and his body advanced instead of retreating. The momentum of thunder rushed over, and in the middle of the journey, Long Feng roared: "The fifth form of the ancient halberd technique! Ten directions are dead!"

Fang Tianji, which was clenched tightly in his hand, was suddenly lifted, and an invisible wave of air suddenly spread in all directions, only to see Long Feng's aura suddenly soared,
"Buzz buzz!!!" The sound of the halberd resounded through the void, Longfeng and Fang Tianji seemed to merge into one, turning into a huge Fang Tianhalberd and slashing down towards the golden dragon with the power of extinction.

"Clang! Clang! Clang..."

The continuous thunderous collision sound produced by the huge collision crazily spread into the ears of everyone above the void, causing everyone in the void to fall into a brief tinnitus.

At the point of collision, the terrifying spiritual energy is continuously and chaotically vertical and horizontal.The moment Fang Tianji collided with the Golden Dragon, Long Feng chopped out 36 halberds in a row!
After 36 halberds, the spiritual energy in Long Feng's body went out of ten and nine out of ten. It can be said that the terrifying power brought by each of his halberds is enough to crush any strong man in the early stage of the earth spirit state.


Finally, there was a slight cracking sound, under everyone's focused eyes.The golden dragon formed by Tuoba Ao was actually full of cracks.

Seeing this scene, everyone present, including Tie Kuangzhan, gasped, they knew what it meant.

This golden dragon was actually smashed to pieces by Long Feng with extremely terrifying power. When he thought of this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

"Old Tuo!" Suddenly coming back to his senses, Tie Kuangzhan roared, only to see that Tuo Baao was covered in blood at this time, and his face was covered with an inconceivable expression.

Then, Tuoba's proud and burly body slowly fell down from the void!

"Ahem!" After coughing lightly, a trace of blood slowly overflowed from the corner of Long Feng's mouth. Under such a high-pressure and terrifying continuous attack, his internal organs were all injured, not to mention Tuobaao who was enduring the strength. .

It's just that after killing Tuo Baao, Long Feng's situation suddenly became severe. Now his spiritual energy has gone to the sky, and he has suffered serious injuries, but there are more than 40 spiritual realms on the opposite side Strong.

"Not good! He wants to run!" Suddenly, a corps leader yelled, only to realize that Long Feng had taken advantage of the moment when they were shocked, and he had already spread his leisurely steps, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the void.

"Chasing!" After recovering from the shock, Tie Kuangzhan roared. Now he regrets it. If he had known that his two powerful subordinates would die because of this, he would have long since ignored his own face and let everyone fight together. on.

Long Feng, who was constantly exercising carefree steps in the void, also had a wry smile on his face at this time, and the golden core in his body was now dim and dull. Although it was also absorbing spiritual power, it lost the terrifying devouring power it had at the beginning.

"It seems that the move of Shifang Nirvana can't be used frequently." Shaking his head and laughing bitterly again, he didn't expect such a serious sequelae after this move, but Long Feng could only use the few spiritual energy in his body Exercising his carefree steps, he flickered forward quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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