Peerless Killing God

Chapter 50 Huge strength gap!

Chapter 50 Huge strength gap!
"Okay, since both sides are meaningless, let's send people from both sides for the first battle!" Seeing this, the city lord, who was the referee of both sides, immediately announced the start of the battle. Isn't this a very pleasing thing to fight?

After the words of the city lord fell, the Beiming family was naturally calm and relaxed, and they were not nervous about the upcoming battle.

Looking back at the Ye family, everyone's eyes were on the young man with the sword on his back, and this person was Yin Zhilong, the core disciple of Xuantian Sword Sect.

Seeing the hopeful eyes from the Ye family, Yin Zhilong sneered disdainfully in his heart, and said with a gentle smile on his handsome face: "I am not suitable for the previous few battles, you just need to send someone to consume the opponent. None of the five people on the opposite side are my opponents, and I can beat them all in one fell swoop."

Hearing this, the eyes of the Ye family members suddenly lit up, and they no longer had any doubts, and immediately sent Ye Feng, who was wearing a green robe, to the first battle.

Ye Feng, the grandson of the second elder of the Ye family, his soul is of the wind attribute, and his current cultivation is barely at the middle stage of the Xuanling Realm, but because he cultivates the wind attribute, he is the best choice in terms of speed and escape ability, so sending him out can be a test Try the water from Beiming's house.

"Ye Feng, do your best. If the other party dispatches a strong person in the spiritual realm, you will consume energy. If you can't, immediately admit defeat." Although Ye Feng has a relatively strong life-saving ability, Ye Lie still ordered cautiously, after all, his own family The Beiming family knew all the details, but the Ye family didn't know what the Beiming family had behind them.

"Senior Brother Xiahou, I'll leave this person to you!" Bei Mingkuang, who was dressed in a purple robe, had a haughty smile on his face, and eyes full of disdain, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then turned to a muscular man beside him. said the man.

Xia Houzhan, with a strong figure and a rigid face, slightly raised his eyelids and said, "Those who are going to die are still going to be destroyed!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Bei Mingkuang's mouth when he heard the words: "Except for me, Lingcheng doesn't need these so-called geniuses to lower my status, kill me!"

"Okay!" Nodding indifferently, Xia Houzhan stepped on the ground suddenly with his feet, and his whole body turned into a yellow afterimage and landed on the battle platform, causing the whole battle platform to tremble suddenly.

On the other side, Ye Feng, who also just entered the stage, was startled. When he fixed his eyes, he couldn't help but gasped, only to see that the ground that Xia Houzhan was stepping on had sunk completely.

"I'm asking for advice!" Ye Feng, who saw this scene, took a deep breath immediately, his face was full of dignified breath.The spiritual energy in his body was activated, and a circle of blue light spread around his body, causing him to float on the ground, and the green robe on his body fluttered, as if there were waves of fresh wind blowing around his body.

"Suppression!" Raising his eyelids slightly, Xia Houzhan finished his sentence expressionlessly, and the entire martial arts arena seemed to be filled with heavy power, and then an invisible force spread out from Xia Houzhan's body. The space of the stage is distorted.

"Not good! It's the awakening of the earth spirit soul's gravity!" All the elders of the Ye family shouted angrily, and their faces were full of horror.

"Death!" Xia Houzhan didn't make any extra movements, and spit out the word "death" in his mouth. Twenty times the gravity suddenly suppressed it. Ye Feng, who had just been suspended, didn't even have time to make any movements. The whole person was directly pressed to the ground, and then the pores all over his body Spilled red blood.

Under twenty times the gravity, Ye Feng, who was caught off guard, was directly crushed by the terrifying gravity, his bones and internal organs were crushed, his whole body was immediately stained red with blood, and his death was extremely ugly.

"Dead!" At this moment, the entire surroundings of the martial arts arena was completely silent, and everyone was staring blankly at Xia Houzhan on the martial arts arena.

"You!!!" The Ye family all stood up at this time, looking at Xia Houzhan on the battle stage with fiery eyes, but no matter how angry they were, there was nothing they could do, after all, the opponent killed Ye in the middle of the battle. Feng, what's more, the other party is still the core disciple of Xie Mingzong, so they have no chance to make trouble afterwards.

"Trash!" Glancing at everyone in the Ye family with disdain, Xia Houzhan turned and left the competition stage. Everyone in the Ye family held their palms tightly when they heard the words, and then the distraught second elder walked up to the competition and carefully carried his grandson in his arms. The dead body walked down.

The white-haired man gave off the black-haired man. Seeing this scene, everyone in the Ye family looked sad and deeply helpless.Who made their Ye family skills inferior to others, and this is the law of the martial arts world, the weak prey on the strong, and the weak can only bear everything passively.

"The Beiming family wins the first game, and please send personnel from both sides again in the second game." The city lord didn't recover from the quick end of the first battle. No, the strength gap between the Ye family and the opponent is really not that big.

In the first match, the Ye family dispatched personnel first, and in the second match, the Beiming family naturally dispatched personnel first. In this match, Bei Mingkuang did not let Xia Houzhan play again, but let another senior brother appear. This person looked indifferent, Although he was wearing a white robe, the cold aura emanating from his body made it clear that he was a strong man who was proficient in ice spirit.

"Ye Wu, you're going to play this time!" Closing his eyes weakly, the First Elder planned to let his grandson play.

"Great Elder!" Everyone was startled when they heard the words and wanted to persuade them, but the Great Elder waved his hands helplessly and said, "There are only four candidates left in the Ye family. Young Xia Yin can't make a move. My grandson is here."

Hearing this, everyone had a look of grief. Just as the great elder said, the Ye family has no one to take action. Except for Ye Wu, the remaining two Ye family children only have the cultivation base of the early stage of the Xuanling Realm. , this level of cultivation is tantamount to death.

"Grandpa, for the glory of the family, why should the grandson be afraid of life and death!" Kneeling on one knee, Ye Wu took a deep breath and kowtowed three times to the elder, and then went to the competition stage without looking back.

As Ye Wu stepped onto the stage, the indifferent young man in white robe who had already prepared just glanced at Ye Wu and then closed his eyes. If you look carefully, you can see a cold mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Fight!" With a cold shout, Ye Wu's hot aura swept across the battle arena, and he, like the Patriarch of the Ye family, cultivated the fire soul.

"It's really courting death! Brother Lengfeng hates soul cultivators with fire attributes the most!" A playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Bei Mingkuang couldn't help laughing out loud as he watched the show.

"What a pity!" Long Feng, who was in the crowd of Beiming's family, couldn't help but frowned and sighed inwardly. In his opinion, Ye Wu must die, but it's a pity that now is not the time for him to act.

"Fire Dragon Jue! Fire Dragon Eats!" Ye Wu blushed loudly, all the spirit energy in his body surged, and a roaring fire dragon circled directly from Ye Wu's body.

It's just that the fire dragon just came out of Ye Wu's body and hadn't shown its power yet, Leng Feng, who closed his eyes, said in a low voice, "It's really boring!"

I saw Leng Feng casually pointing his hand, and the extremely cold breath swept out from his body, and the originally hot contest stage suddenly burst into cold wind.

"Frozen for thousands of miles! Feng!" Finally, after Leng Feng's icy voice fell, the ground around him was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Ye Wu, who was still fighting, trembled all over his body, and then turned around again and again. A circle of ice surrounded him.

First from the soles of the feet, then to the waist, and then to the chest, and finally Ye Wu's head was also frozen, and the tumbling fire dragon on Ye Wu's body was also frozen, but at this moment, the fire dragon had already turned into ice. dragon.

When the battle ended, the ice on the entire competition stage could not be removed even by the sun. As for Ye Wu, who was recognized as the second genius by the younger generation in Lingcheng, he was directly killed by one move.

At this moment, the hearts of the entire Ye family were as cold as the ice on the martial arts stage, and a deep sense of powerlessness invaded the hearts of each of them. The gap between the two sides was too great, and they were not on the same level at all.

"This third game, let me do it!" Seeing the despair on the faces of the Ye family, Yin Zhilong couldn't help but said immediately. As soon as he said this, the eyes of the Ye family members suddenly lit up. Their last hope is It's all on Yin Zhilong's body.

"So, this time, my Beiming family will send a three-year-old child to play." With a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, Bei Mingkuang waved a hand, and a three-year-old child from Beiming's family was hugged Tournament stage.

Seeing this scene, the entire surroundings of the martial arts arena fell into absolute silence, and the faces of the Ye family were flushed, and the strong sense of shame made everyone in the Ye family almost bite their teeth.

"The fun is yet to come, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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