Peerless Killing God

Chapter 55 Strength surges!

Chapter 55 Strength surges!

"Huh!" Suddenly a whistling sound caused by a storm of spiritual power resounded. Under everyone's horrified gazes, Long Feng, who was supposed to be seriously injured, comatose, and dying, was suspended, and then the spiritual power in all directions surged like a tide. into Long Feng's body.

And Long Feng, who caused such a spectacle, was also secretly shocked, because he only operated the Hunyuan Yijue for a while, the purple spirit palace in his body trembled, and an extremely terrifying devouring force emanated from his dantian in an instant. There was a spiritual storm on his body.

But the originally dry spiritual energy in Long Feng's body suddenly turned into a stream as if being moistened by rain, and then turned into a river, and finally the meridians in Long Feng's body actually sounded like a rushing river.

As for Long Feng's sudden scene, everyone in Beiming's family was shocked and terrified, because the spiritual energy gathered in Long Feng's body was so strong that it was almost liquid.

"No, stop him quickly! The three of you kill him immediately!" With an angry shout, Beiming Enemy ordered the three Beiming family priests to act immediately.

And these three priests all have the cultivation base of the early stage of the Earth Spirit Realm, so it is reasonable for Beiming Enemy to send the three of them to play.

It's just that the next scene made Beiming Enemy's face change in vain, because when the three priests roared and launched a full blow to bombard Long Feng, Long Feng, who was suspended in the air, suddenly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of sarcasm The smiling face seemed to be laughing at the overreaching of Bei Ming's enemy.

I saw Long Feng raised his right hand slightly, and then shook it suddenly in the direction of the three worshipers, since a terrifying power of heaven and earth gathered in Long Feng's palm.I saw the three priests of Beiming's family blushing in mid-air, and they couldn't move a single bit.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Suddenly three muffled sounds resounded, and the three priests were directly squeezed into blood mist by the terrifying force of heaven and earth in midair.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Beiming's family trembled wildly in their hearts. Is this still a human being? How many tricks does this enchanting young man have to kill three strong people in the earth spirit realm with a wave of his hands?

Now, everyone is almost numb. The appearance of Long Feng made them understand what is called a real genius and what is called a monster.

"It's you! Since it's you!" Suddenly, Beiming Huo, the third master of Beiming's family, roared in disbelief with a ferocious face.

"It's him, it's him!" On the other side, some members of the Ye family also recognized Long Feng who showed his true colors, including Ye Qianqian, the eldest lady of the Ye family, and Ye Mu, Ye Hui and others who were in the team back then.

"It's actually Brother Long Feng, no wonder they are so strong! My God, what kind of person did we return back then!" Looking at Long Feng who was like a god, Ye Hui opened his mouth wide, but he didn't know what to say. say what.

"Third brother, do you know this person!?" On the other side, the corners of Bei Mingdi's mouth twitched. When he watched his three priests suddenly turn into blood mist, his heart trembled too. He has the cultivation base of the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, but he feels in his heart that at this moment, Long Feng can kill him with one move.

"Brother, he is the Long Feng of the Long family I told you about, the man who turned our Beiming family upside down a year ago!" Beiminghuo's eyes of hatred and disbelief kept falling on Long Feng, biting Tooth said.

"It's him! How is it possible? Didn't you say that he only had the cultivation base of the early stage of the Xuanling Realm?" After the words fell, the pupils of Beiming Enemy suddenly contracted violently, and a sense of fear called panic spread all over him, Beiming Huo and Beiming Huo. The whole body of everyone in the Ming family.

Promoted from the early stage of the Xuanling Realm to the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm within one year?They have never even heard of this level of cultivation speed, let alone this level of talent.

"Great Elder, immediately transfer Kuang'er and the two core disciples of Xie Mingzong away! Be quick! Even if our Beiming family is destroyed today, you must keep the only blood of my Beiming family!" Xiongxiong's Beiming enemy delivered the order immediately. He knew that Beiming's family was in danger today.

But no matter what, the two core disciples of Beimingkuang and Xiemingzong must not die. They may have to avenge their Beiming family's enmity in the future!

"Father! The child is going to fight to the death!" Hearing this, the black mist all over Bei Mingkuang's body suddenly rolled out.

"Nonsense!" There was no need to say anything, Bei Mingdi's palm directly knocked Bei Mingkuang into a stun!Let the first elder and the two elders lead the three of them to leave Lingcheng immediately, and then waved their hands and said angrily: "All the elders of the Beiming family worship, and I will kill this son with the old man!"

"Overreach!" Raising his eyelids, Long Feng spit out these words lightly. After inexplicably improving his cultivation base and forming a spiritual mansion in his dantian, Long Feng found that his strength had surpassed most of the peak powerhouses in the earth spirit realm , although it is a little weaker than the strong ones in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but it is not much weaker.

"Sweeping thousands of troops!" Sweeping away at a leisurely pace, tens of meters away, a moment when he couldn't breathe, Long Feng's figure carried Fang Tianji and swept out through the space with terrifying power. Several Beiming elders and The priest still maintained a charging posture, but a crack appeared in their waist.

one move!Seven or eight strong people in the earth spirit realm cut it off directly!Looking at this scene, Beiming Enemy's liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and with a roar, the extremely cold aura burst out from his body, and countless ice swords burst out directly through the air.

"Patriarch Beiming! Beiming enemy! Today is the time when your Beiming family will be exterminated. Please remember that the person who killed you is called Long Feng! Long Feng of the Long family!" His pupils contracted violently, and Beiming enemy had kept his eyes open a moment ago. At the next moment, Fang Tianji's halberd pierced through Beimingdi's chest directly from behind Beimingdi.

Today's Long Feng's speed has already reached the point of being completely silent. It can be said that it is really empty step by step. .

Silence!At this moment, the surroundings of the battle stage were truly silent, and everyone's eyes widened to see Long Feng, who had killed the strongest enemy in the Spirit City, Beiming Enemy, with that blow.

Especially after Long Feng's identity was revealed by the Beiming family, the shock caused by this was even more incomparable. You must know that when the Long family was still there a year ago, although they had heard of Long Feng, they were only Long Feng. It's just the adopted son in name of the head of the family.

After killing a group of elders and several core members of the Beiming family, Long Feng's figure once again fell in front of everyone in the Ye family.

"Brother Ye Hui, Miss Ye, the favor you saved me at the beginning will be returned to you today. After Lingcheng, you and the Ye family will get it. It's just that you'd better find a new protection force, otherwise the evil spirits will not be so happy." It's easy to let you off." Nodding to Ye Hui and Ye Qianqian, Long Feng then said to Ye Lie.

Hearing this, Ye Lie, the Patriarch of the Ye Family, could only shake his head with a wry smile. He didn't know whether to say thank you to Long Feng or to blame Long Feng. Just like what Long Feng said, the Demon Sect might not let them go Ye family, now it seems that their Ye family can only seek the protection of Xuantian Sword Sect. If his second brother Ye Xiong hadn't replaced the core disciple of Xuantian Sword Sect with Yin Zhilong before, then their Ye family would have been with Xuantian Sword Sect long ago. Zong got in touch.

Afterwards, Long Feng tapped the ground with his feet and rose into the air, disappearing in the sky above Lingcheng. Outside Lingcheng, there was a lone tomb erected high. In front of the lonely grave.

"You guys go! I've already avenged you!" After finishing speaking, Long Feng threw the wine jar on the ground. Something happened in Lingcheng, and Long Feng's next goal was naturally to go to the imperial capital of the Longteng Empire!Dragon City!

Where, there is still the only person he cares about in this alien world, and his current strength is considered qualified to make a living.

"Ling'er!" Thinking of Ling'er's playful smile in his mind, the corners of Long Feng's mouth could not help but rise slightly. After avenging the Long family, Long Feng felt that his state of mind had cleared up. Although his cultivation base is still at ground level Spiritual Realm, but in the future, there will be no barriers when breaking through to become a strong person in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, unlike Dugu Aotian who has been stuck at the peak of the Earth Spiritual Realm for more than ten years because of mental problems.

"Let's go! I will definitely turn this world upside down!" Breathing out lightly, Long Feng's figure flickered and disappeared on the spot.

And just as Long Feng said, his departure really turned the whole world upside down, and the name of a generation of killing gods gradually spread in other worlds.

And three days after Long Feng left Lingcheng, an army of tens of thousands full of soaring evil spirits rushed over, and the leader was actually a dragoon guard wearing dragon head armor, who shocked the Dragon Empire!

If Long Feng was in Lingcheng, he would probably be shocked, because the tens of thousands of people behind these dragoon guards turned out to be Blood Bathing Guards and Death God Guards.

"Emperor's Order! General Longfeng is a young hero who plans to bury his bones, save the tiger prison, turn the tide and save the country, turn the world around, and make great achievements in the world. He is very brave! I canonize Longfeng as the general of the hussars, commanding The original [-] Bathing Blood Guards and [-] Death God Guards were conferred the title of Spirit City!" When the dragoon guards took out the imperial decree, the entire Spirit City erupted.

Obviously, Longfeng's impressive achievements in Fengguo territory could not have attracted people's attention. Obviously, the monarch of the Longteng Empire became interested in talent, and directly ordered him to be canonized as Hussar General. The city where he was born was conferred on him.

And if Long Feng knew about this, he would only lament that fate has played tricks on people, but if the order hadn't come two days late, then Long Feng would not have had this battle and this opportunity, and of course Long Feng would have missed it too. After hearing the news, he couldn't help but smile wryly when he got the news a long time later.

Undoubtedly, the shock brought by Long Feng once again swept through Lingcheng. Now everyone in Lingcheng only has one name in their hearts, and that is Long Feng. Stationed in Lingcheng.

As for the fact that everyone in the Ye family has not recovered for a long time after receiving this news, especially the Patriarch of the Ye family shook his head helplessly. Now it seems that his patron of the Ye family does not have to be the Xuantian Sword Sect. And it was Long Feng directly.

After all, Long Feng is now the Hussar General of the Longteng Empire. With such an official position, even if the Xie Mingzong had 1 guts, he would not dare to pay attention to Lingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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