Peerless Killing God

Chapter 608 The Peak Gathers!

Chapter 608 The Peak Gathers!

"You want to fight to the void world, this is not suitable for you to fight!" Suddenly, an inviolable sound of the avenue exploded in everyone's ears, and the next moment a supreme coercion seemed to fall from the universe, and everyone immediately prostrated themselves on the ground.

And at the next moment, Long Feng and the Twelve Heavenly Generals disappeared, and the origin of the universe was empty space, which was an absolute forbidden place for most creatures in the universe.

This is because this is the battlefield for the strong in the Heavenly Ruler Realm, and only the existence of the Heavenly Ruler Realm can fight here, and here, even the existence of the Heavenly Ruler Realm can only make a slight crack in the void with a full blow. That's all.

The entire world of nothingness seems to be nothingness, and the chaos is gray, as if the chaos is like a chicken, returning to the beginning of the birth of the universe.

Long Feng was driving the god-slaying demon-slaying formation and confronting the twelve god generals, the two monstrous destructive auras were constantly surging, and even the space of the void world was twisting crazily and collapsing at any time.

"My lord, why do I always feel restless!" The middle-aged man in charge of God's Punishment couldn't help but look at the two terrifying formations below with a serious face, no matter which of these two formations is enough to threaten he.

But it wasn't because of those two big formations that he felt uncomfortable all over his body, he always felt that there were several pairs of terrifying eyes staring at him in the empty space.

"That's because many old friends came, but these old friends are unwilling to come out, but I'm afraid they have already sensed each other."

The orderly man in white seems to see through everything with his penetrating eyes. As the cosmic orderer, he is in charge of the cosmic avenue order, but his order has no binding force on these old friends.


An earth-shattering terrifying roar sounded from the void space, and the entire void space seemed to be trembling and twisting crazily at this moment.

I saw that Long Feng was controlling the Great Formation of Slaughtering Gods and Demons, fusing ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine divine weapons together to form a terrifying divine weapon that seemed to split the universe.

And the twelve gods will also condense a divine sword full of endless power and collide with the divine soldier.

At the moment of the collision, both Long Feng and the Twelve Heavenly Generals spurted blood crazily and flew upside down, dripping blood all over their bodies. The two divine soldiers collided as if they were about to destroy the universe, and the entire void space collapsed. Go down a large area.

And the combined blow of both sides is enough to reach the full strength blow of the Supreme Dominator Realm, or even a lot more. If it is on the Supreme Plane, this terrifying collision is even enough to make a large domain disappear out of thin air.

"That's right, a taboo is a taboo, and it's really not that easy to kill! Even the twelve god generals can't do anything to you now, and maybe you will really come back in the future!"

Suddenly there was an indifferent sound, the space trembled slightly, and an extraordinary handsome figure slowly emerged. The figure was dressed in a purple-blue robe, and it seemed that there were ten thousand demon totems constantly emerging on it. It's as if there is no God above you.

Seeing this figure, many powerhouses of the Heavenly Ruler Realm who were watching the battle hidden in the empty space shrank their pupils, and all of them stopped breathing suddenly.

"The ancestor of all demons, Taiyi Emperor Xi, the first demon emperor!" Taiyi Emperor Xi was the first demon clan born at the beginning of the universe, and also the ancestor of all demons, a truly supreme and supreme ruler.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary supreme master realm, but the existence of the first generation supreme master realm. You must know that there are also distinctions between master realms, such as the god emperor Taiyi Dixi, the first birth of the gods and monster races at the beginning of the universe is the first generation supreme master realm Existence, they control the supreme gods and demons of the universe.

They are the absolute masters of the gods and monsters, and under the first generation of supreme rulers are the second and third generations of supreme rulers. Although they were also born when the universe first opened, the avenue they mastered can never be surpassed. The first generation of supreme rulers.

Because the first-generation supreme masters are equivalent to the supreme beings who own a part of the original avenue of the universe, and they are the original masters of various avenues. They are the ultimate existences of the supreme gods and monsters.

Therefore, even the order that controls the avenue of cosmic order can't do anything to them, because they are the same level of existence as each other.

"Taiyi Dixi, I didn't expect him to be dispatched. Could it be that he also wanted to kill Taboo?" When Taiyi Dixi appeared, many secret powerhouses were secretly guessing, so they knew what taboo was like. The presence.

But when Taiyi Dixi appeared, Long Feng was shocked to find that he could not use all the strength in his body. Under Taiyi Dixi's gaze, he even lost his ability to think, as if under his gaze Now, I am an ant-like existence that is too small to be small in the universe.

He has never had this feeling before, obviously this Taiyi Dixi is one of the few peak existences in the universe.

"Several old friends, you will show up when you come. Do you want me to invite you out one by one?" Taiyi Dixi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, waved his palm, and the space trembled slightly.

The next moment, a young man in a pitch-black robe suddenly appeared in the void world. There was an evil smile on the corner of the mouth of this young man in a pitch-black robe, and his entire face was extremely charming.

And there is an evil smell all over his body, and there is an evil intention all over his body, but it just gives people the illusion of a son, because his palms are holding a pair of hands on the left and right at the moment. Peerless beauty.

"Nine Nether Number One Evil Young Master, Jun Xietian, what are you doing in this nihilistic world if you're not staying in Jiu You?" He said with a headache, because he knew that this guy was an extremely unprincipled person.

"Hehe, Jiuyou is too boring. I'll take the two ladies out to get some fresh air. Wouldn't it be okay to enjoy the flowers and the moon? Don't worry, I'm not interested in your fighting and killing. It's just a momentary interest to come to this nihilistic world for a stroll. That's all." Xie Mei smiled, and Jun Xietian hugged the two peerless twins as if he was really playing.

Of course, when Jun Xietian's voice fell, no one would believe it. After all, who would come to this void world to play without incident? It's gray here, but you can't even see the sun, moon and stars, let alone flowers and trees.

But no one dared to refute, because they knew what the number one young master of Jiuyou was, and they were at the same level as Taiyi Dixi.

Moreover, everyone would rather provoke Taiyi Emperor Xi than this Nine Nether No. [-] evil young man in front of him, because he doesn't tell anyone the rules at all, his rules are that there are no rules.

A black glow flashed across Jun Xietian's Xiemei's eyes, and the evil voice sounded slowly: "Everyone is a dignified existence, don't you want to be a coward?"

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of many strong masters of the sky trembled, and there was a supreme existence in the dark, and it seemed that it was not just one.

And at this moment, the Wuji Taishang Wujixiong who came to the void world secretly, and several strong men who possessed the realm of masters of the Wuji Gate were even more shocked, because they all found that the existence of these supreme peaks of the universe seemed to be because of Long Feng. Advent.

"Hehe, I'm not a shrinking turtle, I'm just here to hang out!" A laughing voice sounded, and an old man in a green robe slowly emerged. The old man had two horns on his head, and his eyes seemed to have experienced hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes. .

"Nine-clawed Ancestral Dragon! Lord of the beasts!" The identity and strength of this blue-robed old man was no less than Taiyi Emperor Xi and Jiuyou No. [-] Xie Shao.

"It's better to come by coincidence than to come here. I didn't expect to see so many old friends again after hundreds of millions of years." After the old man in green robe transformed by the nine-clawed ancestor dragon appeared, a figure in white robes with a warm smile on his face slowly emerge.

"Human Emperor Fuxi!"

Emperor Taiyi looked at the Human Emperor Fuxi who appeared in front of him, and his expression turned slightly cold, as if he did not welcome the Human Emperor Fuxi.

"Hehe, I prefer people to call me Fanchen!" Human Emperor Fuxi shook his head and said, everything in the world is like Dust, and it is his greatest long-cherished wish in his life to be transformed into Dust.

"What mortal world, it's just a pile of dirt!" With a cold snort, Taiyi Dixi's words made many people change color, and the only one in the world who dares to say that about Human Emperor Fuxi is the Demon Emperor in front of him.

"Whether it's mortal dust or dirt, as long as dust returns to dust and dust returns to dust, that's enough. Sometimes eternity is also a kind of endless pain!" Human Emperor Fuxi just smiled but didn't get angry.

However, when Human Emperor Fuxi appeared, Long Feng's expression was extremely strange. Not to mention that the name Human Emperor Fuxi was extremely familiar, the other person's appearance was [-]% similar to him. Now he finally understood why Wuji Taishang asked him and Renhuang What does Huang Fuxi have to do with it?

And Human Emperor Fuxi's eyes fell on Long Feng, his expression was also quite complicated, as if recalling many past events in his eyes.

"Okay, stop talking about your great principles, let's come out with two old friends!" Jiuyou No. [-] Xie Shao's mouth twitched, and black lights flickered in Xie's eyes.

The moment the voice fell, the space trembled, golden light shone on one side, and purple awns surged to the sky on the other, two figures exuding endless terror slowly emerged.

"Heavenly God Emperor! Youyou Demon Monarch!"

Seeing these two figures, the entire void world fell silent again. Everyone now understands that an earth-shattering event is about to happen today, and this event may even affect the future of the entire Supreme Plane and even the entire universe!

"It's a pity that the old crab has always been hiding in the endless abyss of the Supreme Sea, otherwise all the old friends really gathered together!" Human Emperor Fuxi glanced around and sighed.

Taiyi Emperor Xi, Nine You Xie Shao, Nine Clawed Zulong, Human Emperor Fuxi, Heavenly God Emperor Zun, You You Mojun, and the six first-generation supreme rulers are all gathered together now.

At this moment, even the Lord of All Souls in the early days who are Hunyuan ring spirits, the old man of fate and the figures of order are silently emerging.

And each of these nine beings is the supreme powerhouse of the first generation of supreme rulers, and they all have the terrifying power to destroy the supreme plane and even a small half of the universe.

If they were not fighting in this void world, they might even trigger the collapse of the universe and destroy the entire universe.

And that terrible consequence that no one wants to see, the collapse of the universe will mean that everything will cease to exist, even if they are the immortal and immortal masters of the primordial realm, they will perish as a result.

(End of this chapter)

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