Peerless Killing God

Chapter 610 Horror destruction!

Chapter 610 Horror destruction!
"Another supreme treasure of Hunyuan, Dixi Bell!" The Supreme Master Wuji suddenly bit his tongue to wake himself up, and immediately used the Wuji Dao to protect himself, with cold sweat on his face.

It's too scary. Although he is the existence of the peak heavenly ruler, in the eyes of the first generation of supreme masters, I am afraid that he is not even qualified to let them take action.


When the sound of the Great Dao sounded by the Dixi Bell, a giant tree in the sky also appeared above Taichu's head, and this giant tree was one of the nine treasures of Hunyuan, the World Tree, which had the ability of latitude and longitude.

The World Tree emerged, and a circle of green light swept across, and those sluggish powerhouses shuddered and came back to their senses, with expressions of horror on their faces immediately.

Because of the momentary loss of consciousness just now, some people seem to have experienced tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years, as if they have passed away, and this is just the aftermath of a bell!

With the existence of Taiyi Emperor Xi and Taichu, every word and deed has the power to destroy the world. For them, any martial arts are superfluous, and the way to speak is more supreme and powerful than whose way!
However, both Taiyi Dixi and Taichu are the first-generation supreme masters, and they both possess nine Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, so it is difficult to tell the winner between them. Killing each other is simply impossible.

Even in the entire universe, there is nothing that can make them fall, the first generation of supreme rulers. Even if the universe is destroyed, they may not fall.

Therefore, although the battle between them is extremely terrifying, it can even be regarded as a real destruction of heaven and earth, the world and space collapse before they make a move, and once they make a move, the universe trembles!

On the other side, the Heavenly God Emperor and Moyou have already been fighting together frantically, and behind each other there is an image of a god and a demon. The images are towering, as if they were the existence that created the world, and their height and body shape cannot be described at all!

Moreover, the battle between the two is even more inspiring the kingdom of gods and the kingdom of demons, and these two great kingdoms have another title, sub-universe!
The so-called sub-universe is an irregular universe, which is derived from simulating the real universe, but it is not as good as the real universe, but it is far beyond the so-called big world, so it is called the Guanyu Sub-universe .

And it is not impossible for the Heavenly God Emperor to become the new master of the universe. As he said, the destruction of a universe will inevitably give birth to a new universe, because the number of universes is limited.

Of course, the sub-universe is not available to everyone. Only the existence above the supreme dominance level can simulate the universe to form its own sub-universe, and the sub-universe of the first generation of supreme dominance level powerhouses is only one step away from the real universe. .

However, the sub-universes of the third and second generations of the Supreme Dominant Realm may still be at the stage of infancy and completion. It can be said that compared to the Heavenly Dominant Realm powerhouses, the Supreme Dominant Realm powerhouses can be called the supreme existence of the universe.

As soon as the sub-universe is released, even the most powerful Heavenly Rulers will be suppressed and killed.There is no resistance at all, unless it is a heaven-defying formation like the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons or the Slaughtering Gods and Demons, no matter how powerful the Heavenly Dominant Realm is, it will not be the opponent of the Supreme Dominant Realm powerhouse.


The two terrifying battlefields seem to be collapsing in the world at this moment. The powerhouses of the Heavenly Ruler Realm have left the void world as early as the first time. They know that if they continue to stay, they will be easily wiped out by the aftermath of the battle like ants !
Of course, existences like Human Emperor Fuxi Jiuyou's No. [-] Evil Younger Nine-clawed Ancestral Dragon and Old Man Fate did not move at all. They all set their sights on the two battlefields one by one, but even they didn't know what the two battlefields were. Who will win and who will lose!
However, to everyone's surprise, Long Feng's figure has not left the void world, and now his aura has returned to the level of Little Master, but his pair of dark cold eyes are extremely terrifying.

As if noticing Long Feng's frightening gaze, the pupils of Human Emperor Fuxi Jiuyou's first evil son Nine-clawed Ancestral Dragon and Old Man Fate all shrank suddenly, with incredulous expressions appearing on their faces.

"You... How could you still be alive?" An extremely unbelievable voice sounded, but the first evil young master of the Nine Nethers, the master of the netherworld, seemed to have seen a ghost.

Long Feng ignored him when he heard the words, but glanced at the void, frowned slightly, and said in a voice that was illusory but as if it was the supreme avenue: "Since the destruction has appeared, why hide in the dark, it's not like you style of!"

"Jie Jie, you are worthy of being the most powerful incarnation of this deity!" A piercing, evil, indifferent voice filled with the meaning of endless destruction slowly sounded, the void trembled suddenly, and a black figure like ink slowly emerged.

When this figure appeared, just standing there, the space began to self-destroy continuously. That is the real destruction, the kind that completely disappears, and if the destruction is allowed to continue standing, I am afraid that the world of nothingness will be destroyed along with it disappear.


With the appearance of this figure, the expressions of several first-generation Supreme Master Realm powerhouses changed suddenly. Immediately, Human Emperor Fuxi, Destiny, Old Man Nine-Clawed Ancestral Dragon, and even Nine Nether's No. [-] Evil Young Master were all enemies. , because they are well aware of the horror of destruction, which is simply unimaginable.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect all of you to be here. It's really lively today, but it's a pity that the deity didn't wake up!"

Ruining sneered with incomparable indifference, and the pitch-black figure slowly condensed into a figure, and this was exactly the same as Long Feng's in terms of appearance and other things, but his face was full of an expression that wanted to destroy everything in the world .

"Don't be arrogant in destroying. I could seal you back then, but it's the same today. What's more, you just woke up. I'm afraid you won't be able to recover much strength, right?"

Human Emperor Fuxi gave a soft drink, everything in the universe flickered in a pair of star pupils, and the Eight Formation Diagram, one of the Nine Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, slowly emerged behind him.

"Although I haven't recovered much strength, just you guys are not enough to watch!" Disdain appeared on the corner of Destroyer's mouth, and with a wave of his palm, a wave of supreme Destruction Dao swept across, and the space was destroyed immediately. Yixie Shaofeng old man and Nine-clawed Ancestral Dragon all changed their expressions, and they all sacrificed their strongest strength to resist.


A crisp voice sounded slowly, and a shocking crack appeared on the bodies of the four supreme first-generation supreme masters.

"No, you've recovered [-]% of your strength!" The four of them flashed with light, and the cracks on their bodies recovered as before, but when they looked at the eyes of destruction again, they became extremely horrified.

Maybe Destroyer can't really destroy them now, but when Destroyer regains its full strength, then it will be their doomsday.

"No, to be precise, it's only recovered [-]%. You've basically been standing still for hundreds of billions of years, but I've been fighting against the seal constantly, so my real strength has far surpassed before." Destruction smiled coldly, there was no Put all four in your sights.

"What he said is not wrong at all, and he is not the real body, just an incarnation that escaped from the seal. The real body is still sealed, but the seal will be broken in another hundred years!" However, when Long Feng When the words fell, the hearts of Human Emperor Fuxi and the four trembled again.

Now they know that the power of Destruction may far exceed their imagination. Just one incarnation is already so terrifying. If the real body is broken, I am afraid that even if the Lord of the Universe is reborn again, he may not be the opponent of Destruction.


The applause sounded, and Doom smiled and said: "As expected of Hongmeng, you really didn't disappoint me. But my target is not you, but him. He only has 100 years. I hope that after 100 years, I can have another fight with him." In the battle of the pinnacle, I will definitely destroy him with my own hands... and the Hunyuan Universe he created!"

After finishing speaking, the corner of Destroyer's mouth twitched, and the meaning of destruction rolled out. I saw the Heavenly God Emperor and Taiyi Emperor Xi who were in the battle stopped one after another. Taiyi Dixi actually followed Destroyer and disappeared directly into the world of nothingness.

And Moyou and Taichu who had ceased fighting also fell down one after another, but their expressions did not have any sense of relaxation. After everyone felt it, their expressions changed again.

Because both the Heavenly Demon Armor on Moyou's body and the World Tree of Absolute Beginning had many cracks, and the cracks were full of destructive aura fluctuations.

"Both of them have a part of the power of destruction!" Moyou and Taichu also frowned at this time, because they found that the seriousness of the matter has far exceeded their imagination, and the destruction is much more terrifying than it was hundreds of billions of years ago. up.

"There are only 100 years. If he can't return, then this universe will be destroyed, and I can't do anything about it. After all, I'm not the master of this side of the universe, and I can't use the power of the entire universe to fight against destruction!" Long Feng was silent for a while and then Said lightly, and everyone knows who he is in his mouth.

"I firmly believe that my lord will definitely return, and with my lord's means, I will definitely seal the lord's destruction again!" Taichu took a deep look at Long Feng, and then his figure turned into a ray of light and fell into the Hunyuan Ring.

And several other strong men also frowned and left the nihilistic world, because they have no way to stop the power and means of destruction, and now they can only pray for a miracle to happen.

As for Long Feng's figure, he also gradually disappeared into the void world, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on the huge square in Tai Chi City.

It's just that the square is dead silent at the moment, Jun Qingkuang and Dragon Emperor are very excited at this moment, because Long Feng came back safe and sound.

But the next moment, something happened that stunned countless people. I saw Wuji Taishang, the ancestor of Wujimen, leading all the strong men of Wujimen to appear in the square, and all of them looked like pleading guilty, afraid of the dragon. It's like Feng wiped out the Wuji Gate when he was unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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