Peerless Killing God

Chapter 612 Burial Soul Tower!

Chapter 612 Burial Soul Tower!
The cosmic burial ground is pitch black, a place of absolute darkness, but to Long Feng and the other three, the world is basically the same as the outside world, but there is indeed only absolute darkness where their eyes pass.

"Looking for death!" Suddenly, Long Feng's expression turned cold, and he clenched his palm, the terrifying power of Hunyuan Dao rolled and moved, the void suddenly twisted, and a looming black shadow looked at Long Feng with a look of horror at this moment!

Under Sombra's perception, Long Feng is clearly only in the small dominator realm, but the power he holds is comparable to the terrifying power released by some strong masters in the sky just now, and Long Feng would actually find him in the first place Obviously, he knew that he had encountered a hard stubble.

"What's going on?" Before Jun Qingkuang came back to his senses, his expression changed slightly when he saw the black shadow tightly trapped by Long Feng's hand.According to his perception, this black shadow definitely has the cultivation base of the peak of the Great Domination Realm, and approaching them silently is obviously plotting against the law!
"Ask and you'll know!" Long Feng pulled his palm, and suddenly the black figure appeared completely, it was a thin young man with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

At this moment, the young man looked frustrated and desperate. He thought he had encountered a few rookies who entered here from the outside world, but he didn't expect that he was easily captured by the opponent before he could make a move.

"What's your name, which clan do you come from, tell us about some of the situations in the cosmic burial ground, if what you say satisfies us, I can consider letting you go, of course, if you have something to hide, I don't mind searching the soul to check the memory It's gone." Long glanced at the skinny young man for a year, Long said lightly.

Although Long Feng's voice was light, it fell into the ears of the skinny young man, who couldn't help but fight a cold war and said immediately: "The young one is called Yesha, and he is a member of the Yeying Clan in the Nine Nether Realms. I don’t know what your lords want to know about the situation.”

"What do you think is the main or most important thing!" Long Feng said calmly after thinking about it.

"Okay, the little one knows everything. It is rumored that the cosmic burial ground was created by the lord of the universe, and in the central area of ​​the cosmic burial ground there is a tower called the Burial Soul Tower, in which there are countless people. The treasures that one dreams of, such as congenital treasures, divine elixirs, magical tools, and magical skills are everywhere." Ye Sha said immediately when he heard this, he didn't dare to hide anything, after all, it was a matter of his life.

"The Burial Soul Tower, what kind of qualifications do you need to enter the Burial Soul Tower? What's in the Burial Soul Tower?" Nodding his head, Long Feng signaled Ye Sha to continue.

Seeing that Long Feng was interested in his own words, Ye Zai suddenly looked happy and said: "The Burial Soul Tower has 99 floors, each floor is equivalent to a big world, and if we want to enter the first floor of the Burial Soul Tower, we must have Soul burial order, as for the way to obtain the soul burial order, it is enough to kill a hundred strong men who enter the cosmic burial ground. Once the [-] people are killed, the soul burial order will be automatically obtained, and it will also be automatically transmitted Enter the Burial Soul Tower."

"So that's the case, no wonder you wanted to kill us when we met for the first time." Jun Qingkuang couldn't help but look cold when he heard the words, and Ye Sha couldn't help but look extremely bitter when he saw Jun Qingkuang say this.

After all, when he first saw that one of the three, Long Feng, was only in the small master realm, and the other two were also newcomers to the great master realm, and they were rookies who had just come in from the outside world, he became murderous. People were captured casually, and now their lives are still in their hands.

Ye Sha smiled awkwardly and said: "Three adults, you can't blame the villain. In the cosmic burial ground, if you want to enter the Burial Soul Tower, you must kill a hundred strong people, otherwise you will not be able to enter it, and the Burial Soul Tower There are countless peerless treasures, I am afraid that anyone wants to enter it."

"Worthy of the cosmic burial ground, this is simply the burial ground of the strong. If you want to enter the Burial Soul Tower, you must kill a hundred strong men, and the powerhouses who enter the cosmic burial ground are all at the minimum level of masters. But I don’t know how many powerful people have fallen in this burial ground.”

Raising his eyebrows, Jun Qingkuang couldn't help but shook his head and said, which means that if they want to enter the Burial Soul Tower, they must kill a hundred strong men whose cultivation base is the last in the small master realm.

And a small master-level powerhouse is already an ancestor of a second-rate force in the supreme plane. Even in a first-rate force, a small-scale master-level powerhouse is also an existence of elders.

And in this cosmic burial ground, the powerhouses of the small master realm are the fish on the swords of others, and besides the powerhouses of the minor master realm, there are many powerhouses of the great master realm and even the heavenly master realm in the entire cosmic burial ground.

If there were only Jun Qingkuang and Long Di alone, I am afraid that it would not take long before the two of them would be reduced to one corpse.

"Then how many powerhouses have you killed?" Long Feng didn't feel much about it. There were no fewer than a few thousand powerhouses in the Little Domination Realm that fell directly or indirectly into his hands.In his eyes now, as long as he is not a strong man at the peak of the Heavenly Ruler Realm like Tai Chi Supreme, even a strong man in the middle and late stages of the Heavenly Ruler Realm will not pose any threat to him.

Of course, there may be some more terrifying existences in the cosmic burial ground, such as the supreme dominator, who is enough to kill him at random, and it is far from what he can match today.

Although it seems that there is only one realm difference between the Heavenly Ruler Realm and the Supreme Ruler Realm, the strength between the two is simply incomparable, and they are completely two worlds.

The Supreme Dominant Realm, the Supreme Being, is the strongest existence that the entire universe can achieve. It is even terrifying to be able to evolve a sub-universe by itself. Although the strong in the Heavenly Dominant Realm are strong, they are still weak in the eyes of the strong in the Supreme Dominant Realm. Incomparably ants, can be crushed to death.

"Not many, only 39 people were killed. Those who dare to enter the cosmic burial ground are extremely terrifying or have a lot of cards and self-confidence, and I may fall into prey at any time. After all, no one knows if it will happen or not." I encountered some existences in the Heavenly Ruler Realm."

With a wry smile, Ye Sha also had an extremely helpless expression on his face. Even he had to be careful in the cosmic burial ground. One mistake would lead to the tragic ending of death, but in order to obtain the peerless treasure in the Burial Soul Tower, he could only Take the plunge.

"You just said that there are 99 floors in the Burying Soul Tower, so do you know how to go up from the bottom?" On the 99th floor of the Burial Soul Tower, Long Feng had a strong perception that what he wanted was definitely at the end. Inside the Burial Soul Tower.

"The little one heard it mentioned by the ancestors in the clan, so I know a little bit. It is said that if you want to climb up to the upper floors in the Buried Soul Tower, you must kill a hundred strong people on each floor, and the further you go, the higher the level. The more powerful you encounter, the more terrifying it is, it is said that those above the fiftieth floor are basically the powerful of the Heavenly Ruler Realm."

When Ye Sha's voice fell, the pupils of Long Feng and the others shrank suddenly. They were all at the Heavenly Domination Realm on the fiftieth floor. If they wanted to continue climbing up, wouldn't they have to kill a hundred of them? However, this task is simply impossible.

"Then have you stepped into the No.90 nine-story Burial Soul Tower?" Long Feng thought for a while and then asked, if that's the case, he might not be able to step into the 99th-story Burial Soul Tower.

"No, I've never heard of anyone stepping into the 99th floor Burial Soul Tower. It is said that the tallest person only stepped into the No. 80 ninth floor Burial Soul Tower, and after the eightyth floor of the Burying Soul Tower, it is no longer murder. It is to complete the tasks given by the Burial Soul Tower, but those tasks are extremely terrifying and difficult, and there are rumors that some of the supreme rulers were directly obliterated by the Burial Soul Tower because they could not complete the task."

Speaking of this, Ye Sha can't help showing a look of fear, that is the existence of the supreme master, it can be said that he is a peerless powerhouse who is immortal, but he is directly wiped out by the Burial Soul Tower, and he has no resistance at all , one can imagine how terrifying the Buried Soul Tower is.

"Huh!" Hearing this, the three of Long Fengjun and the frivolous Dragon Emperor couldn't help but take a deep breath. From this point of view, the most dangerous place in the entire cosmic burial ground is in the Burial Soul Tower, but they want to meet Great opportunities must also enter the Burial Soul Tower.

"Three adults, the higher the level of the Burial Soul Tower, the better the treasures. It is said that the treasures in the last ten floors are even coveted by the existence of the Supreme Master Realm, and it is said that the last floor of the Burial Soul Tower is the 99th floor. There is the secret of becoming the master of the universe in it, but it is not clear whether it is true or not, after all, no one has ever stepped into it, and the little one knows so much."

After finishing speaking, Ye Sha couldn't help but carefully glanced at Long Feng. After all, he had already told them everything he knew. If the other party didn't want to let him go, then he would have to perish.

"Okay, I'm very satisfied with your answer, now you can go." Nodding his head, Long Feng understood that it would be impossible for him to step into the last floor of the Burial Soul Tower, unless a miracle happened .

"Thank you, my lord!" Hearing this, Ye Sha was overjoyed, feeling the power of confinement around him dissipate, his figure turned into nothingness and disappeared in front of Jun Qingkuang and Long Di without a sound, and this silent method was extremely terrifying , if one is not careful, I am afraid that even the existence of the Heavenly Ruler Realm may capsize in the gutter.

"Let's go, if we want to enter the Burial Soul Tower, we're afraid we'll see blood. Anyway, as long as there are people who don't have eyes and want to attack us, we don't have to be polite." Long Feng's black robe rolled, with a killing intent It slowly spilled out of the body, as if a ferocious beast that had chosen to devour someone had awakened.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others. Obviously, in the cosmic burial ground, Long Feng doesn't need a prisoner, he just needs to wait for others to offend him, so he doesn't need to have any intentions against his will when he kills him.

Of course, neither Long Feng, Jun Qingkuang, nor Dragon Emperor is a benevolent person. In the cruel competition for the road to the Great Dao, which one of them has blood on their hands, and killing people is just a routine for them.

(End of this chapter)

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