Peerless Killing God

Chapter 622 One step, one world!

Chapter 622 One Step, One World!

Wanshi Lake, also known as Wanjie Lake, because there are thousands of worlds in the lake, it can be said that there will be all-encompassing changes as soon as you step into it, and in the center of Wanshi Lake, there is a picture of the innate treasure Wanshi map of the Burial Soul Pagoda!
And Yun Feiyang came with Long Feng and the three together, and some strong men who were cross-legged by the lake couldn't help casting their gazes, and some strong men who knew Yun Feiyang smiled and nodded at Yun Feiyang.

Of course, there are also some eyes that are extremely cold, especially a young man who is wearing a golden robe and a golden crown exuding endless royal aura, and the appearance of the young man is [-]% similar to Tian Yaopeng, obviously he is Tian Yao The Heavenly Demon Emperor in Pengkou.

Compared with Yun Feiyang, the Sky Demon Emperor is even more evil, because his current aura has reached the peak of the Heaven Dominator Realm. After all, he has stayed in the Burial Soul Tower for a year longer than Yun Feiyang, and encountered many opportunities during it. As a result, he surpassed Yun Feiyang and stepped into the peak of the Heavenly Ruler Realm first.

But at this moment, the Heavenly Demon Emperor's gloomy gaze, which was as cold as ice for thousands of years, did not fall on Yun Feiyang, but on Long Feng, because when they arrived, there were already strong men from the Golden Winged Demon Peng family who would be buried. Everything that happened in Soul City was told to the Sky Demon Emperor.

The tragic death of Tian Yaopeng and Nine-winged Yaopeng has already made Long Feng the sworn enemy of the Golden-winged Yaopeng family, so the moment the Tian Yaohuang saw Long Feng, his killing intent rushed straight into the sky, which was terrifying. The killing intent caused some strong men around him to retreat one after another.

"Come on!"

Terrible power swept across the body of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the space twisted and trembled crazily, one after another extremely terrifying golden lights burst out of the air, the space shattered, and the golden lights frantically condensed after breaking through the air, and finally formed A terrible golden sword that seems to cut through the sky and split the universe!
"The golden avenue of the universe has been accomplished, and it is indeed the top evildoer of the younger generation. I am afraid it will not take long, and it may even be possible to step into the supreme ruler state!" Some of the older generation of heavenly rulers looked at the countless golden lights. The condensed golden swords all had expressions of amazement.

And the golden sword condensed with countless golden lights seems to be the incarnation of the golden avenue, invincible and invincible, coming towards Longfeng through the sky, and it is bound to kill Longfeng.


Looking at the golden sword that came through the sky, Long Feng just raised his eyelids, pointing to the void with his two fingers, and the power of Hunyuan Dao condensed into a Fang Tianhalberd.


There was a deafening collision sound, and the golden sword and Fang Tianji condensed by the Golden Avenue and the Hunyuan Avenue collided with each other, and the space was shattered, and the golden giant sword was actually shattered together with the space shattering.

"How is it possible, this golden sword is condensed by the Dao of Gold, but it is indestructible, and everything is invincible!"

Seeing that Fang Tianji shattered the golden sword, there was a burst of exclamation and unbelievable sounds. You must know that the golden road is said to be indestructible, but today's scene is beyond the imagination of ordinary strong people.

Of course, there is a reason why Longfeng's Fang Tianhalberd can smash the golden sword condensed in the Golden Dao so easily, because now his Hunyuan Dao has officially entered the Dacheng realm.And once the Hunyuan Dao is completed, it will dominate all the Dao of the universe, and thousands of Dao will surrender, and the Golden Dao will naturally be unable to match it.

It can be said that the current Long Feng can be regarded as the real No. 1 under the Supreme Dominator Realm. Of course, if he uses his trump card, he may not even be his opponent with the ordinary three generations of Supreme Dominator Realm existences.

Seeing that the golden sword condensed by his Golden Way was instantly shattered, the Heavenly Demon Emperor's expression was extremely gloomy and cold. It seemed that Long Feng did have the strength to kill the ancestor Nine Winged Demon Peng.At least in his opinion, Long Feng was unfathomable, and even a vague sense of fear arose in his heart, and he had never felt this kind of feeling before.

Destroying the golden sword condensed by the Heavenly Demon Emperor with the Dao of Gold, Long Feng glanced at the Heavenly Demon Emperor indifferently, then stopped paying attention to it, and turned his attention to the Wanshi Lake. In the eyes of ordinary people, Wanshi Lake looks like It is very ordinary, but in his eyes, it is the epitome of countless worlds, as if every drop of lake water is a world.

The Buddha said in the past that one flower is one world, one leaf is one Bodhi, but now this is the second time Long Feng has seen such a scene, just like a drop of lake water in Wanshi Lake, the Hunyuan Tree in his body It is also a leaf and a world, and creatures have already been born in some worlds, which was simply an incredible thing in the past.

At this time, Yun Feiyang beside Long Feng saw Long Feng smashing the terrifying blow of the Heavenly Demon Emperor with a single finger, and couldn't help sighing inwardly. In his opinion, Long Feng was even more terrifying after breaking through the realm of the ruler of heaven. Yes, the strength has far exceeded his imagination.

From Yun Feiyang's point of view, the top ten evildoers might not be Long Feng's opponent if they played all their cards. Perhaps only the top ten evildoers, known as the number one evildoer in the ages, could compete with Long Feng.

"Let's go, let's see the magic of Wanshi Lake." Looking back, Longfeng Gujing walked towards Wanshi Lake without paying attention to the Sky Demon Emperor.

This scene made the Heavenly Demon Emperor look extremely ugly, but there was nothing he could do.He was also very afraid of Long Feng's unfathomable strength. For the current plan, the only way to kill him was to find a few ancestors who were on the [-]th or [-]th floor of the Burying Soul Tower.

The four of them landed on the edge of Wanshi Lake step by step, and as soon as they approached the edge of Wanshi Lake, they immediately felt surrounded by countless world forces, as if they were surrounded by countless worlds.

"What a Wanshi Lake, let me take a look at your magic." When Long Feng approached the Wanshi Lake and felt the Hunyuan Tree in his body swaying slightly, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and stepped into the Wanshi with a step. inside the lake.

Seeing this, other strong men all turned their attention to Long Feng, especially those who had heard the rumors about Long Feng paid special attention to Long Feng. After all, Long Feng's current reputation is no less than that of the top ten monsters.

"I don't know how many steps this person can take?" Some strong men of the older generation said curiously when they saw Long Feng stepping into the Wanshi Lake in one step.

"Maximum five or six hundred steps. After all, the one with the most of the top ten evildoers can only take more than 1000 steps. If he can match the top ten evildoers, five or six hundred steps should not be a problem."

"Then maybe, what this Wanshi Lake tests is a person's understanding of the world. If he does not have enough understanding, he may not even be able to take a hundred steps. I've come to a standstill." Some powerhouses immediately shook their heads and said, in their opinion, the peerless talents of the top ten evildoers are not comparable to anyone.

"Hmph, one hundred steps is probably his limit!" His eyes full of murderous intent fell on Long Feng, and the Sky Demon Emperor snorted coldly. After all, he only took three hundred steps.

When Yun Feiyang saw Long Feng stepping into Wanshi Lake, he was very curious. He had stepped into Wanshi Lake before, but the most time he only crossed [-] steps, and he couldn't stop after [-] steps. before.You must know that there are many peak masters of heaven in Wanshi Lake at this moment, and most of them stop at about one or two hundred steps.


When the soles of Long Feng's feet fell, the lake trembled slightly, and the image of the next world appeared on the soles of Long Feng's feet, and then Long Feng's whole body fell into that world.

And the moment Long Feng stepped into Wanshi Lake, a drop of lake water fell silently onto the Hunyuan tree in Longfeng's dantian. When this drop of lake water fell on the Hunyuan tree, the Hunyuan tree seemed to be moistened , actually slowly grow a new tender leaf.

And in this young leaf, there is a new world born, obviously that drop of lake water has turned into this Hunyuan leaf.

The moment this piece of Hunyuan leaves condensed, the corners of Long Feng's mouth could not help but tilt up slightly, and the sole of his foot took another step, and every time the sole of his foot fell, a world appeared on the sole of his foot, this scene was like a world per step.

Of course, apart from this scene, every time Long Feng took a step, he would absorb an extra drop of lake water, and the Hunyuan tree in his dantian would give birth to a new world leaf.

Before he knew it, Long Feng took a hundred steps, a hundred steps was not his ultimate limit.

"Sure enough, it is comparable to the top ten monsters. The first time you step into Wanshi Lake, you can take a hundred steps. This is something that many Baitianjiao have not achieved." I couldn't help sweeping at the Sky Demon Emperor. The first time the Sky Demon Emperor stepped into the Wanshi Lake, he finally stopped at a hundred steps. If he hadn't comprehended the power of the three thousand worlds in the Wanshi Lake all these years, Naturally, it is impossible to take a hundred steps.

It can be said that although the top ten monsters all took a hundred steps for the first time, it seems that no one is as relaxed as Long Feng. His feet landed in the Wanshi Lake as if he was taking a leisurely walk, pausing step by step with others. , ten steps and one meditation is no longer a state.

Undoubtedly, this shocked many people and found it unbelievable. It is rare to take such a leisurely step a hundred steps, unless it is some second-generation supreme ruler or the one who is the first of the top ten evildoers. Only they have such ability.

"Could it be that he is also a peerless evildoer?" In addition to allowing people to comprehend the three thousand worlds, Wanshi Lake also has another purpose, which is to test the talents of everyone. The more steps they take, the more evil their talents will naturally be.

For example, the peerless evildoer, who is considered the first genius since ancient times, has taken more than 600 steps, which is already one of the furthest steps since Wanshi Lake. He took so many steps at the peak of the Dominant Realm, and other existences who have taken so many steps are all second-generation Supreme Dominant Realm powerhouses.

"It's more than 200 steps. This is simply too monstrous. It's the first time I stepped into Wanshi Lake to take 100 steps. I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult for the top ten monstrous generations to do it." As time went by, Long Feng took one step. In one step, he took more than [-] steps again.

At this time, the entire Wanshi Lake was silent, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Long Feng. They wanted to see how far this young human race who was born out of nowhere could go.

"Hiss! Three hundred steps! How is this possible?"

"And his appearance has always been leisurely and leisurely. This is simply unbelievable. Could it be that he is really another eternal and peerless evildoer?"

When Long Feng took three hundred steps unknowingly, gasps sounded one after another, and to the astonishment of the others, the originally handsome face of the Heavenly Demon Emperor had turned dark and frightening, and even a pair of fists were deadly. Clenching tightly, obviously he didn't expect that Long Feng would be so monstrous, he could reach [-] steps when stepping into Wanshi Lake for the first time, and it seemed that he still hadn't reached the limit.

"As expected of a taboo, could it be possible to break that person's record?" Yun Feiyang's eyes fell on Long Feng. At this moment, he was extremely curious whether Long Feng could break the record kept by that person.

Of course, no one noticed that Jun Qingkuang also stepped into the Wanshi Lake at this time. He also stepped into the world step by step, and there was a universe around him that seemed to be running. Of course, everyone's eyes were on the dragon. On Feng, he didn't notice Jun frivolity for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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