Peerless Killing God

Chapter 624 The second generation is supreme!Just kill it!

Chapter 624 The second generation is supreme!Just kill it!

In the Burial Soul Pagoda, in the Wanshi Lake, the Wanshitu is quietly suspended, and the frivolous figure of Jun in the Wanshitu flashes across the worlds, as if wanting to merge with the thousands of worlds.

But under the picture of eternal life, Long Feng is holding the mourning bell and stepping on the blood lotus burial platform, no one dares to cross the thunder pond half a step.

"Young man of the human race, pay back the lives of our people!" Suddenly, an extremely terrifying pressure came down from the sky, the world trembled, and countless strong men looked at the comer in horror.

Above the sky, a tall and thin old man in a golden robe, white hair, white beard, and a tall and thin old man stepped forward. Every step the old man took was as if a god had descended. The terrifying coercion made the world surrender to him, and all living beings worshiped him. .

"Oh my God! It's the third generation ancestor of the Golden Winged Yaopeng family, Tiankun Patriarch! Isn't he buried in the Soul Burial Tower on the 85th floor?" An old man of the human race who was at the peak of the Heavenly Ruler Realm lost his voice in shock.

Tian Kun, the veritable ancestor of the Golden-winged Yaopeng clan, and his cultivation has entered the second-generation supreme ruler realm, is a truly peerless powerhouse, a supreme existence.

Moreover, Tian Kun is not an ordinary second-generation supreme ruler, but a second-generation supreme ruler of the [-]th era.

The difference in cultivation between the third generation and the second generation of supreme rulers is calculated in epochs. Taking the third generation of supreme rulers as an example, their lifespan is at most one hundred epochs, and one hundred epochs is 100 billion years. If a third-generation supreme ruler cannot break through to the second-generation supreme ruler when his life energy is exhausted, he will simply sit down. This is the five declines of heaven and man, and no one can stop it.

Of course, a three-generation Supreme Dominant Realm powerhouse from a hundred epochs is unknowingly much stronger than a three-generation Supreme Dominant Realm powerhouse from one era, because a sub-universe is close to a small consummation, and a sub-universe is born, and two Naturally, there is no comparison between them.

After all, the evolution of a universe takes a long time to baptize, ranging from tens of billions of years to hundreds of billions of years.

But at the level of the supreme ruler, cultivation is no longer an important thing. Their natal avenue has been completed, and there is nothing to cultivate.Only by constantly comprehending the universe, and constantly improving their own sub-universe, until the universe becomes a real big universe, then they will be the masters of the universe.

And this kind of understanding can only be obtained by spending endless years to understand the universe. It can be said that the existence of the supreme ruler rarely walks in the world.

So some ancient existences have never even been heard of by some people, after all, they may retreat for one era or several eras.

And Tiankun is a supreme existence of the second generation of the supreme ruler of the [-]th era. Once such an existence is shot, it does not need too many means. Those in the supreme dominance realm will be crushed directly.

When the coercion of the sky fell, the sky and the earth trembled, and the space was crazily distorted. Under this terrible coercion, the existence of the ruler of the sky may be directly suppressed and killed. In the eyes of the second-generation supreme ruler of the two hundred era The existence of the Heavenly Ruler Realm is as weak as an ant, and a casual glance is enough to kill it.

When Long Feng saw Tian Kun's figure appear, he just slightly raised his eyelids and said indifferently: "Another old man, it seems that he has lived for too long and already wants to die."

And when this faint voice resounded, the entire space was dead silent. Dare to be so contemptuous of the existence of a second-generation supreme ruler.

"court death!"

When Tian Kun heard the words, he was furious, and the world turned pale in an instant, and he shook his palm towards Long Feng, as if the whole world was held in his hands, as if he could destroy the world with a single squeeze if he wanted to.

Seeing this, Long Feng's eyes flashed with blood, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The bloody lotus under his feet instantly glowed with blood, and then the blood light suddenly turned into a giant bloody hand.

The giant hand clapped the sky with one hand, and the space suddenly turned into nothingness, and everything returned to the origin of chaos, and the moment the terrifying bloody hand appeared, Tian Kun's expression suddenly changed, and a chill suddenly penetrated his body from the soles of his feet. throughout.

In the end, all the brains poured into his heart, and his heart was completely cold in an instant, because he had seen this bloody giant hand several times before.Every time this bloody giant hand appeared, it took away the life of a second-generation supreme ruler, but he never expected to be met by him today.

"Hand of approval, this is impossible, this must be a fake! Suppress!" Tian Kun yelled wildly, and in an instant, he transformed into the main body. Tian Kun, who was originally a skinny old man, suddenly turned into a giant beast. The wings do not know how many thousands of miles, and the body does not know how many billions of feet.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a universe behind the giant beast. That universe is not like the phantom of the universe of the three generations of supreme masters, but a real universe. There are sun and moon in the universe. The stars, and the vast space, but only lack of vitality.

It lacks the feeling that the Great Dao evolves all things, but this is also extremely terrifying, this is a real sub-universe.Although this universe has not yet fully formed, if it is suppressed, even the existence of the three generations of supreme rulers can only be ruthlessly suppressed and killed.

"go with!"

Seeing this scene, Long Feng remained completely expressionless, spit out lightly, and the blood lotus under his feet turned into a blood light and poured into the terrifying blood-colored giant's hand, the power released by the giant's hand in an instant even Tian Kun was terrified.


I saw that the bloody giant hand pulled it casually, and in an instant the world was torn apart like a thin piece of paper. Together with the world being torn apart, Tian Kun's sub-universe was torn off by the bloody giant hand, and Tian Kun's sub-universe was torn apart. The sub-universe collapsed and destroyed naturally.


Tian Kun, whose eyes were about to burst, let out a scream. In an instant, Tian Kun, who seemed invincible in the eyes of countless people, was torn into two by the bloody giant hand, and then his entire huge body was directly swallowed by the bloody giant hand.

When the blood-colored giant hand turned into a blood lotus and quietly floated under Long Feng's feet, the world was deadly silent, and Tian Kun disappeared. To be precise, a second-generation supreme ruler with a cultivation base of [-] epochs was killed in full view. Torn apart alive and eventually perishing.

At this moment, the world was so dead silent, countless horrified and terrified eyes all fell on Long Feng, each strong man trembled in his heart.

It's too scary, and it's too scary. That's a living second-generation supreme ruler, who was directly killed alive, and even the sub-universe was forcibly destroyed.

At this moment, countless old and immortal beings who were secretly observing were also staring at Long Feng in extreme horror, but they were more horrified at the blood lotus burial platform at Long Feng's feet. None of them thought of this first floor. The soul burial platform in the soul burial tower is actually such a terrifying treasure.

"If that old immortal still wants to come to die, I'm willing to do it." His faint eyes swept across the void, and the smile on the corner of Long Feng's mouth was so penetrating at this moment.

Under his gaze, everyone seemed to feel that a terrifying beast that was opening its bloody mouth was ready to devour the enemy and tear it to pieces at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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