Peerless Killing God

Chapter 627 Transforming Dragon Pond!

Chapter 627 Transforming Dragon Pond!
Four of the top ten monsters climbed the Shenlong Peak, among them, Emperor Fu was smiling while climbing, and his whole body was majestic. Even though Longwei suppressed and suppressed him, he still stood still, as if he was the emperor high above.

And Mo Mie is the incarnation of the whole person as a supreme demon, and the image of a demon god emerges behind him. The whole body is full of demonic energy, black hair dances wildly, unruly, and looks down on the sky.

Compared with the former two, Tianshenzi is full of divine light, and his whole person is like a supreme god, invulnerable to all laws, even the extremely terrifying Longwei doesn't have much feeling for him.

Except for these three people who are extremely dazzling, Yao Wuchang, the emperor of the Yao clan, is also full of demon power. Every step he takes, it seems that he wants to stamp out the terrifying dragon power.

Each of the four top ten evildoers is the most dazzling genius among all races in this era, and their ancestors are also the supreme beings of the first generation of supreme rulers. The blood flowing in their bodies can be said to be the most powerful in the entire universe The most noble and supreme bloodline is far beyond the reach of others.

However, it is extremely unbelievable that someone who takes half a step to the Supreme Domination Realm can climb the tens of thousands of feet of Shenlong Peak. After all, here, three generations of Supreme Domination Realm powerhouses are already struggling. They are already extremely cautious.

It's as easy as the four of them. Of course, it looks easy on the surface, and the movements of the four have gradually become a little slower. After all, they still haven't taken the step of the supreme dominance. This extremely terrifying Longwei.

What's more, they have only climbed the Shenlong Peak, which is not one-tenth of it. The higher they go, the more terrifying Longwei is. Horror Longwei.

There, unless it is the existence of the first-generation Supreme Dominant Realm, even the second-generation Supreme Dominant Realm powerhouse at the peak of the [-]th era cannot resist the supreme dragon power that is enough to destroy the world.

Just as the four evildoers were secretly competing to climb the Shenlong Peak, a ray of light suddenly flashed past behind them, and a figure with the endless power of the Hunyuan Dao emerged around him. Take a breath.

"This? Could it be that the old man's eyes are blurred?" A white-haired three-generation Supreme Master Ancestor level powerhouse looked at the figure who had climbed the unknowingly high Shenlong Peak in one step, and was a little frightened for a while. Generally speaking, let alone him, even the generation of the four evildoers would be shocked.

You must know that this is the Shenlong Peak, and there are extremely terrifying Longwei everywhere. Even if the existence of the second-generation supreme ruler is at most one step, it will only climb a few thousand feet, and that is the older generation of the second-generation supreme who is more than hundreds of epochs. Dominate the strong.

Like them, climbing a hundred feet at most in one step is already going all out, and climbing tens or even millions of feet in one step like the newcomer is simply unthinkable.

When they waited for everyone to come back to their senses, their gazes locked onto the figure. The visitor had black hair and a black robe, a pair of extremely deep eyes, a smile on his sharp and handsome face, and a tall and straight body like The straightest benchmark in the world, it seems that it will not bend down when facing the sky.

When the figure of the visitor settled down, an illusion was born in the hearts of countless people. It seemed that the young man in black robe in front of him was the supreme being who ruled the nine heavens and ten earths, as if the entire universe was born for him.

Wherever Long Feng's gaze passed, no one could not help lowering their heads, even the extremely proud four great monsters couldn't help but tremble the moment they met Long Feng's eyes, and lowered their heads one after another.

When they lowered their heads, they couldn't help showing a look of incomparable horror in the depths of their eyes, because they saw an extremely terrifying scene from Long Feng's eyes.

Through Long Feng's eyes, they seemed to see billions of innocent souls howling, billions of dead bones piled up into mountains, blood flowing into rivers, and the universe shattered!

And not only that, they even had an illusion that through Long Feng's gaze, they seemed to have seen the ups and downs of countless universes, which is undoubtedly extremely shocking and incredible, even if they are the top ten evildoers for a while. Between the heart is also trembling.


After Long Feng appeared, the space trembled, and the lights of countless worlds flickered, as if hundreds of millions of worlds emerged, and Jun Qingkuang's figure also climbed up later, also crossing the million-foot space in one step.

"I didn't expect to be able to step on the head of the old dragon head in this life. This is extremely rare." Jun Qingkuang looked at the veins of the dragon peaks that looked like dragon beards, and smiled slightly.

Of course, only Long Feng and himself could understand what Jun Qingkuang said, because only they understood what this Shenlong Peak represented.

And after entering the Burial Soul Tower, whether it was Long Feng, Jun Qingkuang, or Dragon Emperor, some unknown changes had taken place. This kind of change seemed to wake up something. They were still them, but they had already emerged in their mind Some memories, some ancient memories that no one else can imagine.


Just before everyone came back to their senses, the Longwei of the entire Shenlong Peak went into a frenzy at this moment. The terrifying Longwei rolled like a roar of dragons, and some powerhouses of the third generation of the Supreme Domination Realm Under the power of the sudden terrifying dragon, one after another spat out a mouthful of blood, each of them retreated from the Shenlong Peak with expressions of extreme horror.

Because if they were half a step slower, they might even be in danger of falling, because the Longwei was so terrifying, it seemed as if they were about to turn into reality.

However, this is not the scariest thing yet, the scariest thing is that the incomparably terrifying dragon's power actually poured into the Dragon Emperor's body while rolling and moving.In an instant, the Dragon Emperor, who was only at the peak of the Great Dominator Realm, stepped into the Heavenly Dominator Realm, and his aura surged all the way, and finally stopped at the peak of the Heavenly Dominator Realm.

At this moment, the image of the dragon that appeared behind the Dragon Emperor became more and more solid, and the terrifying dragon's power unexpectedly overflowed from the Dragon Emperor's body.

And this scene really made countless people look shocked, even the four great monsters suddenly shrank their pupils and stared at Long Feng and the three.

"It's time to come back, this place belongs to you!" Long Feng looked at the Dragon Emperor and smiled slightly, and the Dragon Emperor nodded slowly when he heard the words, and then stepped on the sole of his foot, his body and the image of the dragon behind him merged into one in an instant.When the two merged into one, a dragon chant from ancient times resounded throughout the eighty-story Burial Soul Pagoda!
At this moment, no matter what the tyrannical existence is, it is looking at the top of the Shenlong Peak with awe-inspiring eyes, where a muscular figure is stepping into the Shenlong Peak mountain like a dragon's mouth, and in the mountain, a golden pool of water It's like fairy water, and even if the existence of the second generation of supreme masters sees this golden pool, they will be jealous instantly, and even fight for it.

And this golden pool is called Hualong Pond, if any snake, python, or fish enters the Hualong Pond, it will instantly turn into a nine-day dragon, and it is still a real five-clawed dragon.

If ordinary people step into this Dragon Transformation Pond, they will also become immortals and become the existence of the supreme dominator in an instant, and if the second-generation supreme dominator step into it, they may even break through the shackles of heaven and earth and step into the first generation of supreme dominance.

And this Hualongchi is the innate treasure of the No. 80th floor. If you get it, you can turn it into a nine-day dragon and watch the world. It's a pity that this Hualongchi is not for others to get involved in, because every drink in it Pecks have belonged to owners since countless eons ago.

Today is the day when the master returns, and it is also the day when the Dragon God reappears.

(End of this chapter)

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