Peerless Killing God

Chapter 630 Jinghuashuiyue!

Chapter 630 Jinghuashuiyue!

The Shenlong Peak is quiet, except for the peak that keeps seeing visions, the golden glow, and the image of the Shenlong seems to be continuously solidified to become a real Nine Heavens Shenlong.

Looking up at the image of the dragon, Long Feng frowned slightly and said: "It seems that the Dragon Emperor will take a while to wake up, Brother Jun, you are guarding here, I will go up, and some things have to be settled. gone."

"Well, leave it to me. After all, time is running out for you." Nodding, Jun Qingkuang understood Long Feng's meaning. He returned after countless epochs in the Wanshitu. The Dragon Emperor may want to return The time was not short, and Long Feng probably didn't have the time to wait for the return of the Dragon Emperor.

After Jun Qingkuang's words fell, Long Feng glanced around and landed on Yun Feiyang with a smile: "Brother Yun, would you like to go up with me, if you are willing, there will be a chance for you."

"Of course I would, Feiyang would like to thank Brother Long for giving me this opportunity." Hearing this, Yun Feiyang nodded and smiled, he knew that if he seized this opportunity, it would be of great benefit to his future.

"Well, let's go!"

Long Feng nodded slightly, stepped on the sole of his foot, and walked towards the passage of the Burial Soul Tower on the 81st floor under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, followed by Yun Feiyang.

The 81st-floor Burial Soul Tower is filled with the Dao Yun of the Great Dao of the Universe. Starting from here, it is rare to see the figure of a strong person below the Supreme Domination Realm.Because of the dao rhyme of the cosmic avenue everywhere, if the strong man whose cultivation base is not the supreme dominator level stays for a long time, it is very likely that he will go crazy and explode directly to death.

Of course, some powerhouses who are halfway to the Supreme Dominant Realm can often comprehend the Dao Yun of the Dao of the Universe here, and strive to break through the Supreme Dominant Realm as soon as possible to form their own sub-universe.

As soon as he stepped into the Burial Soul Tower on the 81st floor, surrounded by the Daoyun of the Universal Dao, Yun Feiyang felt a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, it felt like he had become a fat man after eating in one bite, but there was still a steady stream of food pouring into his mouth Same as plug.

After a long time like this, they will definitely be strangled to death, and the powerhouses of the Supreme Domination Realm will not have such worries here. Instead, they are like fish entering the sea, and no amount of water will naturally drown them.

Compared with Yun Feiyang, Long Feng didn't feel anything at all, and even those dao rhymes were being swallowed by him continuously, and the speed of swallowing was getting faster and faster, until it was like a whale swallowing at the end.

In the end, a huge swallowing vortex formed around his body, which made Yun Feiyang beside him not feel any dao rhyme around him, as if all the dao rhyme had been swallowed into his body by Long Feng.

Although Long Feng's cultivation level is not at the Supreme Domination Realm, he cultivated the Hunyuan Dao, and the Hunyuan Dao is the universe Dao, and Daoyun is a beneficial and harmless tonic for him.

As more and more dao rhymes were devoured, Long Feng's cultivation also entered the middle stage of the Heavenly Ruler Realm from the early stage of the Heavenly Ruler Realm. , it seems that there is only one step away from the Supreme Domination Realm.

"It's really..." Seeing this scene, Yun Feiyang could only shake his head with a wry smile. When they first met in the Burial Soul Tower, Long Feng only had the early stages of the Great Master Realm. Unexpectedly, the cultivation base is no less than him.And when he thought of Long Feng's perverted to extreme terrifying fighting power, he could only lament the taboo's pervertedness. I'm afraid it won't be long before Long Feng can even directly step into the Supreme Dominant Realm.

"The Hunyuan Dao has finally been completed!" Long Feng's eyes flashed, and he nodded slightly. After the Hunyuan Dao is completed, the next step is to enter the Hunyuan Daluo Realm.

Hunyuan Daluo, known as the Saint Realm, is the same realm as the Supreme Ruler Realm of the first generation. For Long Feng, when his Hunyuan Dao entered the Hunyuan Daluo Realm, he would ascend to the sky in one step and become the existence of the Saint Realm. Shi Fang is the truly immortal existence.

But it is extremely difficult to take this step, not to say that you can step in if you want to.

The first-generation Supreme Master Realm powerhouses are also known as the Supreme Saints, who fit the Dao of the universe. Unless the universe collapses, they will live the same life as the heaven and the earth, immortal and immortal!
And this is the horror of the first-generation supreme dominator. In the eyes of the world, perhaps the second-generation supreme dominator is a peerless powerhouse, but in the eyes of the first-generation supreme dominator, they are just As far as a stronger ant is concerned, it can be destroyed with a flick of a finger!
All saints are ants. This sentence is not just a saying. From ancient times to the present, no matter how powerful the second-generation supreme dominator is, there has never been a second-generation supreme dominator who leapfrogged to challenge the first-generation supreme dominator. success stories.

Not to mention the success of the challenge, there are not many second-generation supreme masters who can withstand the saints for several rounds.

Therefore, it may not be easy for Long Feng to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Realm. If the opportunity does not come, he will not even be able to break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Realm within a few epochs.

"The treasure on this floor has already been climbed by Jietu first, let's go to the next floor." After speaking, Long Feng headed towards the passage on the second floor of No.80.

"Brother Long, there has been a test from this level. It is said that even many third-generation supreme masters cannot pass the test at this level."

After the eighty-story Burial Soul Tower, every time you want to climb a floor, you have to pass the test of that floor before you can continue to climb. It is no longer just consuming a hundred soul points.

"It's okay, just follow me." Waved his hand, Long Feng directly stepped into the bloody passage, and Yun Feiyang stepped into the bloody passage right after him.

As soon as he entered the bloody channel, Yun Feiyang and Long Feng immediately realized that he had appeared in another scene, and there was another self in front of each of them, no matter their demeanor or appearance, they were exactly the same.

"No. 80, the first floor of the Burial Soul Tower test. Only by defeating yourself can you step into the 82nd floor of the Burial Soul Tower." An illusory and unchanging voice sounded, causing Yun Feiyang to change his expression suddenly, and defeated himself. how can that be possible?
Because he can clearly feel that the self in front of him is no different from him, he even knows what the other party thinks clearly, and the other party also has exactly the same thoughts as him, it seems that the two selves are himself, and he defeated It is simply an impossible thing.

"It's just a mirror image!" Looking at the other self, Long Feng walked towards him without any hesitation, and the other Long Feng also walked towards him. When the two collided together, the two Long Feng's figure disappeared instantly.

"what happened?"

Seeing this scene, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but take a deep breath, then looked at the other self, frowned, followed Long Feng's previous method, restrained the power fluctuations in his body, and walked towards the other self as if casually go.

When the two Yun Feiyang collided with each other, the same two Yun Feiyang also disappeared together. It was only when Yun Feiyang appeared that he realized that he was still in the bloody tunnel, but it was different from when he came in. There were hundreds of paths in front of him. figure
And these figures are all standing in place, each one seems to have lost their souls, but the terrifying aura emitted by these figures at random makes it clear that these people are the existence of the Supreme Dominant Realm.

"The flower in the mirror is the moon in the water. The more persistent you are, the deeper you will sink, and you will not be able to wake up in the end." Looking at these figures, Long Feng said lightly, whether this 81-story test is difficult or not, it is simple Simple, if you understand it, you can easily pass the level, if you don't understand it, you will only get deeper and deeper in the end if you are obsessed with defeating yourself.

Without taking a second look at these standing figures, Long Feng stepped directly into the other side of the blood-colored passage, but Yun Feiyang couldn't help sighing, if he hadn't followed Long Feng, he might have been trapped in that terrifying mirror forever Among them, I have been fighting against the nothingness of myself, forever.

The 82nd floor Burying Soul Tower is not much different from the 81st floor, but the Dao rhyme is more intense, and a random tree and flower here is placed outside, which is the avenue of immortal grass and avenue of immortal trees, but for the supreme master who can reach this floor For those with a strong environment, this grass path tree is not very useful.

The only thing they are interested in is the treasure of this floor of the Burial Soul Tower. After all, the strength of a strong man of their level cannot be greatly improved, and they can only rely on the accumulation and precipitation of the years. This is definitely not the case. It happens overnight.

But it would be different if they could get the treasure of this layer of Burial Soul Tower. With such a treasure in hand, it was enough to crush the same level and compete with higher levels.

And the treasure on the 82nd floor of the Burial Soul Tower is a heaven-defying thing, called the Yin-Yang Mirror of Life and Death.

The power of this Yin-Yang Mirror of Life and Death is absolutely no less powerful than the other ten innate treasures.The yin and yang mirror of life and death is as powerful as its name. When the yin mirror shines, you will fall into the underworld, and if you shine the yang mirror, you will be alive!
It can be said that with such a treasure in hand, the third-generation Supreme Dominator can even directly compete with the second-generation Supreme Dominator. Facing the existence of the same level, even a single meeting can kill people.

It's a pity that it is extremely difficult to obtain this yin-yang mirror of life and death, even the second generation of supreme rulers will not be able to obtain this treasure.

"The yin and yang mirror of life and death is in hand, life and death are up to me!" muttering softly, Long Feng seemed to recall something in his mind.

"The yin-yang life and death mirror is in hand, life and death are up to me!" Yun Feiyang couldn't help but tremble when he heard Long Feng's soft murmur. The horror of the yin and yang mirror of life and death.

"Your chance is on this level, and the Yin-Yang Mirror of Life and Death should have a new owner." Shaking his head, Long Feng then said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but take a deep breath, he knew that today was the time for him to meet the supreme opportunity in his life.If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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