Peerless Killing God

Chapter 633 Reaching the Peak!

Chapter 633 Reaching the Peak!

Of course, this stone is not an ordinary stone, but the first stone in the world. It has been hundreds of billions of years since its birth. It has absorbed the essence of the universe, the sun, the moon, the universe, and has already become enlightened over time.

And this Hunyuan Peak is the treasure of the No.80 nine-story Burial Soul Pagoda, and it is also a mountain that cannot be crossed. For hundreds of millions of years, no one has ever climbed the peak of this peak. It can be said that there are many strong people They all want to cross this peak and step into the ninety-story Burial Soul Pagoda.

Because it is said that the No.90 Burial Soul Tower has a supreme method that allows people to break through the limit of quasi-sages and step into the realm of saints, so I don’t know how many quasi-sages are wandering in Hunyuan Peak, looking forward to stepping into the [-]th floor one day Burial Soul Tower, the supreme way to break through to the realm of saints.

Therefore, nine tenths of the quasi-sages in the entire universe gather under this peak. For these quasi-sages, they have no way to move forward and have to find another way out.

The Burial Soul Tower undoubtedly gave them a great hope. After all, the Burial Soul Tower is the supreme treasure left by the Lord of the universe, so they firmly believe that the Burial Soul Tower with more than ninety floors contains what they want most. thing.

It's a pity that one era after another has passed, and these ancient supreme beings who don't know how many years have lived are still unable to cross this Hunyuan Peak, and still can only look up at the endless Hunyuan Peak, and on top of that peak On the top is the transmission channel leading to the ninety-story Burial Soul Tower.

During Long Feng's steps, his figure landed at the foot of Hunyuan Peak, like a grain of sand falling into the sea without causing any waves. The whole Hunyuan Peak is so magnificent.Just a random small stone in the Hunyuan mountain peak is like a huge star, and a person at the foot of the mountain is like a dust that can't be smaller.

Although Hunyuan Peak is big, there is only one road, a straight road to the sky, and this road to the sky has one step at a time, but there are countless hundreds of millions of steps.

And this road to heaven also has a title, Hunyuan Great Road. On this road, the deeper the road of perception, the higher the height that those who can climb will be.

Of course, this road of Hunyuan is not something that anyone can climb casually. Three generations of supreme rulers on this road of Hunyuan, I am afraid that it is already invincible to be able to advance a hundred steps. Even the strongest in the supreme dominance realm can barely climb a few thousand steps.

You must know that even some quasi-sages at the extreme level can only climb ten thousand steps and then stop. Some people even guess that even the strong at the saint level cannot climb this peak.Of course, there is no way to prove this point. After all, saints are not allowed to enter the Burial Soul Tower, so naturally there is no answer.

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, I never expected that I would come back again, but I am no longer what I used to be, I am now called Long Feng!" Looking at the Hunyuan Peak in front of him, a flash of brilliance flashed in Long Feng's eyes.No matter what he was like in the past, that is already in the past, and he is him now, the unique Long Feng!
At this time, there are many figures on the Hunyuan Avenue who are trying to climb, and every step they take seems to be extremely difficult, but every step they fall seems to be across the ages.

Of course, there are also some figures who did not climb the Hunyuan Avenue, but just crossed their legs at the entrance of the Hunyuan Avenue, quietly comprehending the Taoist rhyme of the Hunyuan Avenue, hoping to make their own avenue resonate with it, so that future climbers It's easier on the road.


The moment Long Feng stepped under Hunyuan Peak, countless terrifying gazes fell on Long Feng, and these terrifying gazes were even enough to kill any third-generation supreme master.

And this terrifying gaze is fixed on Long Feng. You must know that the 89th floor Burial Soul Tower cannot be set foot by a quasi-sage, so sometimes no one sets foot in an era. After all, the realm of a quasi-sage is not so easy to break through. It is the accumulation of terrifying years with more than five hundred epochs.

Every sub-universe that exists has been infinitely perfected. In their sub-universes, three thousand ways have even been evolved, countless star fields have been born, and countless creatures live in them.

But today, a junior of the human race who is only at the peak of the Heavenly Ruler Realm actually set foot in this 89-story Burial Soul Tower, which is enough to make these existences extremely surprised and curious.

But when they felt the Hunyuan Dao circulating in Long Feng's body, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Taboo is born, is the Lord of the Universe finally coming back?" With just one glance, these existences have seen through Long Feng. Taboo is the reincarnation of the Lord of the Universe, and it is also the time for the Lord of the Universe to return.

However, regarding the return of the Lord of the Universe, the powerhouses present had different ideas in their minds, but some of them had absolutely malicious intentions.After all, the current taboo is still extremely weak, and in their eyes, it can be easily grasped, and the benefits that can be brought by catching the reincarnation of the Lord of the Universe will definitely make these supreme beings excited.

Perhaps, this is another path. If taboos can be killed and replaced, wouldn't they become the new masters of the universe in the future?

Thinking of this, some figures exuded an extremely terrifying aura, and their eyes turned blood red unknowingly.

"It's best to put away your greed, otherwise you won't know how you died!" Step by step, he walked down the Hunyuan Avenue, and a smile appeared on the corner of Long Feng's mouth, but his faint voice suddenly made many people who didn't care. All the pupils on the scene shrank suddenly.

Because of Long Feng's words, some strong men with a greedy heart actually felt the threat of death. One must know that with the existence of their state, they can already turn danger into good luck and disaster into good luck!
But Long Feng made them feel death with just one sentence. Obviously, this was not just a threat. The creators of the world may have more means than they can imagine.

As a result of Long Feng's words, those greedy powerhouses calmed down one by one. After all, these existences are immortals who have lived for countless epochs, but each one is smarter than the other. .

And Long Feng didn't kill these quasi-sage powerhouses, because he wanted to leave a little behind for the World Annihilation War soon, because he didn't know who would win and who would lose in this battle!
Finally, the sole of Long Feng's foot landed on the first step of the Hunyuan Avenue, one step down, the power of the Hunyuan Avenue rolled, and the light flickered wildly on the steps, and the flowers of the Avenue unexpectedly bloomed on both steps.

At this time, Long Feng is like a fairy ascending the road to heaven, one step at a time, the flowers of the avenue bloom, and the light of the avenue illuminates the entire 89-story Burial Soul Tower, making all the supreme beings stare at Long Feng. figure.

But they could only see Long Feng's figure, as if he was riding a ladder to climb straight up, all the way up, I don't know how many billions of feet, countless lights of the avenue, the light of the avenue, and the flowers of the avenue bloomed, this scene was like the return of the real master of the Hunyuan avenue.

When the Endless Dao Light and the Flower of the Great Dao disappeared, Long Feng's figure also disappeared, and this scene fell on everyone's eyes like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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