Peerless Killing God

Chapter 7 Joining the Army from Another World!

Chapter 7 Joining the Army from Another World!

Under the night, Lingcheng is very lively, but a bloody storm is going on in the mansion to which the younger generation of Beiming belongs. Long Feng, who is the incarnation of the god of death, lifts and falls the dragon-slaying dagger in his hand, and a core disciple of Beiming's family falls.

"Beiming's family! This is just interest! Wait for me to claim my life in the future! Long Feng!" When the day came, Long Feng left such a sentence on a blood-stained wall.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Beiming Family, the elders and younger uncles all looked ferociously, their faces were extremely gloomy, as if they would go into a rage and kill someone in the next moment.

"Long Feng!!!" At this time, everyone in the Beiming family gritted their teeth and shouted a person's name. They never thought that in just one night, under their negligence, the younger generation of the Beiming family died for 20 years. Many people, this is a huge blow to the Beiming family.

In the next few days, Beiming's family sent experts to guard the younger generation. Unfortunately, Long Feng disappeared and never appeared again. At the same time, Long Feng was also famous in the entire Spirit City. Many people were discussing Long Feng.

Outside Spirit City, Long Feng was standing in front of a few slopes with a jug of fine wine in his hand. Before leaving Spirit City, he brought out all the corpses of the Long family on the city gates without anyone noticing.

"Come! Toast to you! It's a good journey!" Sprinkling the wine in front of the tomb, Long Feng bent over and said, after speaking, Long Feng's figure in black robe disappeared in a flash.

In the Yunwu Mountains, Long Feng, who had been away for less than two days, returned here again, but this time he was heading towards the east. To the east of the Yunwu Mountains is the Gale Kingdom, which is a subsidiary of the Dragon Empire. Kingdom, while the Dragon Empire controls more than a dozen kingdoms and countless cities, like Lingcheng is just a small city of the Dragon Empire on the edge of the Yunwu Mountains.

Naturally, there will be constant battles between empires, which will lead to constant battles between their affiliated kingdoms. Among them, the Gale Kingdom and the affiliated kingdom of the Haotian Empire, Daliang, have been fighting continuously all year round, and the borders have been shrouded in war all year round.

There are three special cities on the border of the Great Wind Country. These three cities are in the shape of an inverted triangle to protect the border of the Great Wind Country. Among them, Hulao Pass is located in the middle of the Yunwu Mountains and Silent Hills. , Outside of Hulao Pass are the Wind Guard City and Yuxue City.

These three cities have consolidated the decades of peace in the Gale Kingdom, and one of the main characters has played a key role. The invincible myth is Dugu Aotian. He is the pillar of the Gale Kingdom and a legendary figure in the Gale Kingdom. Prison pass, without a single defeat for decades, and never zoomed in. A single soldier of Liang entered Dafeng Country.

It can be said that in the Great Wind Country, you may not know who the Great Wind Monarch is, but you must know who Dugu Aotian is, especially in the army, where the monarch's orders are not even as effective as Dugu Aotian's orders.

All this is because Dugu Aotian is a living legend of the Gale Kingdom. He joined the army at the age of only 20 years old, and within a year he made outstanding achievements in battle and was promoted to be the commander of the army. That battle was so dark and dark, it was Dugu Aotian who led [-] soldiers to intercept the [-] Liang army, and finally wiped out the opponent.

Dugu Aotian has made countless military exploits like this. It can be said that in the past few decades, Daliang Kingdom has been frightened by Dugu Aotian, and Dugu Aotian is also famous. Even the Dragon Empire intends to recruit Dugu Aotian to become the commander of the three armies of the Dragon Empire. But for some reason, Dugu Aotian never left Dafeng Country.

It's just that this time the Great Wind Nation is facing unprecedented severity. Daliang and Daqi have a total of 200 million troops pointing directly at the border of the Dafeng Nation, while the three cities of the Hulaoguan Guard Wind City Yuxue City have only 50 troops stationed.

Therefore, today's Dafeng Nation has begun to recruit troops, and many Dafeng men have joined enthusiastically. However, facing the 200 million regular army, it is obvious that Dafeng Nation's military strength is at an absolute disadvantage.

Although martial arts are prevalent in the Gale Kingdom, there are very few martial arts experts. After all, those who are in the Earth Spirit Realm and Heaven Spirit Realm will not miss a small kingdom, and most of them belong to some big forces in the Dragon Empire.

After all, what they pursue is martial arts, not the war of fighting and killing. Generally speaking, a large part of the soldiers who join the army are fighters in the Yellow Spirit Realm, and most of them are still in the early or middle stage of the Yellow Spirit Realm. In the later stages of cultivation, one can be a captain of ten people, and if one has the cultivation of the Xuanling Realm, one can be a centurion.

As for the army that is strong in the Earth Spirit Realm, there is no position, because they know that there are very few such strong people in the army to join the army. It is allowed to participate in the war between the kingdoms, otherwise it will be found out by the powerful empire and wiped out directly.

Coming out of the Yunwu Mountains, Long Feng came to Yuxuecheng, one of the three major cities. The purpose of Long Feng's trip was to experience and train himself, and the army is a very good place. As the ace special soldier, Long Feng naturally Understand and clearly.

Although Long Feng's body is not bad, it does not satisfy Long Feng, because after every battle, his body will be vaguely overloaded, and his bones will be sore after the battle. It is obvious that the original Long Feng's forging of the body There is no intention.

Long Feng, who came here, knows that a warrior's body is his capital, and the stronger his body, the more terrifying power he can exert. This is also the reason why Long Feng was able to fight those dead warriors for so long without falling down.

In his last life, Long Feng's physical fitness can be said to have reached the limit of human beings. His muscles are like cast iron. He can run the longest marathon without even taking a breath.

But in the Qiankun Continent, under the condition of extremely strong spiritual energy, Long Feng naturally had to seize the opportunity to forge his body to a perfect level, and it would take a long time to avenge the Long family according to his personal strength, but It is different with the help of the army.

"In the late stage of the Huangling Realm, you can become the commander of the No. 70 Sixth Corps, and in the middle stage of the Huangling Realm, you can become a soldier of the 76th Corps." In front of Long Feng, there were a hundred or so young people, most of whom were from other cities in the Dafeng Kingdom. Come to join the army, there are very few people like Long Feng.

"Hey, young man in the early days of the Xuanling Realm, you are very good! You became the centurion of the 76th Corps!" When it was Long Feng's turn, the middle-aged general who assigned the duties looked at Long Feng in surprise. The firm and deep eyes nodded secretly, this little guy is a good seed.

Immediately, Long Feng was brought to a warehouse. A middle-aged general who was obviously in charge of the warehouse watched the appearance of another centurion and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "The centurion can receive a set of centurion armor." , a general with a long sword, and a bloody horse."

"What's the name of the little brother?" After saying this, a wooden sign appeared in the middle-aged general's hand and asked Long Feng.

"Long Feng!" Hearing this, Long Feng answered truthfully, but he didn't hide anything.

After Long Feng's words fell, the middle-aged general engraved the two dragon and phoenix characters of Long Feng on the wooden sign, and engraved a hundred characters on the back of the wooden sign.

"This is your centurion's token. If you upgrade in the future, you can come here to exchange for the token. By the way, if you need any equipment or weapons, you can exchange it with spirit stones or demon core pills." Smiling, The middle-aged general handed the wooden plaque to Long Feng.

"Thank you!" Hearing this, Long Feng nodded, stretched out his hand to take the wooden token, hung it on his waist casually, and received a set of blood-colored armor, a long sword and a bloody horse.

"It fits pretty well!" Putting on the armor, although it is a bit heavy, the size fits well, and the movement is not too restricted.

Putting on armor and wearing a long sword around his waist, Long Feng, with his resolute eyes and sharp-edged face, looks very soldierly, especially Long Feng's heroic and resolute aura, as if he was born to be a soldier.

"Unexpectedly, I came back after a round trip! Although it's not the same world!" Long Feng sighed inwardly as he rode on the bloody BMW. Fortunately, the military system here is not so strict, so he will adapt to it. that's it.

In addition, he is now a centurion, and he is still in charge of a hundred subordinates, so it is different. At the beginning, he was mixed up with the title of a devil instructor, and the soldiers under him were desperate. become the elite of the elite.

Unexpectedly, Long Feng couldn't help but smile dumbly. At this time, he kind of missed the life in the army and those brothers. He shook his head. Long Feng, who was riding a hard-earned BMW, was led by a soldier to the ninth place of the 76th Corps. Infantry barracks.

A regiment has ten thousand commanders and one hundred centurion commanders. Under normal circumstances, the thousand commanders will not personally manage the ordinary soldiers. They are all managed by the centurion commanders. Similarly, the Ninth Infantry Battalion where Long Feng is located is The gathering place of his hundreds of men, and there are more than 100 infantry barracks tents, large and small, all around.

"This is your lord's barracks. If you have anything you don't understand in the future, you can ask your boss." Pointing to a barracks where hundreds of people were standing crookedly chatting with no trace of military discipline, the leading soldier and Long Feng finished talking. He left, and he had to bring many new recruits into the barracks, so there was no time to delay.

Seeing this, Long Feng didn't say much, but when he looked at the hundred people under him, he couldn't help frowning, and once Long Feng frowned, someone must be in trouble.

Riding a bloody BMW, Long Feng slowly approached his own barracks. The hundred people saw that Long Feng was wearing the armor of a centurion, and immediately restrained their lazy attitude and quickly stood in a crooked row.

Long Feng frowned even more when he saw the hundred people who were listless and didn't pay any attention to his arrival. It seemed that these people had to be trained to understand what military discipline is.

"Hello, my name is Long Feng. You can call me Longtou. As for your names, you are qualified to let me know." Looking at the listless group of people, Long Feng deliberately showed disdain.

It was said that all the hundred people present were staring at Long Feng, as if they had been insulted.

"What? Feel insulted by me? Are you ashamed to join the army? I think three-year-olds are better than you. If you can't stand upright within three seconds, get out of the barracks and go home to drink milk." circle, Long Feng said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone immediately stood up straight, but their angry eyes stared at Long Feng again, as if they were going to eat Long Feng alive.

Sensing everyone's gazes, Long Feng's eyes sank, and the evil aura shot up from his body, causing everyone present to tremble violently.

"The first rule of a soldier is to absolutely obey orders! Even if I let you die immediately, you must die? You have no right to be angry. Otherwise, why bother to join the army? With you like this, I am afraid that the Gale Nation will be killed in a few days. Destruction, if it is because of you, the country will be destroyed and relatives will be slaughtered. At that time, you still have the right to be angry?"

Hearing Long Feng's scolding, all the people present slowly lowered their heads, their angry gazes were gone, especially the soaring aura on Long Feng's body made them all terrified, they knew that if If they don't obey the order of this seemingly young centurion, they will probably be killed on the spot in the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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