Peerless Killing God

Chapter 85 Whoever humiliates others must humiliate him!

Chapter 85 Whoever humiliates others must humiliate him!
The Blood Arena, the most popular arena in Zhanmeng Academy, consists of 99 arenas, and countless battles take place every day.

The blood arena, on the one hand, is because it can quickly gain points, and on the other hand, it can train students' combat experience.After all, outside the Zhanmeng Academy, it's like swords and swords, and life and death follow the sky.Therefore, there are countless students struggling here every day.

Therefore, the passionate arena every day can almost be described as a sea of ​​people, and all kinds of noisy roars can be heard clearly even if you are a hundred meters away from the arena.

Today's Arena of Blood is also crowded with countless figures without exception, and as far as the eye can see, it is full of dark heads of various colors.

The shouts, roars and screams are enough to make some people feel like dying. Of course, people who like blood are more inclined to come here.

However, a strange thing happened in the last month, that is, people from the Sky League and the Dragon League were looking for trouble for five people, and those five people would be found and challenged by the Sky League and the Dragon League every day whether they wanted to or not. Then fight to defeat the opponent.

And defeating the opponent does not seriously hurt the opponent, but every time he defeats the opponent, he will severely humiliate the opponent, making the opponent unable to hold his head up in front of everyone.

And today was no exception, a man with a scar on his face was punched to the ground, and then the man appeared above the scarred man in a flash, and then stepped directly on the scarred man's face.

"Trash! Trash! Get out!" Looking at the person stepped on with disdain, he spit on the other person's face, and kicked the scarred man away.

At the same time, on the other four battle platforms, four figures were also kicked away from the battle platforms like dead dogs.

And the five people who were kicked away seemed to have long been accustomed to this humiliation, their faces were expressionless, although their eyes were full of infinite resentment.It's not that they don't want to resist, but that the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

However, they never dreamed that this scene happened to be seen by Long Feng passing by here. Looking at the five people flying upside down from mid-air, Long Feng's originally smiling smile gradually turned cold.

The soles of their feet lightly tapped the ground, and before everyone came back to their senses, the five people in midair disappeared out of thin air. When Long Feng's figure reappeared, Ge Tianba and the other five also appeared behind him.

With one hand, he poured vitality into the five people's bodies and digested all the bruises on the five people's bodies. Then Long Feng suddenly raised his head and said softly: "You guys watch here!"

After finishing speaking, Long Feng's figure suddenly appeared on the No. [-] Hot Blood Arena out of thin air, and with his indifferent eyes, he scanned the other five people on the stage who were about to leave, and his indifferent voice sounded slowly.

"What? Want to leave after hitting someone? Is there such a good thing in the world?"

A faint voice resounded, and the entire extremely noisy Arena of Passion fell silent. Everyone stared in astonishment at the black-robed man who suddenly appeared on the No. [-] battle stage.

With eyes as black as ink, a face as sharp as a knife, a head of black hair and a black robe fluttering in the wind, and standing there, everyone had the illusion that no one was there.

But, no matter how everyone feels, they know the show is about to start.

Looking at Long Feng who suddenly appeared, the pupils of the five members of the Tianmeng who were about to leave just shrank slightly. Among them, Wei Zong, who was the strongest among the five and had a mid-stage cultivation in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, sized him up. Long Feng's expression turned slightly cold. Said: "Are you that Long Feng?"

"What? He's Long Feng? That Long Feng that Long Ling'er was talking about? That Long Feng who offended the two alliances?" As soon as Wei Zong's words came out, the entire arena became commotion again, and everyone's eyes fell on On Long Feng's body, most of the eyes were unkind.

"Hey! That Long Feng, you finally don't hide like a shrinking tortoise. I have been waiting for you for a month!" Hearing this, a big man who is second only to Wei Zong in strength among the five members of the Tianmeng stood up and looked contemptuously. It fell on Long Feng's body, and this person possessed the peak cultivation base of the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, cultivating the power of earth.

His faint eyes fell on the person who spoke, and Long Feng drew a cold smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "So, do you dare to come up and fight?"

"Haha! Come here! Your little brother has been stepping on my feet every day this month, but now he can change." A disdainful laugh, the violent breath of the big man swept out, and the sole of his foot slammed Stepping on his battle stage, the whole person rushed towards Long Feng on the No. [-] battle stage like a humanoid monster. Without any hesitation, as soon as he stepped on the stage, his huge fist was mixed with a violent wind towards Long Feng. He smashed his head, and the blow was extremely fierce, without the slightest hesitation.

Looking at the oncoming big man with violent force, Long Feng raised his palm slightly and opened his mouth with a sneer.


There was a dull collision sound, and under the eyes of everyone stretching their necks, the big man's fist was tightly held by Long Feng's palm.

Seeing this scene, everyone present let out a low cry, Zhou Xiong's full blow was easily followed by it?

And at this moment, Zhou Xiong on the battle stage was more shocked than anyone else, because his full blow seemed to hit an unshakable mountain, and he couldn't take back his fist, because he felt that his already It was locked firmly and could not move any more.

However, Zhou Xiong's all-out blow brought up the ferocity, causing Long Feng's black robe and long hair to dance wildly, and his calm eyes fell on Zhou Xiong's voice, Long Feng finally spoke: "I will humiliate those who humiliate others! "



With a scream, I saw Long Feng's palm rotate slightly, and Zhou Xiong's right arm was twisted into 360 degrees like a twisted rope.

"Get out!" Lifting the sole of the foot, there was a click, and the afterimage of the sole of the foot flashed across the void, and Zhou Xiong's body vomited blood and flew backwards, and finally fell heavily on the battle platform where he appeared, like a dead dog.

Seeing this scene, the corners of everyone's eyes twitched. Zhou Xiong was defeated, and the defeat was so straightforward, so thorough and so powerless. You must know that Zhou Xiong also ranked in the top three in last year's battle king list. The strength within a hundred.

"Which of you will come next? Maybe four of you will come together! I won't mind!" Without paying any attention to Zhou Xiong, Long Feng focused on the remaining four people.

But Long Feng's indifferent gaze fell on Wei Zong, Wei Zong couldn't help but tremble all over, the gaze seemed indifferent, but it had a biting cold feeling, as if he was being stared at by a completely enraged poisonous snake.

"What about old Wei?" The other three people immediately set their eyes on Wei Zong. You must know that Zhou Xiong's strength is second only to Wei Zong among the five of them. He lost one move and still didn't know whether he was alive or dead. This kind of strength made them a little scared, although the aura on Long Feng's body was the same as theirs from beginning to end, only at the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"What else can we do? The face of our Tianmeng cannot be lost. The four of us go up together, and the three of you attack together head-on. I will find a chance to unleash the strongest blow!" Wei Zong glanced gloomyly at Longfeng, his face was a little ugly Dao, if all five of them are defeated today, then the reputation of their Heavenly Alliance will plummet in Zhanmeng Academy, and the five of them will also receive the most severe punishment in the alliance, abolishing their cultivation bases and expelling them from the Heavenly Alliance. By that time, they might really be worse off than dead.

However, who told them that they asked for it, when they humiliated the five Ge Tianba for the first time, they were destined to have such an ending.

Speaking of which, Ge Tianba and the five stood up tremblingly at this moment, looking at Long Feng who defeated Zhou Xiong with one blow on the battle stage, a smile finally appeared on the faces of the five people, the boss came back to avenge them.

And from this moment on, the five talents of Ge Tianba really followed Long Feng wholeheartedly, and they only knew Long Feng as the boss all their lives. Although their acquaintance was a coincidence, it was not a kind of fate.

Battle stage No. [-], at this moment, everyone's eyes in the entire Blood Arena are on here, and the news of Long Feng's return from the Zhanmeng Academy has even disappeared. After learning that Long Feng had caused some major incidents in the Zhanmeng Academy, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and in the end he had no choice but to take people to the Arena of Blood.

Looking at the three people in front of Wei Zong, Long Feng said slowly: "What? You are so arrogant when you face yourself that you are weak, and you dare not make a move when you face me?"

Xiao Yan's words caused the expressions of the three of them to change slightly, and they could clearly feel the coldness and suppressed fury hidden in the former's words.

"Hmph, you're talking big. Although you are very strong, you are only at the Heavenly Spirit Realm. At this level, you can compete with us alone. If you want to fight four with one, I think you are bringing shame on yourself. !" Hearing this, one of the white-robed men's face darkened, and he immediately said with a sneer, he didn't believe that what would happen if the four of them attacked each other together.

You must know that the four of them are not ordinary people. Three of them are the peak cultivation bases of the early stage of the Tianling Realm, and Wei Zong has reached the late cultivation base of the middle stage of the Tianling Realm. With the combined strength of the four of them, they are enough to compete against a There is a student in the late stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm between the [-]th and the top [-]th on the Battle Kings List.

"Really? Then why don't you dare to fight me alone?" Hearing what this person said, Long Feng sneered, and his eyes fell on him.

But when Long Feng's words fell, the man's expression changed drastically, because under his gaze, the figure that Long Feng was talking a moment ago actually gradually disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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