Peerless Killing God

Chapter 90: The Dragon Has Reverse Scales!touch!die!

Chapter 90: The Dragon Has Reverse Scales!touch!die!
"Boy! You're looking for death! Don't toast or eat fine wine! Your female companion, Mr. Meng will sleep tonight!" A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the middle-aged steward jumped up from the ground. He was furious Where will it give the other party a good look.

But speaking of it, this middle-aged manager is not weak, probably like in the early days of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but he is pampered all the year round, and has no chance to fight at all. It can be said that his real strength is not as good as some strong people in the Earth Spirit Realm.

As for the actual combat ability is even worse, it can be said that he has not even killed anyone. After all, the crime of killing in the imperial capital with strict laws can be punished by death.

"I didn't want to kill people at first! But the dragon has reverse scales, whoever touches it! Die!" As Long Feng's voice fell, a terrifying murderous aura mixed with evil spirit surged from Long Feng's body.

Although the middle-aged steward has a cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he has seen this kind of battle there. Suddenly, the monstrous murderous aura rising from Long Feng's body overwhelmed the middle-aged steward. All of a sudden, it was as if ten thousand ghosts appeared in front of the middle-aged steward. At the gate of hell, there is a sea of ​​blood, mountains of corpses, and howling ghosts, just like an endless hell.

Faced with such a scene, the middle-aged steward was so terrified that his heart was about to burst, and the whole man yelled in horror, "Ghost! Ghost! There are so many ghosts! Ah! Don't eat me!"

Finally, when the middle-aged steward with a ferocious face stopped roaring, he was completely out of breath, and he was so scared to death by the horrific phantom that his liver was torn apart.

"Useless waste!" Finally, after the middle-aged steward was frightened to death, a voice rang out slowly, the door of luxury private room No. out.

It has to be said that genetic inheritance is very important. Although this Meng Liluo has a bad reputation, she is very handsome, has a strong body, and has a noble temperament, very elegant and elegant.

It's just that as soon as he appeared, his extremely hot eyes fell on Long Ling'er. It was obvious that Meng Liluo, whom everyone was watching, was very lustful.

However, although the movement here attracted a lot of attention, no one dared to make a sound, especially since Meng Liluo, the young and old, was involved in this matter, they were even more afraid to say anything.

It's just that most people looked at Long Feng with pity. This young man was about to be in trouble. Offending Meng Liluo in Longcheng was undoubtedly offending Lord Yan.

"Your Excellency, it's really a good idea, but this is Longcheng, not the rivers and lakes outside. It's illegal to kill people here." His eyes fell on Long Feng, but Meng Liluo didn't even look at the dead middle-aged steward. It seems that the life of the middle-aged manager is not worth a penny in his eyes.

After Meng Liluo's voice fell, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared in front of him, and since these people were all wearing official uniforms.

"Take it! But don't disturb the beauty!" Meng Liluo no longer looked at Long Feng with her eyes, but looked into the No. [-] private room with fiery eyes.

When more than ten people received the order, they all gave a soft drink and rushed forward at the same time.In the first floor of Dragon City, just such a blatant shot!
It has to be said that the guards around Meng Liluo are very strong. Among the thirteen guards, five of them are at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, seven of them are at the early stage of the Heaven Spirit Realm, and the remaining one is at the middle stage of the Heaven Spirit Realm. , And such a force is enough to sweep a kingdom, and this is why the four great empires announced that the Heavenly Spirit Realm is not allowed to participate in the battle between the kingdoms.

"Hmph!!!" Suddenly, he snorted coldly!Looking at the 13 people rushing over, Long Feng's strong murderous intent rolled out, and the soaring aura burst out all of a sudden, all the people in the first floor immediately stared.

"What a terrifying aura and murderous aura! I'm afraid the powerhouses in the late stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm are nothing more than that!" At this moment, the expressions of everyone on the first floor changed.And as Long Feng's aura became more and more terrifying, the expressions of the thirteen people who came to him also changed drastically in vain.

But the moment they paused, Long Feng had already made a move, and the breeze blew by. Everyone felt that a breeze was blowing, and Long Feng's figure seemed to have returned to its original position without moving.

"You... so... so fast!" When everyone didn't know what happened, the most powerful guard's eyes widened at this moment, and a thin scar on his neck suddenly overflowed with bright red blood .

Finally, when the man's intermittent voice fell, the thirteen people without exception all fell to the ground with a plop without breath.

"What are you? How dare you touch my woman!" Under Long Feng's unreserved tyrannical murderous aura and evil spirit, Meng Liluo seemed to have a boundless phantom in front of her eyes, as if she was no longer alone in front of her. , but a boundless and endless sea of ​​blood, corpses covering the sky and the sun, blood and flesh flying in a scene of hell!

And in this scene of hell, a man in a black robe slowly appeared expressionlessly, just like a punisher in the eighteenth floor of hell who suddenly appeared in the world!Bring endless killing, bring endless cruelty!
At this moment, Long Ling'er in the No. [-] private room was staring at Long Feng obsessively. When Long Feng said the phrase "my woman", Long Ling'er's pretty face suddenly plummeted, but her eyes But full of happy eyes.

However, at the moment when the boundless horror scene created by Long Feng appeared, a circle of blue light suddenly appeared on Meng Liluo's body, and the frightened Meng Liluo suddenly returned to calm, but the whole person's energy I lost a lot at once.

"You dare to touch me! How dare you touch me! I want your life to be worse than death! Ah!" At this moment, Meng Liluo still had the image of Mr. Pian Pian from before, but only madness and hysterical anger.

It's just that as soon as Meng Liluo finished speaking, Long Feng suddenly appeared in front of Meng Liluo with a sneer on his face, and then slapped him directly!


"Ah!!" With Meng Liluo's scream, at least half of his teeth flew out, and the entire right side of his face was swollen.

"You dare to hit me!" When the severe pain came from half of his teeth flying out, Meng Liluo's face was in disbelief. It seems that he hasn't recovered yet, is there anyone in the imperial capital who dares to hit him?

"Hit you! Hehe, if you don't mind, I can kill you!" Hearing this, Long Feng had a cold smile on his face. At this moment, he absolutely did what he said.

But Young Master Meng didn't seem to understand this sentence. Hearing this, he had a handsome face, but now it was full of horror and ferocity, and he roared with resentment: "If you have the guts, kill me right now... Otherwise ..."

Speaking of this, Meng Liluo stared at Long Feng with eyes full of resentment, then looked at Long Ling'er in the No. [-] box and said coldly: "Otherwise... I will let someone catch you later, I will definitely Make your life worse than death, including your woman! Do you think I will play you in front of her, or play her in front of you? Haha!!!”

The long-term pampering and unscrupulousness made Meng Liluo completely lose his mind at the moment when he was humiliated in vain, as if he didn't even notice Long Feng's increasingly cold eyes.

Angry, really angry, Long Feng was originally a person who rarely got angry, but today he was really angry, and this anger could not be extinguished.

"Very good! Young Master Meng! You are the son of the Ministry of Justice! Did I think I wouldn't kill you?" After grabbing Meng Liluo, Long Feng's cold voice fell, and everyone on the first floor gasped. He trembled all over, what else does this person want to do, could he really kill Young Master Meng?Then this dragon city will really change.

Just when everyone didn't know what Long Feng was going to do, Long Feng casually pointed at someone and said, "Go and tell the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice that his son is in my hands!"

Today, I want to see, the laws of the Longteng Empire are really as imagined, where princes break the law and common people are the same crimes!

Hearing this, the man was stunned for a moment, then nodded in bewilderment, and immediately ran out of the first floor to Shangshu's mansion.

As for Long Feng's palm directly knocked Meng Liluo unconscious, he threw it on a hanging lamp on the first floor and lay down like a dead dog, while Long Feng leisurely returned to the No. [-] box and closed the door He went up, and then drank the wine leisurely.

"Brother Long Feng, Ling'er has caused you trouble!" Although Long Ling'er said this, she had a happy smile on her face.

Hearing this, Long Feng could only give a helpless wry smile. As for the trouble, it was nothing to Long Feng. If nothing else, just relying on Long Ling'er's current status, it would be enough for the so-called Minister of Punishment to give him a hundred courage. He didn't dare to do anything to them, of course, Long Feng didn't pay attention to the so-called Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice from the very beginning, even if today's Meng Liluo was Prince Longteng, he would still be like this.

But when Long Feng made a fuss, the residence of Minister of the Ministry of Justice was thrown into chaos in an instant, and when he heard that his only son had been beaten to death, and he didn't even know his life or death, Minister of the Ministry of Justice immediately put down everything in his hands.

Following the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, hundreds of experts from the Ministry of Justice rushed towards the first floor, and this movement naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Finally, when Long Feng finished drinking a jug of fine wine and opened the door, Lord Xingbu Shangshu led hundreds of masters to the hall on the first floor, looking up at the half-dead Hanging Ministry Shangshu, his expression turned cold immediately To the extreme.

"Go and save the young master!" There was no need for words, the moment Menghai opened his mouth, he wanted someone to save Mengliluo, but a dozen or so people had just soared into the air, and an afterimage flashed in mid-air. Many people vomited blood and fell powerlessly from midair.

Seeing this scene, Meng Hai's pupils shrank slightly, and finally his eyes fell on Long Feng who was smiling coldly in the corridor.

As for all the people present on the first floor, they were terrified when they saw this, since Menghai, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, came in person!It seems that this incident has become a big deal, and this arrogant young man is definitely going to be in bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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