Peerless Killing God

Chapter 97 Cruel rules!

Chapter 97 Cruel rules!
When the three of them climbed onto the platform, a man in a black and white robe lightly touched the ground with his feet and his figure fluttered up strangely like a snowflake.

When the person's soles of the feet lightly touch the corner of the platform and stand with eyes closed.In the arena, Dragon Emperor, Lin Jun Frivolous, and Xie Tian all turned their heads and cast their eyes on the quiet man in the black and white robe.There was a faint look of jealousy in the eyes that was extremely obscure.

Not only is this young man wearing a strange black and white robe, but even his hair is black and white. His stern face is like a block of ice for thousands of years, and this man is called Xue Antian!
Xue Antian, the fourth existence on Zhanmeng Academy's list of champions!He is an old student who has been in Zhanmeng Academy for five years!And Longdi and Jun Qingkuang are both three-year old students. Before they entered the academy, Xue Antian was the No.1 of Zhanmeng Academy!
Later, he was defeated by the Dragon Emperor with a gap of one move, and fell to the top, but Xue Antian seemed to have no desires, and in many subsequent college competitions, he only clicked and stopped, and never showed his full strength.

However, all the top ten students on the Battle King List know the horror and danger of Xue Antian, if you dare to underestimate him, you will surely die without a whole body!

When Xue Antian stood still in place, the space fluctuated, and a man wrapped in a pitch-black robe quietly appeared on the platform.

The number one genius in the assassin system for thousands of years!The fifth person on the king list is a shadow attack!And as the name suggests, he will appear in the shadow of the other party to attack and kill when the other party is silent.


And after the shadow attack, Xia Houqing, who was ranked sixth, whose figure was somewhat burlier than the Dragon Emperor, suddenly stepped on the battle platform, like a huge monster falling to the ground, and several people on the platform Everyone could clearly feel the trembling of the platform.

Afterwards, Ji Zhan, who was ranked seventh wearing a battle armor, ranked ninth, who was cold and arrogant, and finally No.10, a young man with a smiling face and a scholar-like appearance holding a book, stepped onto the platform with a smile, and the name of this person It's called Shu Xiaosheng!
When the ten existences on the battle king list each occupied one side, an invisible strong smell of gunpowder rubbed and rose silently.

Not long after these ten people took the stage, members of the Dragon League, the Emperor League, and the Sky League jumped onto the mid-air platform one after another.

Soon, the entire platform was crowded with people, and this college competition was indeed much hotter than in previous years. After all, the college competition only happens once every five years. If they missed the next five years, they might have already graduated.

As the number of people increases, the space on the entire platform is gradually shrinking, but there are not many people around those ten people. No such good luck, all bustling crowded together.

But the good thing is, Long Feng and the others don't need to bother so much. On the one hand, Long Feng and Jun Qingkuang are friends, and on the other hand, Long Ling'er is the younger brother of the Dragon Emperor. It is enough to stand on one side at will.

Of course, in the end, Long Feng still led the crowd to Jun's frivolous Emperor League. When more than [-] people on the battle stage entered the platform, Cang Ming in the void nodded and said slowly: "This time The Zhanmeng Academy hegemony competition is different from the previous ones, but how many good things you can get depends on your own opportunities."

"This first round of competition is to test each other's luck. If you are lucky, you will not be eliminated, and you can even get a lot of good things! Of course, if you are unlucky...but your life is in danger!" Looking at A group of students, Cang Ming paused and then continued to announce.

"Next, you will enter an ancient secret realm, some of which have peerless treasures and martial arts, but some places are full of dangers, and your lives are in danger at every turn! And the gold medals in your respective hands must be kept properly. Seven days later, You can use the gold medal to get out, otherwise you can only stay in forever! Finally, I wish the little ones good luck!"

His eyes fell on everyone, Cang Ming spread his palms flat, and then swung violently, the platform and all the students on the platform that were originally suspended in the void disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

"It's going to be another battle! But the real strong can only grow up through constant fighting!" Cang Ming suddenly smiled helplessly, waved his palm in the void again, and a light curtain appeared in the void, and this Everything displayed on the light curtain is the students who entered the ancient secret realm.

In the vast space of heaven and earth, densely covered with mountains, rivers and forests, one after another ancient palaces full of mystery stand standing on this land full of strange atmosphere.

And on this land, a light flashed suddenly, and countless figures randomly appeared in various places.

However, if some people are unlucky, a terrifying taboo will be triggered the first time they fall, and that person will turn into flying ashes in the sky without even a scream!

The outside students who just happened to watch this scene trembled in their hearts. This is too scary, this place really deserves to be an ancient secret realm.

It's just that there are only a few unlucky people, and most of them are not in any danger. It is said that the place where Long Feng appeared was a place where the river was rippling, and there was a dense forest behind him.

Looking up at the countless light spots in the void, Long Feng couldn't help but frown. Here he could clearly feel that his power was being suppressed, because he had just broken through to the mid-stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm some time ago. Now in this strange place, his cultivation was suppressed at the early stage of breaking through the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"What's going on! A small piece disappeared in an instant!" Frowning, Long Feng realized that the light spot above the void had disappeared in such a short time. When Long Feng observed carefully, he His expression couldn't help changing slightly, because if the light spots on the void were carefully counted, there were more than 800 points.

"Could it be that this light spot represents a person, and if it disappears even a little bit, he is dead!" Long Feng looked at his gold medal with a complexion. A bright red point.

"Not good, where is Ling'er?" His face froze, Long Feng was not so relaxed now, when the soles of his feet touched the ground, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

And as Long Feng's figure flickered, a spot of light in the void also flickered quickly, as if he had sensed something, Long Feng suddenly raised his head while his figure flickered.Suddenly, he found that a little light was heading in exactly the same direction as him.

Could it be me?As soon as he thought of this, Long Feng's expression changed slightly, because there were three light spots surrounding the light spot he was in in the void, approaching Long Feng.

"You want to kill me?"

A cold light flashed in Long Feng's dark eyes, then he raised his footsteps and walked slowly sideways. Sure enough, when Long Feng changed the direction he was walking, the three points of light in the void also followed. Instead of changing direction, they showed a tendency to encircle and surround Long Feng's light spot.

Seeing this scene, Long Feng showed a cold smile. These people want to die, so he can't be blamed.

Just like that, Long Feng's soles of his feet were on the ground, and his whole body remained motionless. Sure enough, a moment later, three sounds of piercing through the air sounded, and three Sky Alliance students wearing Tianzi badges on their chests appeared in front of Long Feng.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!" Looking at the three people coming towards him, the corner of Long Feng's mouth turned cold. He didn't know these three people, but they were all members of the Tianmeng. Not going to let it go.


Afterimages pierced the void!A drop of Yin Hong's blood dripped slowly on the dragon-slaying dagger. Before the three Tianmeng students who had just appeared could open their mouths, they felt a pain in their necks and their consciousness fell into endless darkness.

And after killing the three of them, a golden light suddenly pierced the void on the three of them and then poured into Long Feng's gold medal.

Seeing the number on the gold medal change from one to six, Long Feng's heart couldn't help but feel a little cold. It was less than a quarter of an hour since he entered this weird world, and these three people actually joined hands to kill two students of the academy.

As for the outside students at this moment, all of them opened their mouths wide, with terrified expressions on their faces, and each of them was secretly glad that they did not sign up, otherwise they would only leave a corpse in a short time, let alone persist for seven days. It is conceivable that 5000 of these 1000 people will survive after seven days.

Injecting spiritual knowledge into the gold medal, Long Feng discovered that there are rules in the gold medal, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the rules are bloody, because the rules clearly stated that as long as you kill one person, you can get a little point. If you get [-] points, you can use these points to exchange for heaven-level martial arts or treasures.

After killing these three people, Long Feng found that someone seemed to have noticed this side, and several light spots were looking for this side, but one of these light spots seemed to be unlucky with him. Another light spot touched it, and that light spot disappeared directly from the void.

"Want to kill me!" Because Long Feng, who was worried about Ling'er's safety, was extremely dangerous at this moment, and he still wanted to kill him at this moment, so he would naturally not be merciful. Light spot, Long Feng simply did not leave.

Because at this moment, Long Feng has the capital and qualifications not to be afraid of anyone, and because in this weird secret territory, everyone's cultivation will be suppressed at the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, while others' cultivation at the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm and How could Longfeng's cultivation at the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm exist at the same level!

Finally, when several figures appeared at Long Feng's location, they found three corpses in front of Long Feng. These people immediately showed greedy expressions, heaven-level skills and martial arts or treasures of the same level, as long as they kill They have a good chance of getting this person.

"You all want to kill me?" Laughing coldly, Long Feng raised his palm slightly and said.

Hearing this, all the visitors looked at Long Feng with the eyes of a fool, isn't this nonsense, if we don't kill you, why should we come here.

(End of this chapter)

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