Chapter 127 I Found You (7)
But when she thought that Su Qixi even dared to choke on the Cai family, although she didn't quite believe that the Cai family and other families were destroyed because of Su Qixi, she was still vigilant and didn't dare to hate Su Qixi too much.

Because Wang Jun and Qian Leru had helped Su Qixi speak together before, they approached Sun Zenan cautiously, and asked Sun Zenan: "Zenan, who is this man? What's the relationship with Su Qixi? You Don't you have a good relationship with Su Qixi? We used to go to and from school together!"

"Xixi is the cousin of my second aunt's family, and also the goddaughter adopted by my father. We only found out not long ago that Xixi's mother is my second aunt who has been missing for many years. Now a paternity test has been done to confirm the relationship. Xixi is my direct cousin, that's right, as for Lord Xu, he is my Xixi's boyfriend." Sun Zenan did not hide anything, and happily told the two of his relationship with Su Qixi.

Wang Jun and Wang Jun looked at each other in surprise, they couldn't believe it, and they said in unison: "This is too fantastic! The two of you have been classmates for so long and didn't find out, but you discovered it recently? Isn't this fate? What is it?" ah?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen my second aunt before. I just met that day, and I became suspicious. This identification is really my second aunt. It is indeed fate, otherwise we really can't find my second aunt. With my cousin." Sun Zenan said with a smile.

"How many points did you get?" Wang Jun also felt that it was definitely due to fate, so he secretly glanced at Xu Qing's back and changed the subject.

"748 points." Sun Zenan said his score, and Wang Jun and Wang Jun opened their mouths and wailed: "Oh my God, it's not true! I got 599 points in the test, and my parents are so happy. Are you really happy?" Did you take so many exams?"

"Xixi got 750 in the test." After this sentence came out, the two of them froze, glanced at Su Qixi's back, and muttered, "The two are really cousins, they are both perverts!"

"I heard it." Su Qixi turned her head and said with a smile.

Wang Jun froze for a moment, staring blankly at Su Qixi's smiling face. After feeling a chill, he came back to his senses and subconsciously looked in the direction of Xu Qing. When he met Xu Qing, his smile was so chilling. The eyes in the bottom of my heart suddenly lost any thought.

"It's a pervert in the first place! Who can get such a high score in the exam like you two perverts!" Wang Jun complained.

"So, where are you going to go to school? We all chose Beijing University. It would be great if we could meet in Beijing in the future." Su Qixi was not angry, and asked with a smile.

Wang Jun and Qian Leru immediately became overjoyed, and said, "We also choose to go to the capital to go to school, and then we will go to the capital together! You can also recognize us, and we can help you carry your things."

"Okay, this is my phone number, let's add each other!" Su Qixi took out the phone, and the other two quickly took out the phone and recorded Su Qixi's phone call.

Xu Qing was not angry this time, Xiaoguaiguai and Sun Zenan, who was his half-disciple, were still young and still needed friends, while Wang Jun and Qian Leru could see it.

He didn't mind promoting the two of them a little bit. If Wang Jun and Qian Leru knew the inner thoughts of this uncle Xu Qing, they would definitely be grateful.

When I found out the identities of Su Qixi and the others in the future, and they were also promoted, I was even more grateful.

Zhang Yao also saw Xu Qing, but she didn't know Xu Qing, but she was shocked by Xu Qing's demeanor for a moment, and then greeted her with a smile: "Qi Xi, congratulations to you and Zenan for winning the liberal arts The number one and the second place, the teacher is really happy for you two! Who is this gentleman?"

(End of this chapter)

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