Chapter 146
"Check it out, check it out!" Papa Tang waved his hand and helped his wife to go home sadly.

Su Rui also tidied up her clothes, and said aggrievedly: "We also kindly thought that we were going to say goodbye soon, so we went out to eat and sing together. You didn't come last night because you had something to do, and we didn't play too late. Who knows It’s a shame that something like this happened.”

"Let's go, find a place to sit for a while, and you will come back to your senses." Su Qixi sighed seeing that she was still a little frightened.

Su Rui got into the car only to find Luo Jiuyan and the others, and went to see the handsome guy in a heartless manner: "Handsome guy, who are you, and what is your relationship with Xixi? My name is Su Rui, do you have a girlfriend?" Ah? What kind of look do you like, do you think I can do it?"

Luo Jiuyan was startled by each question, this girl is here to tease her!
She was so wronged by crying just now, but now she only cares about being a nympho?
Li Li, who had been in a daze, was also dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what she saw. After being a classmate for so long, she really didn't know that Su Rui had this side. She simply had multiple personalities.

This girl is also the type who only cares about studying on weekdays?
How did you go crazy after finishing the college entrance examination?

Su Qixi smiled helplessly, shook her head, found a coffee shop on the side of the road, chose a private room, seven people entered the private room, chose drinks, while waiting for drinks, Su Qixi asked what was going on Afterwards, the two supplemented each other and told what happened.

It turned out that Su Rui and the others went shopping and watched a movie together yesterday afternoon. After dinner, they went to ktv to play.

Originally, I called Su Qixi, but Su Qixi didn't go because of family affairs. After hearing this, Su Qixi didn't think there was any problem, and she was also confused.

"Is there anything unusual about Tang Xiao yesterday?" Su Qixi asked suddenly.

Li Li thought for a while, as if she remembered something, she quickly said: "Yes, since we had dinner yesterday, Tang Xiao kept sending text messages to people. At that time, Zhao Yan also asked if she was texting with her boyfriend. Tang Xiao blushed and said no, she was chatting with her cousin. Zhao Yan said that she was not allowed to play with her mobile phone. Everyone was talking and playing games, but Tang Xiao didn’t watch any more. Later she went to ktv and hid in the Watching us laughing and laughing in the corner, chatting with others is very exciting."

"Didn't Tang Xiao accept Zhu Huiyuan's pursuit on the day of the graduation party? Are you texting him?" Su Qixi said again.

Luo Jiuyan also said: "If I were a little girl and accepted someone else's pursuit, I would definitely fall in love with my boyfriend. It is also possible for the two of you to text and chat!"

"Really? Handsome guy, you also like talking on the phone and texting!" Su Rui suddenly came over and said something, scaring Luo Jiuyan so much that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Su Qixi snickered, took out her mobile phone and found Zhu Huiyuan's number, and made a call: "Hello, is this Zhu Huiyuan? I'm Su Qixi, sorry to bother you, I want to ask you a few questions, no Is it convenient for you?"

"Oh, tell me." Zhu Huiyuan was a little flattered. It was the first time that the school bully and beautiful woman in the class called him.

"This question is very important. Did you text and chat with Tang Xiao last night? And did you meet Tang Xiao last night?" Su Qixi asked seriously.

"Last night? Not last night. In fact, I succeeded in pursuing Tang Xiao that day. When I went back to send her a message at night, she said that we were not suitable, so I didn't bother too much. I went to play with my cousin and the others last night. At 08:30, I will go home and watch TV with my parents." Zhu Huiyuan replied honestly.

"Okay, I see." Su Qixi was about to hang up the phone, Zhu Huiyuan hurriedly called her: "What's the matter?"

"Tang Xiao died last night. Tang Xiao's parents thought that Su Rui and the others called Tang Xiao out to play, and that she was poisoned to death after taking forbidden drugs. Su Rui and the others were very wronged, but Tang Xiao's parents refused to listen. They explained that in order to prevent the police from finding the wrong direction, we were reviewing what happened last night. Li Li said that Tang Xiao kept holding his mobile phone and sending text messages to people last night, and smiled sweetly from time to time. We wondered if he was following My boyfriend sent me a text message, so I came to ask you." Su Qixi explained.

"What? You said what happened to Tang Xiao? How is it possible? How could Tang Xiao be dead?" Zhu Huiyuan obviously couldn't believe his ears, and he couldn't accept it. After all, he had pursued the girl he had a crush on before. He must have been in a bad mood when he heard that the other party had died.

Su Qixi sighed: "As you heard, Tang Xiao died last night due to an overdose of forbidden drugs."

With a "click", it was obvious that Zhu Huiyuan's phone fell to the ground, and then there was a sound of hanging up. Su Qixi put away the phone and shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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