Rebirth of the strongest black cute wife

Chapter 159: The Flower Moon Zhuoyun

Chapter 159: The Flower Moon Zhuoyun (1)
Su Qixi smiled, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Huayue looked a little unconvinced, pouted, and looked Su Qixi up and down, the more she looked at her, the more displeased she was, she always thought that she was naturally beautiful, and suddenly a woman more beautiful than her came, she was naturally a little dissatisfied comfortable.

After saying a few words, Su Qixi was about to leave when the somewhat stupid Aji, a servant of Axiu's family, came over: "Mrs. Xu, there is a Mr. Xu outside the door who says he is your husband, and he is here to pick you up!"

"Oh, okay." Su Qixi thought that Xu Qing might be here, and she wanted to see what kind of clothes Xu Qing would wear besides the red robe, so she walked out happily.

Huayue became more and more curious, and after talking to Axiu, she disappeared in a flash.

Outside the grocery store, Xu Qing, who was wearing a round-neck white shirt and a delicate belt around his waist, was waiting there quietly. The clothes were also embroidered with dark bamboo leaf patterns with silver thread, very handsome.

"Qing." Su Qixi walked out of the grocery store with her skirt in her hands, and saw Xu Qing's back from a distance in the grocery store, and called out in a joyful voice.

Xu Qing turned around with a smile and looked at her with tenderness on her face and love in her eyes.

Father Axiu saw him, and nodded in satisfaction. This is a serious man. That Liu Zi is inherently good. He is ignorant, obviously a scholar, but unfortunately he is always drunk. The elders asked for money to do the so-called wandering around the world.

Hmph, what do you want him to do.

When Axiu's father thought of what he was thinking, he immediately felt disgusted.

"Go home!" Xu Qing stretched out her hand, smiled and took Su Qixi's hand, Su Qixi's eyes were bent, and she said to Axiu's father: "Father, come and play with Axiu's sister some other day. "

"Okay, Mrs. Xu is welcome to come often." Father Axiu responded with a smile, and Su Qixi smiled and said, "Okay, I won't bother you after that day."

After finishing speaking, after blessing the body, Xu Qing also nodded with Axiu's father, and then led Su Qixi to the next house.

Huayue hides on the fence, her face is full of displeasure, thinking of the men who used to hang around her, none of them are as outstanding as Liu Zigu or this Mr. Xu.

In terms of Liu Zigu's bearing alone, his appearance is not as handsome as Mr. Xu's, but it's a pity that he has already married a wife.

Marrying a wife is not in her consideration, otherwise she really wants to compete with Mrs. Na Xu.

Turning her eyes, Huayue returned to Axiu's room again. Axiu was taking care of the pot of orchids. Seeing the orchids, Huayue was even more unhappy.

"If it wasn't for the young master's reminder, I would not have been able to guess the answer, so I would like to thank you for winning this lantern. However, I haven't asked the young master's name yet." Huayue chased Liu Zigu from the crowd, and asked Liu Zigu Express gratitude.

"I'm Liu Zigu, if the girl can guess the answer, it's because you're smart. Thank you Liu, but Liu really doesn't dare to do it." Liu Zigu introduced himself, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but with a sense of alienation.

"Since Mr. Meng accepts the concession, Huayue should also keep his promise, and watch the moon and lanterns with you tonight." Huayue said happily.

Liu Zigu became anxious, and quickly explained: "Miss misunderstood, I reminded her because I wanted to get this orchid, and I just happened to fulfill the girl, the best of both worlds."

"You mean, you don't like me, and you don't want to go to the Lantern Festival with me?" Huayue asked angrily.

"The girl's beauty is indeed rare in the world, and Liu admires it quite a lot. There must be many who are willing to accompany the girl to watch the lantern tonight. Liu does have an appointment, so he will not accompany the girl, so I will leave." Liu Zigu Talking anxiously, she turned and left, walked for a while and then turned back, Huayue was happy when she saw her, but she just got a thank you, Huayue was very puzzled, she was so good-looking, why would she still be rejected?

(End of this chapter)

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