Rebirth of the strongest black cute wife

Chapter 179 In Marriage Village

Chapter 179 In Marriage Village (5)
But seeing Diao Min frown slightly, he glanced at Su Qixi and Xu Qing, his eyes glistening with challenge.

Su Qixi pretended not to see it, but Diao Min came over automatically: "Miss Qi, Mr. Xu, hello. But Mr. Xu's name is unique, I don't know which word it is?"

After speaking, she sat on the sofa next to Xu Qing familiarly, but Xu Qing got up suddenly, pulled Su Qixi up to Yang Jianxing, and said to him, "Go and sit over there."

"Yes, Lord Xu." Yang Jianxing didn't say a word, didn't refute at all, and took the snacks to the place where Xu Qing was sitting before.

Diao Min's expression suddenly changed, making it difficult to look.

Yang Jianxing just glanced at it and didn't look at it again. Although he was a little silly, he was a grave robber, and he was accurate in judging people. The origin of these three women was unknown, but their purpose was clear, that is, to seduce men.

Jing Xia disdains such people even more. Although she also takes the sexy route, her three views are still upright, and she can see the purpose of the three of them, so she feels a little disdainful.

Pan Yidan and Shi Yuli glanced at each other, and at the same time, the look of this group of people who were not easy to deal with flashed across their eyes.

"Hi, my name is Pan Yidan. This is Shi Yuli, and that is Diao Min. We are both senior students in the Broadcasting Department of Wuxian University. We are now working as interns at Wuxian TV Station. We are here for vacation." Pan Yidan He smiled again and introduced.

Jingxia was even more disdainful. She was a promising college student, but she was born to go astray.

"Sit down, my future brother-in-law will be like this. Except for our Xixi, he will treat everyone with a cold look. Ignore him, come and eat!" Luo Jiuyan pretended not to see the small movements between them , said hello, and sat next to Luo Luo.

"Then thank you, Mr. Luo, are you also here for vacation? Are you going to play for a few days? We heard that there is a mirror lake behind the mountain behind the village. It is very beautiful to look down from the mountain. Do you want to go together tomorrow? Go and have a look?" Shi Yuli's own goal was Luo Jiuyan, so naturally he kept talking to him.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. We still want to go shopping first. I heard that the scenery around the Marriage Village is very good, and there is a Yuelao Temple here that is also very famous, right?" Luo Jiuyan said on the Internet just now After finding the introduction of Marriage Village, I started talking casually.

"Mr. Luo has also heard of it. We are also here for Yuelao Temple. There will be a temple fair in Yuelao Temple in the morning of the day after tomorrow. There will be more tourists coming, most of them are couples!" Shi Yuli opened the chatterbox.

"Oh? Is the Yuelao Temple really famous?" Su Qixi noticed just now that the temple is not very big, but it is not small either. The red ribbons fluttered in the wind, and the villagers were cleaning and decorating the Yuelao Temple like fire.

The most important point is that the resentment came from the Yuelao Temple, and I don't know if that thing has noticed something, but after her spiritual sense passed, she couldn't find it at all. This is what she is most curious and touched by. places of interest.

"Don't you know? I don't know when it started to spread that the Yuelao Temple here is effective, but I know something. There was a young couple in our school who almost failed because of personality differences. The girl came to Yuelao Temple to ask for a marriage talisman and went back, and the two reconciled. Three months after the reconciliation, she applied to go home in advance to get a marriage certificate. Not long ago, she gave birth to a son. Unfortunately, the child was not He passed away due to illness within a month." Spahn Yidan also said.

Although they have purpose, but the heart is not too bad.

"I think it's a bit evil. I have observed it before. In fact, some couples who come here to seek marriage are not always happy. There are also some who disappear and die suddenly after going back. I have investigated before. These accidental deaths and missing people have all come to Marriage Village to seek marriage." Although Shi Yuli wanted to rob men, he had studied these cases, which made Su Qixi a little impressed.

(End of this chapter)

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