Chapter 208 Shameless Woman (2)
"Forget it, the problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have always been difficult to solve. The only thing we can do is to have a clear conscience, and it is enough to do our duty as a daughter-in-law. But it is definitely not to let others interfere in your life. It is hard to be hard Those who have a waist can't just make buns blindly." Nie Qingyun persuaded.

Fang Hong nodded, and Nie Qingyun briefly explained her own affairs.

"Mother Su, you are not simple. Your husband's family is also a scumbag, so shameless. After hearing your story, I feel better. At least my husband is still on my side." Fang Hong thought Thanks to my husband, I said gratefully.

Nie Qingjun patted Fang Hong's hand with a smile, and she didn't feel unhappy when she thought of the past, but smiled softly, as if she was talking about other people's affairs.

"I'm walking on a quiet avenue..." Fang Hong's cell phone rang suddenly. Fang Hong took a look and saw that it was her husband Guo Wei. A gasping male voice.

"Wife, where did you go? I almost searched around our house, but I didn't see you, and I couldn't get through to you. Where did you go?" Guo Wei asked anxiously.

Fang Hong was a little embarrassed, the phone was turned on just now, so she said with a little guilt: "Husband, I'm at the neighbor's house downstairs."

"Okay, then don't run around, I will come to pick you up right away, my mother was wrong just now, and I didn't come to stop it, which made you wronged, I have already told our parents and my mother just now, and I will also send Qian Qian has taught me a lesson, this child cannot stay, mom and the others promised me not to cause trouble, and tomorrow we will take Qian Qian to the abortion." Guo Wei said as he walked.

Fang Hong was a little embarrassed, after all, she was on the phone while she was staying with others.

Su Qixi and the others didn't care, instead they spoke in a low voice, which moved Fang Hong deeply. This family is really gentle and easy to get along with.

Not long after Fang Hong hung up the phone here, someone knocked on the door of Su Qixi's house, and the voice was not very friendly.

Su Qixi frowned, walked over and opened it, there were three people standing at the door, the one in front was an old couple, both of them looked ashen and ugly, and the young one looked proud and arrogant, as if they were here to ask the teacher for a crime appearance.

Su Qixi raised her eyebrows, leaned against the door, and asked coldly: "Who are you looking for?"

"Get out of the way. My son said that my daughter-in-law Fang Hong is here. I have something to do with her. Let her come out and talk to me!" the old lady ordered very rudely.

Su Qixi ignored her and was about to close the door, Guo Qian quickly stepped forward to stop her, and Su Qixi had to stop.In fact, with her ability, she could definitely close the door without hurting Guo Qian, but she ignored it in order not to cause Fang Hong any more trouble.

"What? I don't know you guys. Do you think this is your own home? You can be as polite as you like?" Su Qixi raised her eyebrows and asked back. Guo Qian looked at Su Qixi with a jealous look. She thought she was already She is one of the most beautiful women, but she never thought that the girl in front of her is more beautiful than her.

Guo Qian was upset, and her tone was not good: "I tell you, my sister-in-law is at your house, so let her get out. I stayed at her house, but she didn't care about me, causing me to be deceived. She was pregnant with a child, but now she is justified and ran out hypocritically. If I don't speak clearly today, I will make trouble for everyone!"

"It's really funny. You look like 24 or [-] years old. Are you only two or three years old? You have no self-control, and you want your sister-in-law to take care of you? If your sister-in-law really takes care of you, you're afraid it will be another Make a face! Who is hypocritical? Besides, your quarrel has nothing to do with your sister-in-law. She works hard to support the family, repays the mortgage with your brother, and supports you, an idler. Big brother and sister-in-law, now Hu Lai is pregnant, and you are still slandering your sister-in-law, you are really terrible, what is wrong with your sister-in-law?" Su Qixi said with some sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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