Rebirth of the strongest black cute wife

Chapter 269: Be a Matchmaker

Chapter 269: Be a Matchmaker (2)
"Go home with my mother, if you dare to disagree next time, cleanse me and leave the house, and go back to your own home!" Seeing that Zhan Jiahui had been stripped naked, the fat woman turned to Kevin coldly. After drinking a word, he took out a card and threw it on Zhan Jiahui.

"This is a reward from my mother, the password is on the card! Next time you dare to covet my man, it will not be so easy, I will tear you up!" After finishing speaking, he turned and left, followed by someone who came up and dragged Kevin to the door. They also left together.

After a farce, only Zhan Jiahui, who was stripped naked and naked, was left there alone, weeping and resentful. When Su Qixi saw the woman, she held the card in her hand the first time.

Later, I saw that she covered her chest with one hand, and with the other, she took a long skirt that was only crumpled but not torn and put it on her body.

Everyone was pointing at the side, she covered her face with her long hair, searched, and soon found an undamaged bag, packed up the scattered undamaged things, went to a shop, and Crazy consumption went.

"It's really shameless." A woman shook her head involuntarily, and said to the female companion beside her.

A man felt sorry for her, and said kind words: "She is also a pitiful person, okay, her boyfriend was snatched away, and she got drunk and met such a scum, and she has no masculinity and still wants to pick up girls. Let's play with her, and she will be cheated by his wife." If you catch it, you pay for everything you buy, so what's wrong with it! It's great to have money!"

"Hey, it seems that you really appreciate this woman, or else you should go and pity her!" A woman on one side said sarcastically.

The man was about to refute, but when he turned around and saw that it was his girlfriend, he immediately froze.

"Hey, Xinxin, I didn't think so. Really, listen to my explanation. I just think that fat woman is too much, and that man is too cowardly."

"You don't want to persuade you to go, anyway, you and I are not married yet, I will give you a chance, that woman is so enchanting, right!" The woman gave him an angry look.

The man immediately begged for mercy, and hurriedly said: "I'm just talking about it, and I don't have the courage. My Xinxin is the most suitable for me. Let's go, my husband will buy you clothes."

"You're smart, I'll let you off this time!" The woman was immediately happy when she heard it, and glared at the man with a suppressed smile. The man would also please him, and soon made the girl happy.

"Ordinary life is so simple, and it's what I lacked before." Su Qixi held Xu Qing's hand, walked in the shopping mall, looked at the world, and realized.

Xu Qing looked at her with a smile, as if seeing Su Qixi's essence and soul through the flesh, her eyes were tender and deep: "The future will be long, as long as you are willing, I am willing to be by your side forever, walking around with you all the time, feeling Life."

"Okay." Su Qixi looked at him with a smile, and the two of them compressed all the words into their eyes.

It happened to be seen by Zhan Jiahui who came to this floor, and Zhan Jiahui gave Lin Xiaoxiao a resentful look in her eyes, wishing to step forward and tear him apart.

Su Qixi felt her resentful gaze, turned her head to look at her, gave her a meaningful smile, turned around and went with Xu Qing to a well-known studio next to the shopping mall to take wedding photos.

Fortunately, neither of them are themselves, and they were not too tired after taking pictures for a day.

"How is it? Have you taken all the photos and selected them?" Mother Lin asked her daughter softly when she saw her daughter enter the door.

"It's all done. We've added more money, and we'll probably get it the day after tomorrow. Xuefu's house has just been renovated, so there's no need to renovate it. Maybe we're going to get married soon, mom, when the time comes you Come live with us!" Su Qixi said to Mother Lin on behalf of Lin Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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