Chapter 279 Poor Fujin (4)
"Master, this female zombie is full of fierce resentment. I am afraid that she was a resentful woman in her lifetime and died with hatred. After death, she was used by others to seal her soul in her body. I heard the clamor of the soul in her body, but I'm not sure. Master, I can feel her pain, and she doesn't want to, can you help her?" Long Yinyun is a kind person, but also a zombie, so he feels the other party's pain After that, he begged Su Qixi.

Su Qixi looked at the clothes of the female zombie Manchu. If she read correctly, the female zombie should have been of a high rank before she died. She was either a concubine or the prince's wife.

"Since Yinyun begged me, I will naturally help." Just as Su Qixi finished speaking, Linglong's voice came over.

"Ding, master, are you willing to accept Long Yinyun's request to help Manchao's female zombie dissipate her resentment, and help her enter the ghost world and reincarnate? The reward is hidden, it may be good, it may not be useful."

"Accept." Su Qixi accepted it directly, and Linglong clapped her hands happily: "Congratulations to the master for accepting the mission successfully, this time you can only go alone, and go in real body, Long Yinyun is your contracted zombie, and wants to help Manchu Chao female zombie, so you can follow along. Other pets will fall into a deep sleep for the time being, and your cultivation will also be suppressed to the early stage of Yuanying. You can use magic weapons and soul lamps. The countdown begins, ten..."

"Qing, I have a new mission. You and my brother go back first, and I will come back after completing the mission." Su Qixi quickly said to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing nodded, he had heard everything.

Sun Zenan still hadn't recovered, Linglong counted to zero, and Su Qixi, Long Yinyun and Manchao female zombies disappeared at the same time.

Su Qixi appeared in the time channel, and Long Yinyun and the Manchao female zombies temporarily returned to a corner of her space to stay.

Scenes flashed before my eyes, and finally a bright light appeared, Su Qixi stepped out, and the scenery in front of me changed drastically.She seemed to be staying on the beams of a roof, and there was blood in the house, and many women in flag suits ran around the house in a panic but orderly.

Su Qixi cast an invisibility spell on her body and jumped off the beam.

When we got to the ground, we found out that someone was giving birth, and the person who gave birth was none other than the female zombie who was full of court.

At this moment, she was covered in sweat and her hair was sticking to her face, but she was slightly haggard and pale, but not as black and stiff as before.

I knew before that she was not ugly, but now looking at her in real life, there is no surprise, she is indeed a beauty.

"Master, you hold on, he is waiting for you outside. He is waiting for you to give birth to his eldest son, you must persevere, the master even gave you a hundred-year-old wild ginseng to preserve your vitality!" The maid with the big maid's hair decoration cheered up Fujin.

"Master, is he waiting for me outside?" Fujin grabbed Su Xin's hand, and asked joyfully and laboriously.

"Yes, master, you must persevere, sir, someone sent a message in just now, saying that he is waiting for you and elder brother." Su Xin nodded again.

Nalashi Huiya seemed to have been given a stimulant, a force came from nowhere, and as the abdominal pain hit, she tried hard, and Wen Po suddenly said happily: "Fujin, come on, Fujin, elder brother's head You can already see it. Come on!"

Su Qixi stood aside and watched, but her eyes were fixed on another Wen Po, that Wen Po was very weird, although there was joy and encouragement on her face, but her eyes were too twinkling.

Not long after, Su Qixi saw a long needle pinned to her cuff.

He quickly understood that this kind of ancient deep house may have a lot of secrets, and this woman is so full of resentment, I am afraid that she gathered in a day or two.

After seeing the action of that woman Wen, Su Qixi understood that this Huiya's child must have died young.

If the child's death was really due to illness or other circumstances, then she would definitely not be so resentful. If Huiya found out that her son was killed by someone, it would be different.

"Fu Jin, this is the medicine for replenishing vitality that the imperial physician just prescribed for you. It is still a little hot. After you give birth to Elder Brother, you just drink it to replenish vitality." Another big palace lady came over, holding a A bowl of pitch-black potion.

Su Qixi walked over, avoided the others, sniffed it, and sighed.

I really don't know which women are in this deep house, who dare to stretch their hands so long, and are so secretive during the birth of Fujin.

After drinking this medicine, this Huiya no longer has to think about getting pregnant, it is obviously a medicine for sterilization, if one is not checked, it can cause the other party to collapse and die.

It seems that the other party didn't want to save Huiya's life at all, it seems that the ambition is not small.

When the maid put the medicine aside and no one was looking after her, Su Qixi quickly replaced the medicine in it with a potion that really replenished vitality. This potion was exchanged from the mall, but it was not expensive .

"Wow..." After the baby was born, the midwife Wen quickly took care of the baby's umbilical cord and handed it over to the Wen Po who had a different heart.

Su Qixi stared at the other party closely, and she saw that when she carried the child to clean up the child with warm water, she would stick the silver needle into the child's fontanel when no one was paying attention.

Su Qixi used her spiritual power to guide Su Xin to look over, she just saw everything from this angle.

"Nurse Zhang, what are you going to do!" Su Xin screamed and rushed over quickly. Nurse Zhang shook her hand and dropped the silver needle on the ground in fright. It's over.

Looking at the little elder brother in his arms, he was desperately trying to throw the little elder brother to death.

"No!" Before Su Xin came over, she screamed in fright when she saw that she was about to break the jar.

Everyone was frightened and froze on the spot. After seeing all this, Hui Ya couldn't accept it, and she fainted directly because of the exhaustion of her vitality.

Su Qixi quickly picked up the child who was about to fall to the ground, and incidentally did a good deed, using spiritual power to transform into colorful light, and the little elder brother slowly floated in mid-air.

As if sensing Su Qixi's existence, and wondering if he liked the aura on Su Qixi's body, the little elder brother opened his eyes, stretched his little arms and legs joyfully, and giggled.

"Miracle, miracle, my little brother is blessed by immortals. Our little brother is reincarnated with great fortune, great fortune is reincarnated!" Seeing that everyone was stunned, Su Xin rushed over happily and hugged little brother Brother, as soon as she hugged her, the colorful light disappeared.

Grandma Zhang was frightened dumbfounded, and just when she was about to crush the poisonous sac hidden in her teeth, she realized that the poisonous sac had disappeared without knowing when.

"Oops, Fujin's blood collapsed!" Peng Momo came back to her senses, and she was happy in her heart. It was an honor that such a little elder brother was delivered by her. As soon as she looked at Huiya, she found that Huiya had a bloody collapse .

(End of this chapter)

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