Chapter 282 Upgrade System (1)
orchid garden.

"Failed?" Tong Jia's Yunyao leaned on the beauty's couch, lazily playing with her fingernails like a cat, with a flat expression and no anger.

The serving servants stood aside tremblingly, with their heads down, not daring to take a breath.

"Dongmei?" Tong Jiashi winked and called the name of her close maid. Dongmei looked up at her master and replied in a low voice: "Master, that little elder brother has some evil ways. I heard that he should have After it was done, it was because he burst into tears suddenly and caught Su Xin's attention that Mammy Zhang was caught by mistake. He also said, also said..."

"What else are you talking about, Dongmei, you just met Ben Fujin today?" Tong Jiashi glared at her sternly.

Dongmei quickly shook her head and said, "Master, that little elder brother is really evil. I heard that he would emit multicolored golden light, and it was the multicolored golden light that saved him. He should have fallen to his death. Later When Fujin drank the medicine, it was the same, it was he who cried loudly and showed colorful golden light again, that made Fujin vigilant and caught Suning."

"Colorful golden light? It's interesting, you all go down! Ben Fujin is exhausted." Tong Jiashi snorted coldly, and irritability appeared in his eyes.

"Yes." All the servants retreated gratefully as if they were amnesty.

Tong Jiashi got up irritably, walked into the inner room, and whispered alone: ​​"Little M, are you there? Don't you claim to be omnipotent? What's going on with that little elder brother?"

"Ding, host, little M just searched, and the little elder brother is indeed a little abnormal, the aura is very strong, and the dragon energy is strong, if the host still wants to become the supreme queen, empress dowager, please stop taking contraceptives. Release a new mission, investigate Fujin’s secrets, and successfully obtain three fertility pills. After taking one, you will be pregnant with a dragon child in the same room, and at the same time get appearance 3, beauty pill*2. Failure will result in appearance-3, constitution-3 , haggard for a month as punishment." The little m of the system said to Tong Jiashi.

"You said that woman's son contained dragon energy. When she was pregnant, didn't you say that the child died young?" Tong Jiashi became nervous. She thought that this body was only 16 years old, and it was wrong to have a child too early. I am not in good health, but now it seems that it is time to plan something.

"Little m can only tell the host that the noble person in the fate of Fujin Nala has appeared, the host will cheer. If the host can complete this task, little m will officially recognize the host as the master." Little m continued.

"You said you have never really served me as your master?" Tong Jia said angrily.

"The host questioned the system, didn't trust the system, and dealt with a second-level electric shock!" Xiao M said angrily, and an electric current swept across Tong Jia's body. It's all sweat.

"I, I believe you." Tong Jiashi took a long time to come to his senses, and begged for mercy to Xiao M.

Little m proudly said in a mechanical voice: "I hope the host respects the system, trusts the system, and is united with the system, so that we can cooperate happily. Little m can upgrade, and the host can follow little m to various worlds and live forever. The rewards later are absolutely It's beyond the host's imagination, please come on, host, let's create a better tomorrow together."

"Okay." Tong Jiashi nodded in response, cut off the contact with the little M of the system, and leaned on the bed alone, thinking about everything that happened these days.

She comes from an era of advanced technology, she fell in love with a man, really very much in love.It's a pity that the man lied to her. He was married long ago and had a daughter. The reason that man was with her was just for fun or to ask her to help give birth to a son.

(End of this chapter)

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