Chapter 226 Sunny Day
第 227
"It's easy to say if you have money."

When Xia Tian heard 30, his heart beat faster. He had never seen so much money since he was a child. He walked out of the medicine cabinet with joy, roaring in his heart, this is the rhythm of giving out.

"Put your girl on that couch and I'll get the needle."

As Xia Tian said, excitedly, she went to the changing room to take out her backpack and took out the leather bag containing the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, zipped up the zipper of the backpack, walked out of the changing room, and came to the little girl.

"Let your daughter lie on the sofa." Xia Tian said to the middle-aged man.

"Okay." The middle-aged man followed suit.

Xia Tian took out a silver needle, and when he wanted to act, the door of the director's office opened, and he hurried out with a look of panic. Today's luck is really fucking unlucky, and he actually offended a great god, he cursed in a low voice:
"Grass, it's all caused by that summer brat."

Then he saw Xia Tian stabbing the twitching little girl with a needle, he shouted loudly:

"What are you doing in summer? Without a doctor's license, you can't treat others."

Wu Ying also walked to the great god he mentioned, that is, the little girl's father, Sun Lin, the chairman of the Wukong Group Company.

Wu Ying pulled Xia Tian away, and said respectfully to Sun Lin:
"Mr. Sun, our manager and Dr. Xue are coming soon. This kid doesn't even have any experience. Don't let him mess around."

At the end of Wu Ying's speech, he seemed very scared.

"You are the director of the sunny Chinese medicine branch? Get lost!" Sun Lin said angrily.

Wu Ying's face turned green and pale after being scolded, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"That's right, get out, didn't you just say that Mr. Sun can't see you?"

Seeing Wu Ying nodding and bowing in summer, Xia Tian felt contempt for a while, but now seeing Wu Ying's very ugly face, he was even more happy in his heart.

"Did you hear that? If you don't leave, my daughter will be cured by Doctor Zhang."

The woman also scolded sharply, and then said softly to Xia Tian:
"Master Zhang, please hurry up and help my daughter heal."

"Okay, take this annoying guy aside, I don't want to see him."

Xia Tian smiled evilly at Wu Ying, and then operated the mental method of nourishing qi, pouring true qi into the silver needle, and using the thirteen ghost needles to drive away the yin energy from the girl.

Sun Lin nodded to the two bodyguards and invited Wu Ying to the door.

After a while, Xia Tian was sweating profusely, and the needle had been applied. Half of the Yin energy in the girl's body had been removed. She no longer convulsed or vomited. She fell asleep peacefully. It would take a few minutes before the needle was removed.

"what happened?"

The manager's voice sounded, and at this time two people came to the door of the Qingtian Chinese Pharmacy. One was the manager of the pharmacy. He looked to be in his 40s, and his hair was combed back neatly, as shiny as the hair of the God of Gamblers Gao Jin. Then follow Dr. Xue.

"The manager came just in time. He actually wanted to treat patients privately this summer."

Wu Ying broke free from the hands of the two bodyguards and came to the manager. This time, he caught Xia Xia's handle and held on to it, sneering in his heart:
"Dare to fight against me, dare to spoil my good deeds, just wait and leave."

"Hello, Mr. Sun."

The manager walked up to Sun Lin with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Yu:
"I've brought Dr. Xue. As for Wu Ying, I know how to deal with it."

But Sun Lin and his wife ignored that the manager was looking at her daughter, and Xia Tian also looked at the girl and ignored the others.

"What's going on? You don't know anything in summer, how can you give a patient an injection, it will kill you."

Doctor Xue came over and scolded Xia Tian sharply.

"To shut up!"

Seeing that his daughter's convulsions stopped, her fever subsided, and her face gradually turned rosy, Sun Lin felt happy for a while, and shouted at Dr. Xue:
"As a sitting doctor, if you are late for work and dare to scold my daughter's savior, you should also expect to be dismissed."

"Manager?" Dr. Xue and Wu Ying looked at the manager of Sunshine Pharmacy with ugly faces.

"It has already been said above that Mr. Sun must agree to all requests, so the two of you are not employees of Qingtian Chinese Pharmacy today."

The manager said, and then said respectfully to Sun Lin, "Mr. Sun, are you satisfied?"

"Yeah! You did a great job." Sun Lin nodded.

When Dr. Xue heard the manager's words, he rushed over with a "wow", trying to fight Xia Tian desperately.

"My family is old, and there are young..."

Doctor Xue punched Xia Tian with one punch, but the two bodyguards were quick-eyed and quick-handed. One held down Dr. Xue's hand and the other held down Dr. Xue's body, so he couldn't resist no matter what.

"Dare to beat my benefactor, Doctor Zhang, and throw this Xue out of here." Mrs. Sun snapped.

With a scream of "ah", Dr. Xue was carried to the door by two bodyguards and thrown out. After rolling a few times on the ground, he got up and ran. The little pharmacist turned out to be as good as the big guy.

He regretted stopping Xia Tian, ​​otherwise, he wouldn't have been driven away so miserably.

But Wu Ying behaved differently from Dr. Xue, as if listening to the manager's words, "Okay, goodbye."

After Wu Ying finished speaking, he gave Xia Xia a bitter look, then turned and left, without even packing his things.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

Wu Ying walked out of Qingtian Chinese Pharmacy, whistling, feeling complacent, "Go to Mingyue to play something exciting tonight!"



In the sunny pharmacy, Xia Tian saw that the little girl had opened her eyes, looked at the strange world, and then saw her parents, so she stood up and jumped into her mother's arms, and said in a childish voice:
"Mom, I'm hungry!"

"Okay, mom will take you to dinner later, and now we want to thank the one who saved you, big brother."

Mrs. Sun saw that her daughter was recovering. She was lively, motherly, and seemed very gentle. The aggressiveness before had disappeared. She pulled the little girl to Xia Tian's side, and said softly:
"Say thank you big brother."

"Thank you...Big...Brother...Brother!" The little girl said timidly, a little shy.

"Little sister is so good."

Xia Tian smiled and touched the little girl's head, then said to Sun Lin, "Before I said it was only 30 yuan, but you yourself said [-] yuan, so give the money now."

"Okay, give me your bank account number or other account numbers, and I'll ask the accountant to send you the money immediately."

After finishing speaking, Sun Lin picked up the little girl, took out a business card from her body, and said with a smile:
"In the future, if you need any help from me, you can come to me. With your ability, it's too much talent to be a small pharmacist here. Why don't you become the director of the hospital I run."

"I'm just a student. I'm still going to school when I'm accepted by that university after I get out of the college entrance examination, and it doesn't seem very free to be the dean. I prefer freedom, and if I like something, I will do it myself. Fight for it, rather than you giving this position to repay me, I have always had a clear grievance, and I will not receive any more kindness from you if I receive the money." Xia Tian said.

"Everyone has aspirations, and those who have aspirations can achieve things. You are a special person. Let's take the children to dinner. Goodbye." Sun Lin hugged his daughter and his beautiful wife by the hand, and left.

(End of this chapter)

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