Chapter 234 Suicide?

In summer, I would sit on the sofa, turn on the TV with the remote control, and change the channel at will. I saw a news that someone committed suicide by jumping off a building, and this person was a female pharmacist named Tang Xuexue from Qingtian Chinese Pharmacy. The pharmacist in the warehouse only talked about some work with Xia Tian, ​​and the two of them are not very familiar with each other.

Then Xia Tian's cell phone rang, it was Mingyue calling, she said in a little panic:

"Have you read the news in Xia Tian? Tang Xuexue committed suicide by jumping off the building."

"Sister Mingyue, you don't need to be so alarmed. You have the Little Five Emperors' Coin I gave you, and it will keep you safe." Xia Tian said.

"I am reminded of a terrible legend."

Mingyue said, "I heard this legend from Tang Xuexue."

"What legend?" Xia Tian asked.

"Tang Xuexue said that she also heard from others that every few years in this pharmacy, a girl who worked in the pharmacy would commit suicide, and those girls who committed suicide all committed suicide outside the pharmacy, so the police did not investigate. To the pharmacy, and every few years, the police have long forgotten, but in recent years, things have intensified, four girls died in three years, including that Tang Xuexue, there are five."

Mingyue said, "It is said that this pharmacy was a prison for the islanders during the period of the Republic of China. Many people died in it, some were arrested for experiments, and some beautiful women were raped and committed suicide after being arrested. After that, it was built as a dance hall, and after a while, beautiful girls committed suicide, and every few years, the girls who committed suicide all happened on Qixi Festival."

"That is to say, how many beautiful girls have committed suicide over the years?" Xia Tian said.

"How many girls committed suicide, I don't know, but the legend is true, Tang Xuexue really committed suicide."

Mingyue said, "Last night when I was sleeping, the room suddenly became very cold, and there was a gust of cold wind blowing in from the window. I thought it was going to rain, so I got up and wanted to close the window, but there was a girl with long hair fluttering outside the window. Floating on the roof under the moonlight, it looked very strange. I was very scared at the time. I lay on the window and looked at the back of the girl. Suddenly she turned and looked at me, and a terrifying picture appeared in front of my eyes. The girl was wearing One half of the bone mask, and the other half of the face is full of bones, and then I woke up scared."

"It turned out to be a dream, I am speechless." Xia Tian said.

"I feel this dream is very real, as if I experienced it myself."

Mingyue said, "After I woke up, I found that I was still holding the mobile phone that was turned on in my hand. Usually when I sleep, I will turn off the phone and put the mobile phone on the bedside table, and the little five emperors' money you gave me has turned black. Why? I can't wash it away, I remember it was past twelve o'clock, and Tang Xuexue jumped off the building at past twelve o'clock, that ghost should have come to me first, and then was sent away by the five emperors' money you gave me, and then went to find me Tang Xuexue's, that ghost will fly to Tang Xuexue's house in no time."

"The ghost who can break my peace spell and add it to the little five emperors' money so that Mingyue can be enchanted must be at least above the level of a ghost, and Zhaomingyue said that if the Chinese pharmacy was really a prison for island devils in the past, it is now , killing so many people, this ghost's Taoism is at least at the level of an evil ghost."

Thinking of this, Xia Tian comforted Mingyue, "It's okay, sister Mingyue, the little five emperors' money can help you block the ghost for a while..."

When Xia Tian said this, there was a knock on the door, "Sister Mingyue, let's stop here, it seems that someone is looking for me."

"Okay, goodbye!" Mingyue said.

Xia Tian went to the door and opened it, and a policewoman with an unbelievably good figure stood in front of the door.

Xia Tian curled her lips, and looked at the police figure from top to bottom, and she was wearing a police uniform, which felt like a uniform temptation.

And the waist of Jinghua is so thin that it is only about the width of a piece of A4 paper.

She was wearing a black A-line skirt.

"Little handsome guy, am I pretty?" Jing Hua smiled.

Xia Tian was even more stupefied, and then smiled, "Well, you're really pretty, and you should be among the top three girls I've met."

"Have you seen enough?" The male policeman behind Jinghua shouted at Xia Tian.

"There are beauties to see, how can I see enough!"

Xia Tian ignored the male policeman and continued to look at the female policeman, "Anyway, I'm looking at it in an upright manner, and I won't break the law. Everyone has a love for beauty."

"What's so fierce about Xiaoxiong? He only sees me because I'm pretty. Isn't that a compliment for my beauty?"

Jing Hua was not angry, her face was slightly hot, she looked at Xia Xia curiously and said, "We came here to ask some questions about Tang Xuexue."

"You guys should have investigated me. I haven't been working in Jingtian Pharmacy for half a month, and I don't know much about Tang Xuexue, and I only said a few words about work, and there was no communication. Ask whatever you want. Right? Take it as a benefit for you to show me." Xia Tian smiled evilly.

"You kid." The policeman behind Jinghua was so angry at Xia Tian's words that he wanted to step forward and beat him up.

"Tch, you also like this sister Jinghua, right? You like it but you dare not say it, and you still prevent others from seeing it?" Xia Tian hit the male policeman behind Jinghua.

This male policeman looks to be about 23 years old, wearing a police cap, being hit by Xia Tian, ​​his face turns blue and red, he looks embarrassed and angry, "You..."

"Okay...okay, let's get down to business. In your impression, what kind of person is Tang Xuexue, would she commit suicide?" asked the beautiful policewoman.

"Probably not. In my impression, she is a very serious worker. She is meticulous in everything she does and never makes mistakes." Xia Tian thought for a while and said.

"I've checked the accident records of your Qingtian Chinese Pharmacy. Several girls who have worked in your pharmacy in the past two years have committed suicide or died in accidents. Did she commit suicide because she was fired?" Jinghua said.

"I heard that Tang Xuexue wanted to resign before, so being fired shouldn't be the reason for her suicide." Xia Tian said.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation."

Jinghua seemed to think of something when she said this, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Is there a legend in your sunny Chinese medicine store that every few years, a girl from the Chinese medicine store will commit suicide."

"It seems that Deputy Team Zihan can't tell an ordinary student about it?" said the male policeman.

"Xiaoxiong, I know how to do it. You shut your mouth, otherwise, I will transfer you away." Zihan police flower said.

(End of this chapter)

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