Chapter 239 Yang Yang
The people in Xiaoyang Village listened to Wu Ye's words, and they all went to their homes to help the comatose family members to the open space in front of Xiaoyang's house.

And the fifth master asked someone to move the table, put some props such as incense altar, glutinous rice, etc., and after everything was ready, he gave Xiao Yang a soul-evocation lamp, and once again solemnly told:
"You must remember, no matter what sounds you hear, don't turn your head, even if your mother or your father suddenly appears behind you, don't turn your head, otherwise, your mother will not be able to save you, and you will get involved yourself."


Xiao Yang nodded seriously:

"No matter what sounds I hear, I'm not going back."

Seeing Xiao Yang's serious expression, Fifth Master smiled kindly and said, "Go."

Xiao Yang answered Fifth Master with the soul-evocating lamp, and then glanced at Xia Tian, ​​"I'll go first, if you feel scared, go back first."

"I go……"

Xia Tian really wanted to say that this old man's method was too old-fashioned and very troublesome, but he knew that it was useless to say anything now, he could see the prestige of Fifth Master in this village, more precisely, it was the villagers' respect for Fifth Master. Xia Tian is just a young boy, for those adults, Xia Tian is still a child who has just grown up, it is impossible to believe his words, so he can only say:
"Go ahead, I don't know what it is to be afraid of yet, I will listen to the old man later, just don't look back, and don't attract any evil ghosts, all the ghosts."

"I'm don't know how to say auspicious words? You think it's easy for me. It's so dark now. Walking around the village is a very scary thing. It also makes me attract evil ghosts and ghosts. , I really don’t have a good word to say.”

Xiao Yang was dissatisfied when he heard Xia Tian's words, and suddenly, the symptoms of chattering began to flare up again.

"Xiao Yang, hurry up, don't be cowardly." Xiao Yang's father, Yang Zhu, said to Xiao Yang.

"Okay!" Xiao Yang immediately turned and walked out of the village, ignoring Xia Tian.

Xia Tian watched Xiao Yang's figure disappear into the darkness, and then glanced at the villagers in the field. At this time, Xiao Yang's house was already surrounded by people, including the family members of the patients, and some were watching the fun. Of course, some people were talking Whisper.

"The old man Lao Hai has been dead for a few days, but he can still sit up and run away. It's really weird."

"Don't you know? Lao Hai has become a monster."

Xia Tian was speechless when he heard what they were talking about quietly, "What turned into a monster, isn't it just a corpse change, it's terrible to be uneducated, it seems that I was wrong, there is no such thing as a corpse change."

"Some irrelevant people have dispersed, and the more people there are, the more Yang Qi will be. It will affect my way of doing things. Let's all go home and sleep!" Fifth Master said to those who whispered.

Those people left one after another, and all of a sudden, the outside of Xiao Yang's house became much quieter, only the slight evening wind blowing the fire and joss sticks of the candles on the table, the surroundings were dark, and it became much cooler all of a sudden.

The fifth master picked up the wooden sword and stepped on unknown footwork, danced the sword, performed exercises, and chanted the soul-calling spell to make the soul-calling lamp in Xiao Yang's hand work.



Xiao Yang walked on the mountain road outside the village with a faint soul-calling lamp, calling his mother and the names of those fainted people.

A few people lose their souls at a time, and it is not enough for the relatives of so many people to hold the soul-emancipating lamp.

Generally, there can only be one person. If there are more people, there will be more yang energy, so the newborn soul will not be able to bear it, so only Xiao Yang walked on the mountain road outside the village with the soul-evoking lamp.

Although it is summer now, Xiao Yang does not feel the warmth of summer, but the coldness of the mountain road.

He was alone, and he was not not afraid, but he seemed a little scared, his breathing was a little short, his footsteps were a little trembling, looking at the darkness in front of him, his feet seemed a little weak, obviously he was afraid of the unknown darkness.

The cold mountain wind was blowing, Xiao Yang felt his body was a bit chilly, as if someone was blowing air from behind, he was frightened into a cold sweat, and if he was normally, he would definitely turn around and yell at him for half an hour.

But at this moment, he kept in mind Fifth Master's words that no matter what happens, he can't turn back, so he endured it, continued to walk, and continued to shout.

Before he knew it, Xiao Yang had already walked halfway around the village. The mountains in front of him were full of graves, which looked very gloomy. Suddenly, his mother's voice came from behind him:

"Xiao Yang, have you come to see your mother?"

Such a real voice made Xiao Yang stop, and he couldn't help shouting, "Mom!"

"Come on, mom hugs." Xiao Yang's mother's voice is so real and full of maternal love.

Xiao Yang paused and almost turned around, but in the end he didn't turn around and continued walking.

The front was shrouded in smog, and the road ahead could not be seen clearly. There was a gust of wind, and the spirit lamp flickered and almost went out.

Xiao Yang stopped in a hurry and covered the soul-calling lamp with his clothes to prevent the wind from blowing out the soul-calling lamp.

In the darkness, a white figure stepped out.

Xiao Yang was stunned for a moment when he saw this figure, then he jumped on him and lay in his arms, "Mom, why are you here?"

"Mom is here to pick you up, let's go with Mom." The white figure said softly to Xiao Yang.

"Where are you going? Mom, I'm here to pick you up." Xiao Yang asked doubtfully.

"Mom is alright, I'm here to pick you up." After the white figure finished speaking, he pulled Xiao Yang to turn around and walk away.

But Xiao Yang is not an idiot, and he is very smart, he immediately knew that this was a scam and couldn't turn around, so he pushed his white figure away.

In the next moment, the white figure stepped back a few steps and turned into a bone, scattered on the side of the road. Xiao Yang's eyes were wide open, full of terror.

With the summoning lamp in hand, the ghost couldn't do anything to Xiao Yang, it could only roar, and gradually lost its way and followed behind it.

Xiao Yang left quickly, feeling more and more gloomy and cold behind him, like winter.

In fact, Xiao Yang was already followed by a large group of lonely ghosts.

Some were filled with black air, and some were filled with green. If Xiao Yang knew the scene behind him, he would be scared to death.



Xiao Yang's house.

The fifth master said to the family members of those patients, "You all retreat behind me or at Xiao Yang's house. Xiao Yang is about to come back, and there will be ghosts and ghosts coming. I'm afraid something terrible will happen. You'd better Avoid it for a while, so as not to be missed by those lonely ghosts."

Everything was ready, and 10 minutes later, Xiao Yang, who was pale, trembling, and weak, walked over, and behind him was a magnificent scene, even the fifth master couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and his face became a little ugly.

"Evil ghosts have also been recruited. What happened to the mountain next to this village in the past, how could there be evil ghosts."

Holding the mahogany sword, Fifth Master shouted at the confused ghost behind Xiao Yang, as if a Taoist voice came out of his mouth:
"Irrelevant wild ghosts retreat quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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