Chapter 257

Fatty lay on the ground with his eyes wide open, he was stunned in shock, he couldn't imagine how fast Xia Tian was, he came in front of him in an instant, and he jumped so high and with such great strength, it gave him Pressed back down.

Others in the room were also shocked.

Qi Zihan cheered and screamed like a nympho on the edge of the basketball court.

"I go……"

Xiao Yang walked to Xia Tian's side in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be so good at playing basketball. How did you come to Fatty just now? I didn't even see clearly."

"Secret." Xia Tian smiled.

"You love mystery, it really pissed me off." Xiao Yang said.

"How can you shock others without being mysterious." Xia Tian said.

"Okay, don't think it's great to block a cap, hurry up and kick off."

The tall man said impatiently, "You will be beaten until your faces are blue, and then you will know what it means to be ashamed."

"Well, I want to see how you beat us to shame."

Seeing Xia Tian's strength, Xiao Yang felt relieved to hand over the whole audience to Xia Tian. Let alone a bet, he would be willing to bet on Xiao Yang's life, because he already fully believed in Xia Tian, ​​just like the last time he caught a zombie. Xia Tian said that he was fine, but in the end, although he was injured a little, he recovered soon after the treatment method Xia Tian said, so Xiao Yang had to believe in Xia Tian.

Xiao Yang took the ball and passed it to Xia Tian, ​​and said to the tall man, "You have no chance of winning, my friend is serious, even animals are afraid of him."

Xia Tian glared at Xiao Yang, "Are you saying that I am inferior to a beast?"

"Then dare, I mean you are very powerful, don't get me wrong." Xiao Yang laughed.

"Go away...that's how you describe it." Xia Tian said while dribbling the ball.

In fact, another member of their team in Xia Tian seemed to be non-existent, and no one paid attention to him.

He had to stand aside and watch the game.

As soon as Xia Tian dribbled the ball, the three opponents defended in a triangle. Xia Tian directly dribbled the ball in one direction, stepped back and jumped up, and threw the ball.

The bald middle-aged man jumped up, not as fast as Xia Tian's reaction, nor as high as Xia Tian's bounce, so there was no interference in Xia Tian's shots. The fat man and the tall man thought that Xia Tian was going to break through, but they didn't expect Xia Tian to be able to shoot three shots. Points, and the shooting is so perfect, it can't be defended.

The arc of the basketball is perfect.

There was a sound of "swish", the sound of hitting the net, and the ball was scored.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect to play basketball so well in summer.

The three-game two-win system was over in a while. Xia Tian played very well, attracting many people to watch and cheer.

Summer conquered everyone with a two-game [-]-[-] record.

Of course, Xia Tian's opponents all fell to the ground like dogs, panting heavily.

They thought of many ways before but couldn't prevent Xia Tian, ​​and they were finally defeated by Xia Tian, ​​with a helpless look on their faces.

Xia Tian said to the bald middle-aged man, "Call again next time, I have something to leave."

The bald middle-aged and the others were taken aback, "Who wants to fight you pervert."

In Qi Zihan's hand, he did not know when he had several bottles of drinks, and he gave one to Xia Tian:
"Here! I didn't expect you to play so well."

"Isn't he handsome?" Xia Tian smiled evilly, took the drink and said.

"It's okay." Qi Zihan gave Xia Tian a blank look.

"The beautiful policewoman didn't expect you to be so considerate."

Xiao Yang took a quick sip after receiving the drink, and praised Qi Zihan a lot.

"Xia has already told me that you have a sweet mouth, and your cowhide is blown to pieces." Qi Zihan said.

"I already hate you so much that the ancestral grave is smoking." Xiao Yang hated Xia Tian for a while.

"You always like to brag, I'm telling the truth, okay?" Xia Tian gave Xiao Yang a white look.

"If you say that, can we still be friends in the future? We'll be friends forever." Xiao Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Whether you want to make friends or not, you are just a hindrance when you are my friend." Xia Tian said.

"Well, I was wrong." Xiao Yang regretted for a while.

And Qi Zihan smiled and watched Xia Tian and Xiao Yang play tricks.

"Okay, beauty Qi Zihan and I still have something to do, so we're leaving first." Xia Tian said.

"Okay, you go, I have something to do at home, otherwise, I will definitely follow." Xiao Yang said.

"Looks like a dog."

After Xia Tian and Qi Zihan separated from Xiao Yang, they walked to the police car outside the park.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat in summer and wearing a seat belt:
"You don't need to look at the corpse first, let's go to the place where the incident happened first."

"Okay, I will listen to you first."

Qi Zihan started the car and drove towards the crime scene:
"This case happened four days ago. The girl, named Song Xi, was a summer worker in a garment factory in this town. She died in a rented house. There was no wound on her body, and the cause of suicide could not be found, so it can only be judged For a supernatural event."

"I just found out after going to see it. How did you feel when you entered the room for the first time? Did you feel very cold or something?"

Xia Tian said.

"We didn't realize this problem at all."

Qi Zihan said embarrassedly:

"I'm going to call right now and ask the officers who entered the room for the first time what happened."

"Well, I have to ask, after four days, all the ghosts or demons from the rental house have left, and there is no breath left."

Xia Tian said.

Qi Zihan took the bluetooth and dialed Xiao Zhang's number:
"Hey Xiao Zhang, tell me how you felt when you first entered the room of the 803 case, did you feel cold or something?"

"Xiaoxiong's team leader really felt cold, but the others didn't."

Xiao Zhang said, "Leader Xiaoxiong had a cold that day."

"It goes without saying that he has a cold, it's because of his heart."

After Qi Zihan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and looked at Xia Tian, ​​"They shouldn't feel cold."

"Then let's take a look at the scene." Xia Tian said.

Up to now, it is a rented house in the west of the town, which looks a bit old, but the rent here is cheap. Xia Tian and Qi Zihan went to the scene of the crime, and Xia Tian did not find any ghosts, which means that it has been too long, and it may have disappeared. .

But Zhang You unexpectedly discovered that he found the breath of death, which was like rotten wood.

In other words, at least zombies with blue eyes or red eyes came here, but to Xia Tian's surprise, this zombie didn't even suck blood.

"I found out that it should be done by zombies, but this zombie is very special and doesn't suck blood."

Xia Tian said, "We still have to go and see the corpse."

"It's a good thing to find out, let's go back to the morgue now." Qi Zihan said.



Xia Tian and Qi Zihan went to the morgue to examine the corpse.

"The girl's family clamored to get the body back two days ago, but I refused. It will take a few days to return it to them."

Qi Zihan said, "Let's close this case as soon as possible, so that the body can be cremated and rest in peace."

(End of this chapter)

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