Chapter 261 Unknown
Brother Jin saw Xia Tian eating with a beautiful woman, he was jealous, and thought to himself that this guy is really lucky, then he brought seven or eight people to Brother Bao, pointing to the dining table where Xia Tian was:

"Brother Leopard, it's that kid. You must use your sorcery to teach him a lesson. It's best to break his hands and feet, and then let me torture him personally. And look at the beautiful woman beside him with a profile She's so pretty, with big breasts and a good figure, she's so fascinating, after beating up that kid, let me take this beauty away?"

Brother Leopard raised his head and looked at Xia Tian who was eating in the restaurant, his eyes were wide open, he looked surprised and surprised, his mouth was wide open, "It's him..."

Last time, Brother Bao asked two capable men to kill Xia Xia and Qi Zihan with the two evil spirits he had asked the elders for. Unexpectedly, his two men never came back, and the police would arrest them in large numbers The brothers in their district made him have to hide for a few days.Last time the elders gave him two evil ghosts but failed to kill Xia Tian and the police flower. This time the elders only gave him one evil ghost. He couldn't beat Xia Tian and the police flower at all.

But Brother Jin's voice has already attracted Xia Tian's attention.

"What are you looking at, today I want you to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy."

Seeing Brother Bao's support, Brother Jin yelled at Xia Tian.

Xia Xia ignored the waitress who was restrained by the corpse-suppressing talisman, and also ignored the Lao Sao of Brother Jin, but said to Qi Zihan:

"As a policeman, shouldn't you take care of these mobs?"

"They are not gangsters, but gangsters, bad guys who do all kinds of evil, but I have no evidence to catch them."

Qi Zihan said.

"Look, they are going to trouble me and say they want to break my feet. Is this a crime of intimidation? You can arrest them for this crime."

Xia Tian said.

"Hehe...there are so many of them, you want me to catch them alone?" Qi Zihan was speechless for a while.

"You don't know how to call someone?" Xia Tian said.

"Well, that's a good idea, I've thought of it a long time ago."

After Qi Zihan finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call, "Deputy team, send all the staff to Heji restaurant."

Then the deputy team's voice came from Qi Zihan's mobile phone receiver, "What happened to the captain, he actually mobilized the whole team."

"Don't ask, you'll know when you come, speed." Qi Zihan said.

"Yes." The deputy team should say.

"They will be here soon." Qi Zihan said.

"Well, then let's continue eating and let these gangsters come in by themselves." Xia Tian said.

"Okay." Qi Zihan picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Brother Leopard really wanted to leave, but in front of so many people, if he left, it would be embarrassing. Of course, he also guessed that when the two men he sent to kill Xia Tian, ​​there might be some high-ranking people around Xia Xia and this police flower. People, that's why they lost, so he still bit the bullet and walked in front with Brother Jin and walked into the restaurant.

A group of dark people came in, the guests in the restaurant were scared away, the waiters didn't dare to come to serve the food, and the waitress who was pasted a purple talisman by Xia Tian stood beside Xia Tian, ​​those bastards Seeing that the waitress was motionless with a purple talisman on it, she looked at the waitress curiously.

"This waitress is not in good shape, why is there a purple talisman on her forehead?"

"Why are her eyes red? It feels terrible."

"This waitress has big breasts, but she is even more daring, and she is not afraid of us."

Those gangsters were discussing in low voices, obviously very curious.

Brother Bao also looked at the waitress following the comments of those gangsters, and was shocked:
"This... Isn't this the legendary red-eyed zombie? Why was it suppressed by the talisman? Could it be Xia Tian's actions?" Brother Leopard took a closer look and found something wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Brother Jin said to his subordinates:
"Come on, you are all hired by me at a high price, I hope you can beat him up for me."

"Yes." Five gangsters wearing various casual clothes and dyed hair of various colors walked forward.

One of the red-haired monks said:

"I am a martial monk of Shaolin Temple. I heard that you are very good at kung fu. I really want to compete with you."

"Can you speak human words, you look like a red-headed dog, there are monks from Shaolin Temple, at most you are abandoned disciples kicked out of Shaolin Temple, of course, the most likely thing is that you are a big liar, not even abandoned disciples."

Xia Tian said.

"You dare to talk nonsense, just watch the trick."

The red-haired dog turned red and blue at Xia Tian's words, and looked very angry. It was obvious that Xia Tian had exposed his old background, made him angry, and rushed forward first.

"Dragon Claw Hand." The red hair turned his palm into a claw, and grabbed at Xia Tian with incomparable momentum.

"Return the dragon's claw hand, I think it's chicken claws."

Xia Tian sat on a chair without standing up, kicked out, and the red hair flew upside down, knocking down two masters invited by Brother Jin, and the three screamed in pain.

Brother Jin was shocked for a while, he didn't expect that the masters he invited were liars, and they couldn't even catch Xia Tian's kick, "You all get out of here."

Then, the five ran away immediately, and they got the money anyway.

"Crap, we can only rely on Brother Bao next." Brother Jin said respectfully to Brother Bao.

Brother Leopard saw Xia Tian kicking a person flying away, the shock in his heart was unimaginable:

"Could it be that he doesn't have a powerful mage around him, and he is a powerful mage? Otherwise, what's the matter with that purple talisman? Only celestial masters can use the purple talisman. He defeated my people last time. No, I have to go Otherwise, when the police come, they won’t be able to escape.”

"Brother Leopard? Brother Leopard? What's the matter with you?" Brother Jin was speechless, and Brother Leopard was actually in a daze at this moment, "What a skill."

With a sound of "pa", Brother Jin looked at Brother Bao in disbelief, "Brother Bao, why did you hit me?"

"Brother Zhang is also someone you can offend?" Brother Bao suddenly changed his face, making Brother Jin stay where he was.

"Brother Bao, what's wrong with you? Are you stupid?" Brother Jin looked at Brother Bao resentfully, at a loss.

"What's wrong with me? Is Brother Zhang someone you can offend?"

Brother Bao slapped Brother Jin again, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry for Xia Tian, ​​I admitted the wrong person, I'll go first."


Xia Tian was speechless, he didn't know what kind of medicine this Leopard brother had taken, he had an arrogant look just now, but suddenly reversed, and slapped his own people a few times, leaving Xia Tian dumbfounded.

"Could it be that he was bewildered by my charm?" Xia Tian said.


Qi Zihan almost sprayed:

"Are you too narcissistic? This brother Leopard is a famous gangster. Who knows what he will do with such a pervert? Be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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