Chapter 278 Red Eyes
"It should be like this, otherwise, why did the red-eyed zombie find these girls, why did they use them as sacrifices, and the head of the female ghost was sealed by me, and she was so fearless, someone must be thinking of a way Save her, and what this red-eyed zombie did has a lot to do with saving the ghost girl," Xia Tian said.

"As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Before the end is reached, we are just guessing wildly. Let's talk about it when we reach the end. Let's talk about it after passing the black pool first." Xiao Yang said.

"Stand back a little more, there is movement in the water." Xia Tian said seriously to the two behind him.

There was a "bang" sound, and then there was the sound of splashing water. A black figure jumped out of the pool and landed on the ground beside the pool, lying on all fours with red eyes, like a monkey.

"Water monster? Water monkey? This is the first time I've seen this kind of water monster. I heard that some children were caught by the water monster while playing in the stream. I didn't expect to see the true face of the water monster today. It's quite ferocious."

When Xiao Yang saw the monster, he was shocked, and retreated far away.

"So much nonsense, don't disturb Xia Tian." Qi Zihan said angrily.

Standing in the front, Xia Xia can see it most clearly. It is a water corpse monkey that feeds on human blood and living flesh. It is very ferocious. Its hair is black and wet, and its four feet have claws, which are very sharp. Ordinary people will be clawed by it. If it goes down, its head will be broken, and it will be twice as big as a normal monkey.

Moreover, the water corpse monkey has red eyes, which means it is very powerful and ferocious. Xia Xia took out a jujube sword from his back. This jujube sword is different from ordinary jujube swords.

The water corpse monkey rushed towards Xia Tian suddenly, its sharp front paws grabbed Xia Xia, and its ferocious fangs were exposed from the opening of its mouth, biting Xia Tian.

This water corpse monkey has no humanity at all, as if it has no wisdom, it bites people whenever it sees it, it is very fast, and with a "swish", it comes to Xia Tian.

Xia Xia's reaction was astonishingly fast, the Thunderbolt Zaozi sword instantly slashed to one side, colliding with the sharp claws of the Water Corpse Monkey.

A huge force came from the water corpse monkey's paw, and Xia Tian exerted all his force, cutting the water corpse monkey to the side, and the thunderbolt jujube sword rubbed against the water corpse monkey's paw to produce slight electric arcs.

With a "boom", the water corpse monkey hit the wall of the cave due to the momentum and Xia Tian's power to cut it aside, dust splashed everywhere, half of the water corpse monkey crashed into the cave wall, and was "roaring" "Screaming and struggling.

Xia Tian took a purple fire talisman from his body and threw it out, but in the next moment the water corpse monkey struggled out and dodged to the side, the fire talisman was smashed, Xia Tian didn't push the true energy to make the fire talisman burn.

"Squeak..." The water corpse monkey yelled a few times, as if asking for help, and the next moment there were circles of ripples in the pool. The corpse monkey jumped out of the pool and came behind the first water corpse monkey.

"Damn it, there are so many water corpse monkeys, how do you fight them?" Xiao Yang was worried behind Xia Tian.

Qi Zihan stood ready with a gun in hand, if the water corpse monkey came over, she would shoot.

Looking at the three water corpse monkeys with a serious face, Xia Tian held a jujube wood sword, danced a sword flower at the three water corpse monkeys, and said handsomely, "Come on, let me play with the monkeys."

"Roar..." The three water corpse monkeys roared angrily as if they could understand Xia Tian's words, and rushed towards Xia Tian from three directions with lightning speed.

In summer, wielding the Thunderbolt Jujube Sword and fighting the three water corpse monkeys, the whole passageway vibrates from time to time, dust splashes everywhere, just like a Hollywood battle. Of course, the scene here is very bloody, and the three corpse monkeys are very cruel. Fortunately, there are jujube swords prepared in summer.

With a sword, the water corpse monkey was cut into the air, and another water corpse monkey was kicked in the stomach, causing it to fly upside down. Then Xia Tian bent down to avoid the sneak attack of the water corpse monkey behind him.

After fighting for a while, Xia Tian was sweating all over his body and his clothes were drenched, while the three water corpse monkeys all roared and retreated, their eyes full of fear.

The reason why Xia Tian fought these three water corpse monkeys for so long was to find their weaknesses, their corpses were too hard, until now Xia Xia's hands were numb, and the sweat kept dripping to the ground.

Both Qi Zihan and Xiao Yang were dumbfounded watching an action movie, it was too shocking.

Whenever those water corpse monkeys were going to attack Qi Zihan and the others, Xia Tian would quickly stop them. After beating them for half an hour, Xia Tian finally found the weakness of the water corpse monkeys, which was their buttocks.

The three water corpse monkeys were all beaten by Xia Tian with a thunderbolt jujube wood sword. Their weaknesses were discovered by Xia Tian, ​​which is why they were so frightened.

"Summer, you are too perverted, you always stab the chrysanthemums of those water corpse monkeys with a jujube sword, you are afraid of them." Qi Zihan said here with a hot face.

"That's right, there was a sorcerer who caught a water corpse monkey and used a sword to insert a chrysanthemum." Xiao Yang also talked about Xia Tian.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. The chrysanthemum of the water corpse monkey is their weakness, so I don't attack their weakness, but also attack their claws?"

Xia Tian was speechless for a while, "I don't have any special hobbies, don't think of me as evil."

"Okay, you continue." Qi Zihan heard Xia Tian's words, it turns out that the chrysanthemum is the weakness of the water corpse monkey, the world is so big, there are so many wonders.

"Squeak..." In the next moment, the three water corpse monkeys were beaten back and forth by Xia Tian, ​​and finally were killed by the jujube sword. Xiao Yang couldn't help but put his hands behind his buttocks when he saw such a cruel scene.

When Qi Zihan saw such a brutal scene, his ass tightened and he didn't dare to look at it.

"I'm exhausted."

In summer, I grinded the jujube sword on the ground with a smelly and excrement smell, then took out a bottle of water and poured it on the jujube sword to clean it, and then wiped it clean with a paper towel.

Then Xia Tian sat aside and drank water.

"What can this hero do for you?" Xiao Yang and Qi Zihan walked over when they saw that the danger was over.

Xia Tian pointed to the potholes ahead, and said, "It's just right, those water corpse monkeys are blocking the road, you drag them aside."

Then Xia Xia took out three purple talismans from the backpack and gave them to Xiao Yang, "Paste these talismans on the three corpse monkeys, and wait until you stick them."

Xiao Yang was speechless, "So I came to be a porter."

After Xiao Yang finished speaking, he took the purple talisman and stuck it on the bodies of those water corpse monkeys that had died miserably, and dragged them aside vigorously.

"You don't know that if you want to learn something, you have to start from doing odd jobs. Of course you are allowed to come because you are useful, so you are allowed to come." Xia Tian laughed.

"Well, what you said is correct." Xiao Yang had no choice but to drag the three water corpse monkeys aside.

Xia Tian sat cross-legged on the ground after drinking the water, and said to Xiao Yang and Qi Zihan, "I'll replenish my true energy first, so don't bother me."

Then close your eyes in summer, and run Maoshan's Qi-nourishing mentality on your body for a week.

After a while, Xia Tian opened his eyes, stood up, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"Have you rested?" Qi Zihan looked at Xia Tian in surprise, "Isn't this too fast?"

"It's okay." Summer said.

"The pool in front is two meters wide, how do we get there?" Qi Zihan said.

"Jump over! It's not far away."

After Xia Tian finished speaking, he quickened his pace, started running, came to the edge of the pool, jumped up abruptly, jumped over the two-meter-wide black pool, and said to Xiao Yang and Qi Zihan on the other side of the pool, "There is nothing wrong with this black pool. It's dirty, there are piles of bones and poison inside, you'd better not fall into it."

"I haven't jumped like this for a long time since I became the captain. Two meters doesn't seem too far to me." After Qi Zihan finished speaking, he ran over, his speed getting faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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