Chapter 296 Surrender
"If the five of us go to the professional league, we might win the championship." Chen Daxiong said excitedly.

"Don't dream, those professional players have very deep routines. We can't beat them at all, and they are not in the standings." Zhang Hanqin said while sitting next to Xia Tian with a notebook.

"Why are you so serious, you make it sound like you've played a professional game." Xiao Yang also came out with his laptop and sat across from Xia Tian.

"You used the wrong word. He should be Tan Mo. As for whether he has fought, you have to ask him." Xia Tian said.

"This word is used well. He just talks about Mo. He likes to pretend to be cool. That's why his face becomes so cold."

Chen Daxiong said, "I think when he was chasing after the Department of Clinical Department, he played the piano, sang, and everything was pretending to be cool for Liu Xiaolu. Because Liu Xiaolu said that he likes cool people. Then he pretended to be cool too many times. Now, sometimes the face will naturally become expressionless, and you will become a cold or indifferent person."

"Pretending to be cool is becoming sick." Xiao Yang laughed.

"It's indeed a disease, but it's good to smile more." Xia Tian said.

"No way? Just smile, don't need to take medicine?"

Chen Daxiong asked with a look of surprise, "We are all medical students, so we know a little bit about medical things. Isn't it because he has a mental problem and needs psychological experts to counsel him?"

"Nobita, you are stupid. You just said that he did this by chasing his girlfriend, so there is no need for any psychological experts." Xiao Yang yelled at Nobita.

"Concentrate on playing games and don't talk about useless things." Zhang Hanqin said coldly.

In the summer, they matched successfully. They all chose their favorite heroes, and then saw the situation of the heroes chosen by their opponents.

Chen Daxiong's eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "It's the first time we formed a group, so we met the professional team IFU, right?"

"What IFU, what about USO?" Xiao Yang had no idea what the professional team Chen Daxiong was talking about was.

"Hold the grass, you have been playing this game for so long, and you don't even know about the IFU champion team. The IFU won the professional league championship the year before last." Chen Daxiong said.

"What about the championship? Let alone the champion from the previous year, even the champion of last year or this year is not enough to win in summer." Xiao Yang boasted.

"You blow it!"

Zhang Hanqin looked at the screen and said, "By the way, where is Xueba?"

"Our school." Xiao Yang said.

"I'll go. It's a coincidence that I asked him to come out and meet him." Zhang Hanqin said.

"Don't dream, he won't come out to see us, even if he does, you will be scared to death." Xia Tian said.

"I'll go, don't tell me you don't even let such an ugly man go?" Xiao Yang contemptuously.

"Don't tell me you want to challenge me one-on-one?" Xia Tian looked at Xiao Yang with a half-smile.

"Tch, I'm not a fool, who wants to single out a pervert like you." Xiao Yang laughed.

Then the game began. This game was played very hard, but in the end he won. Xia Tian had the best performance in the game, and he was the one who turned his disadvantages into advantages.

The next day, screams came from outside the girls' dormitory at the school. Xia Tian put down the mouse in their hands, ran out, and came to the corridor to see what happened below.

Xia Tian took a closer look and saw a girl in a purple short skirt walking from the tree-shaded road towards the girls' dormitory, followed by many people, and of course some people held a big red cloth and wrote welcome Nalan Ruobing.

"Damn it, isn't this the No. [-] scholar? She looks too beautiful." Chen Daxiong immediately rushed into the dormitory, took out an astronomical telescope, and looked at the position where Nalan Ruobing was.

"Fuck, I finally know why Fatty chose the bed by the front window. It turned out that he wanted to peek at the female dormitory opposite. Senior!"

Xiao Yang said, "That beauty is our classmate in high school, Bingshan school beauty in high school. Look at her walk, her expression, without any effort, she exudes a coldness that is thousands of miles away. In fact, her first kiss has already It was taken away, even though she doesn't have a boyfriend yet."

"Who is so bold to take away my first kiss from the iceberg goddess." Chen Daxiong looked at Xiao Yang angrily, asking him to tell who it was.

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us." Xiao Yang said.

"It turns out it's you."

Chen Daxiong glared at Xia Tian, ​​and immediately smiled, and said, "Senior, isn't that icy kiss?"

"Of course it's cool!" Xia Tian laughed.

"Get out of the way...I'm looking at the ice beauty." Zhang Hanqin pushed the fat man away and looked at Nalan Ruobing's figure with astronomical binoculars, he was stunned for a while, "It's so beautiful."

"Better than your girlfriend, isn't she? She's my crush, and Xia Tian's crush. Unfortunately, I haven't even touched her hand." Xiao Yang said.

"Although she is beautiful, her dress is so expensive that even I, a rich second bag, dare not buy it, so my girlfriend is still beautiful." Zhang Hanqin said.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Chen Daxiong said.

"I didn't expect Bingshan Xiaohua, who didn't live in a dormitory in high school, to live in a dormitory in college. Is it foreshadowed that she is going to fall in love?" Xiao Yang guessed.

"It's possible. Could it be that she's taken a fancy to me?" Chen Daxiong said shyly.

"Cut..." Everyone gave Chen Daxiong a blank look.

Suddenly, a boy walked up to Nalan Ruobing with a rose and wanted to give it to her.

But Nalan Ruobing ignored the boy and went straight into the dormitory.

"She actually lives in room 304." Zhang Hanqin said.

"A dormitory with your girlfriend?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, I always feel that there is something wrong with that dormitory."

Zhang Hanqin said with a worried face, "I asked my girlfriend to change dormitories, but she always said it's fine, changing dormitories is so troublesome."

"What's the problem?"

I looked at the 304 dormitory in summer and found nothing wrong with it.

"I have a dangerous premonition. It's quite accurate. This time, Nalan Ruobing went in. Something terrible will happen within three days." Zhang Hanqin said.

"Yes! He can always predict that some weird things will happen. One night, he had a premonition that a girl would disappear. The next day, a girl really disappeared, and the body has not been found yet." Chen Daxiong said .

"Born with spiritual sense? No wonder your predictions are so accurate when playing games." Xia Tian laughed.

"Aren't you surprised?" Zhang Hanqin was surprised to see Xia Tian and Xiao Yang's performance.

"Surprised, surprised, of course surprised." Xiao Yang laughed.

Xia Tian didn't say anything, continued to look at the 304 dormitory, then walked to Zhang Hanqin's side, looked at the 304 dormitory with the astronomical telescope, observed for a while, and returned the telescope to Chen Daxiong.

Chen Daxiong took the binoculars and looked at the 304 dormitory, and said while watching, "What are you looking at so seriously?"

"Of course it's to see beautiful women." Xia Tian signed back, and then stretched out her hands to put away Chen Daxiong's binoculars.

Chen Daxiong thought who it was, and was about to scold him, but he was dumbfounded when he saw it was the uncle in charge.

"Chen Daxiong, you dare to spy on the girls' dormitory with a binoculars. The binoculars are confiscated, and you will be punished for sweeping the corridors from the first floor to the sixth floor for a week." The dormitory uncle said with a smile.

Chen Daxiong lowered his head and didn't say a word. He waited for the uncle in charge to leave before he yelled with a heartbroken face, "Fuck, you didn't notify me when the old man came. That's all right now. I won’t be able to see it later.”

"It's okay, you can save two months' meal expenses and buy a new one." Zhang Hanqin said.

"I'm not as miserable as you. I think when you chased Liu Xiaolu back then, five telescopes were confiscated, and each of them was extremely expensive." Chen Daxiong said gloatingly.

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(End of this chapter)

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