I heard that Niangniang is nearsighted

Chapter 261 Koi Body Protection

Chapter 261 Koi Body Protection
Fan Manman retreated from the palace, with a guilty expression on her delicate face, she leaned closer to the fish tank, her eyes widened slightly, and she looked devoutly at the koi carps that stopped and swam to look at her, and clasped her hands together.

She closed her eyes, moved her red lips slightly, and muttered, "Bless you Koi, let me get my annual disposable contact lenses today, and you'd better give me a few more bottles of eye care solution and a small box."

After she finished speaking, she took a deep breath, clasped her hands together and waved her hands towards the koi in the fish tank, who were boringly chasing them around.

"It's good luck to forward the koi. I'll feed you more fish food. Be sure to bless me to get contact lenses!"

Click on the purchase package, Fan Manman takes advantage of today's opportunity.

Every day special sale: simulated little yellow chicken decompression vent toy*1, priced at 9.9 coins

Fan Manman was slightly disappointed, it didn't matter, she still had two more chances.

Juhuasuan: Screaming Chicken Toy*1, priced at 19.9 coins

"Why are all the toys refreshed today?"

Fan Manman looked downcastly at the simulated decompression little yellow chicken and screaming chicken that suddenly appeared in his hand, and pinched the little yellow chicken casually, pinching the cute little yellow chicken into a ball.

Putting it into the space casually, Fan Manman took a deep breath, and bowed to the koi in front of her again, "Koi body protection! Bless me to get the contact lens!"

Juhuasuan: Melancholic blue color contact lenses, daily disposable pair*1, priced at 49.9 coins

"Ahhh, thank you koi, I love you!" Fan Manman embraced the fish tank and gave her a big kiss.

After buying it, she suddenly realized that she just forgot to add it to the shopping cart.

Fan Manman: ...

Forget it, it's better than nothing.

How to take out the blue contact lenses? It can only be done at night again. It’s too wasteful!
It seems that it can't be used for the time being, and there is no normal contact lens, so it has to be colored in a gaudy way.

Putting all the things I bought today into the space, Fan Manman stretched and walked out of Luo Temple.

The slightly scorching sun shone on her fair face, and she narrowed her eyes lazily, like a Persian cat enjoying the sun.

"How many days can the aloe vera essence be stored in this weather?"

"Master, it's not too hot at this time. If it's well preserved, it shouldn't be a problem if it's stored for more than a month." Liu Ying walked over and answered.

Fan Manman nodded, "Aloe vera water can be found to reduce the cost and price, and sell it to ordinary palace people."

"In addition, pay attention to the storage of cosmetics at all times, and be careful. I would rather sell less than deceive buyers." Fan Manman warned.

Liuying smiled slightly, the master is always so cautious and thoughtful, and will also consider the palace people below.

"Don't worry, these things are used by slaves and maids personally, and there will never be any problems. In addition, slaves and maids are all packed in small jade bottles to ensure that they use them quickly. Although this is a bit troublesome, you don't have to worry about it because of the hot weather. And broken."

"Okay, I can rest assured that I will leave it to you."

Fan Manman paused, "Maybe you can find a way to sell these things outside the palace?"

She always has to think about herself.

Liu Ying frowned, looked around, "Master, let's go into the palace and talk."


The two entered the palace, and after Liu Ying served tea to Fan Manman, she finally spoke carefully: "I know the little eunuch who is in charge of purchasing, but it is always bad for concubines in the harem to show their faces in public, and you have lived in the deep palace for a long time, so you must Find someone reliable to take charge of the outside industry."

Otherwise, it is easy to go wrong, and it is unknown to be a dowry for nothing.

Fan Manman thought for a moment, then drooped her long eyelashes, "I'll give you a letter and some silver taels. You ask the little eunuch who bought it to go to the Hou's mansion to find my elder brother."

(End of this chapter)

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