Chapter 91
"How is it possible? Imperial Physician Chu has confirmed repeatedly that Miss is indeed pregnant for more than a month. How can there be any falsehood?" Linglong's voice became trembling.

"I've always found it strange that when Imperial Physician Chu checked my pulse that day, he avoided looking directly into my eyes, and even when he told me that I was pregnant, his voice was all phony." Chu Jin carefully recalled yesterday that Imperial Physician Chu For the details of her pulse diagnosis, he said worriedly: "My body is usually taken care of by Imperial Physician Chu. If he wants to do something in my decoction to delay my monthly letter, it can be said to be a very simple matter. .”

"Emperor Chu said that even though he knew you were not pregnant. He is..." Linglong thought for a while and shook her head again and again, "This is a crime of deceiving the emperor. Has he lost his head?"

"What if I believe it?" Chu Jin sneered and said with a sneer: "I only think that I am pregnant. The queen mother is thinking about her grandson, and she will be very nervous about my child. She will find a trustworthy doctor." Come to take care of my pregnancy, at that time, the imperial physician she hired will give me a pulse, seeing that I am not pregnant, what do you think the Queen Mother will think?"

The wrinkled face of the empress dowager when she was in a rage suddenly appeared in Linglong's mind, and she was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on her back, "The empress dowager must think that it is the young lady who deliberately deceived her and the emperor, so as to secure her favor!"

Chu Jin remained silent.

In such a matter, even if Xuan Jue is willing to believe that she is innocent, how can Queen Mother Zhang, who has always been on the fence with her, not be annoyed?

There are so many people in the harem, so many mouths, and I don't know how amazing it is to spread this story.

Fortunately, Chu Jin discovered the clues early on, and she was also glad that the imperial doctor Chu prescribed the medicine for her in private. I don't know if it was because the medicine was too weak for fear of Chu Jin's detection. As a result, Chu Jin, who was diagnosed yesterday as pregnant, is pregnant today. thing.

If her menstrual event is delayed by a day or two, perhaps her false pregnancy will be exposed to the Queen Mother.

"Miss, you have to tell the emperor about this as soon as possible."

"No." Chu Jin lightly pressed his index finger on the temple, and said in a silent voice for a moment: "Dr. Chu must have been favored by others for doing such a thing. This palace pays for the lives of others to wrong others. He dared to do it, so he predicted that he would have no way out. Now, if this matter comes out of my mouth, Doctor Chu will definitely bite me to death, saying that I threatened him to report to the emperor It's a happy pulse. This matter is against the Empress Dowager's taboo, no matter how eloquent I am, I will suffer a dark loss."

Linglong was so anxious that she was spinning around in circles, "But the paper can't cover the fire after all, if the lady doesn't say it now, won't it be even more indisputable when the queen mother finds the imperial doctor to test it out by herself?"

"Stop swaying, it makes me dizzy." Chu Jin pulled Linglong's arm, and asked in a steady voice, "Who do you think Imperial Doctor Chu was instructed by?"

"Who else could it be?" Linglong glared fiercely in the direction of Fengluan Palace, gritted her teeth and said, "Who else would deal with the master like this except the queen?"

Chu Jin said calmly: "I have opened the skylight with her and talked brightly, but I never thought she would still not tolerate me like this." She sighed leisurely, with a very helpless expression, "In the past, in order to bring down Chu Yue, I exchanged Chu Yue gave the empress the laxative, which caused the empress to be injured and unable to conceive. I have always felt guilty towards her because of this, so I never thought of dealing with her. It is she who insists on shutting me down step by step. , also cut off her own way out."

Chu Jin propped up a tabletop with her hands and stood up. She had a dull pain in her lower abdomen due to the sudden arrival of Tian Gui, and she had a bit of difficulty walking.

Linglong hurriedly helped her up, "Miss, what are you going to do? Just tell the maidservant what you want to do. On the first day of Luohong, you have always had pain symptoms and need to rest on the couch."

Chu Jin pursed her pale lips, "Remember the congratulatory gift the queen sent yesterday, is it Dong'e Ejiao?"

Linglong nodded in response, and Chu Jin smiled, "She can't hope for me, so I will make her perfect, and let her seek kindness and benevolence."

At first, Linglong didn't know what Chu Jin meant by this, but just followed Chu Jin's order and took the box of Dong'e Ejiao.

The donkey-hide gelatin was placed in the mold, and each of them solidified into a round shape. It looked dark red, which was an excellent color.

Chu Jin took out a piece, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and couldn't help frowning, "It smells so strong."

Linglong said: "The best donkey-hide gelatin is boiled directly from donkey skin, and there are no other things in it, so the fishy smell is naturally stronger."

Chu Jin took the donkey-hide gelatin and compared it to the sunlight that shone through the water chestnut window, and thoughtfully said: "If the fishy smell is strong, it can cover up other smells." After a pause, he threw the donkey-hide gelatin away. The little table said, "Linglong, go and get the stove, bring a big pot of clean water and a jade bowl. When doing things, avoid people and don't let the outside waiters see."

Linglong went out of the bedroom, and immediately told the palace people in the courtyard to get busy. Most of the palace ladies chose to go to the manufacturing office, saying that they wanted them to watch the sewing progress of Chu Jin's bedding and clothes during pregnancy, while talking to the inner eunuch about what happened in the corridor. There is still a lot of snow left, if Chu Jin slips one day, everyone will suffer.

In this way, most of the people in Fengyi Palace were dismissed by her, and when she moved the things Chu Jin wanted into the bedroom without anyone noticing, no one saw.

Chu Jin ordered her to boil a pot of water, put the jade bowl on the surface of the water and float it, and then poured a whole box of donkey-hide gelatin sent by the empress into the jade bowl.

The boiling water kept heating the temperature of the jade bowl, and the donkey-hide gelatin was placed in the jade bowl, and it quickly turned into a liquid after being heated.

Chu Jin unhurriedly took out a pack of bright red powder from the interlayer of the dressing table drawer, poured it all into the jade bowl, and kept stirring with a spoon to fully stir the powder and donkey-hide gelatin together.

The powder is bright red, but it is not obvious after being mixed into the dark brown donkey-hide gelatin.

Linglong wondered, "Miss, what are you doing?"

Chu Jin and Yibi speeded up the stirring in their hands, and Yibi replied: "A while ago, Qingdai who was next to the empress broke into the Zhaochun Palace, didn't she flash Sister Zhang Concubine to the ground? Don't leave, Wentai Hospital took some safflower for internal use and external use, and I secretly accepted the excess."

"Safflower?" Linglong was startled, her eyes widened in horror, "Miss! How could this be possible? You are already in the trust period, and the safflower has a strong effect of breaking blood and removing blood stasis, and those safflowers of Concubine Zhang are still The purified powder is slightly more effective. If you use these, I'm afraid menstrual pain will be even more painful!"

"Isn't it just more bloodshed? Why make a fuss."

Seeing that the donkey-hide gelatin and safflower were almost fused, Chu Jin took a piece of water-soaked rag, placed it on the edge of the jade bowl, carefully took the jade bowl out of the boiling water, and poured it into the mold bit by bit.

After drying, it looked exactly the same as when the queen sent it, and there was no difference.

(End of this chapter)

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