Forensic without kites

Chapter 239 The Imperial Capital at the End of Winter

Chapter 239 The Imperial Capital at the End of Winter (17)

Apart from the clatter of the rotors, the belly was quiet.

Wuyuan was a little uncomfortable being stared at by his menacing gaze, so she said, "Is there something growing on my face? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Little kite!" Gu Jingnian suddenly shouted, his voice stern.

"What are you doing here! Didn't I tell you to stay at home and not come out! Why didn't you listen! If you have a rash, you need to rest, you need to rest, do you really care about what I said?" Jumping up and down, gloomy anger filled his handsome face.

"I just have a rash, not cancer, it's not a big deal. I can still work normally." Wu Yuan said lightly.

"Wei Wuyuan!" He yelled her name, including her first and last name.

"...What are you doing?" His rage frightened her, and his voice lowered a lot.

Gu Jingnian took a deep breath and glanced at her forbearance, "After arriving at the scene, you must obey me in all actions! Work must obey me! Eat and sleep must obey me! If you can't do it Come, you go back to BJ immediately!"

"Why! Why do you order me like this?" Wu Yuan was a little angrily.

"Why? Wei Wuyuan, listen to me. Now I not only like your man, but also your immediate boss. I have a direct obligation and responsibility to protect every subordinate. Your words and deeds must I'll take care of it! If you can't do it, pack up your things and go back to BJ right away! Did you hear that?" Gu Jingnian was very angry, he used to speak softly to her, but he never spoke so harshly.

At this moment, Wuyuan felt a little wronged and sad.The ear that had been growled by him was still buzzing. His scolding had disappeared, but it was lingering in her cochlea, lingering.She glanced her face the other way.silent.

It's really sad.

Gu Jingnian seemed to realize what he had just done, and the remaining anger in his body suddenly subsided.He looked at her sideways, her face was covered by a head of long black hair that shone with luster, and he couldn't see her face clearly. "Ahem," he coughed twice.

The woman didn't move.

"Did you take the antibiotic ointment?" He asked again in a low voice, this time, compared to the previous fury, he was a little cautious and flattering.

Wuyuan moved her fingers on her lap, but she still didn't make a sound.Sitting farther away from him.

Gu Jingnian sighed softly.

Stretching out his hand to hold her shoulder, he looked down at her rippling eyes, and said, "Xiaoyuan, I am very worried about you, do you know that? You are not very comfortable at first, you should rest at home Yes. But, you refused to listen to me. It also broke my heart. Plus..." For some reason, he suddenly stopped talking.

Wuyuan raised her head and bumped into those eyes, she clarified deeply, "Add what?" she asked.

When she raised her head to stare at him, Gu Jingnian was also bending down to look at her with soft eyes.Suddenly, he reached out and rubbed her forehead hair, "It's nothing, anyway, you have to listen to me when you arrive in Hebei." He stretched out a hand, lowered his head to look at his watch, "It's halfway to the destination It's only an hour, you go to sleep first, and I'll call you when it's over." After speaking, she took off her coat and put it on Wu Yuan's body.

"I'm not cold, on the contrary I'm a little hot. You wear it yourself." Wuyuan looked at him and said.

Gu Jingnian frowned, and touched her forehead with his left hand, "You are not hot. It is the rash inside your body that is causing trouble. Not to mention, there is no heating when flying at high altitudes, and your body is not in good condition, so it is easy to catch cold. Put the cover on In the end, regardless of her objection, he forcibly put the coat on her body, not allowing her to take it off.

(End of this chapter)

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