Chapter 193 The Crow's Mouth 1
"I like it." Ye Xingchen responded softly, not only like this chain, but also like this kind of heart.

Because Zuo Lingfeng was quite busy, she hung up without chatting a few words. After putting down the phone, Ye Xingchen put the chain around her neck to measure it twice, and then found out her wedding ring. She wears it, but it can be used as a pendant when she wears it into the necklace. She puts the necklace on and puts it inside her clothes. The ring hangs on her chest, bringing a bit of coldness, but it quickly warms up.

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, showing an arc of joy and happiness.

On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, Shu Rao and Shu Jing went back to their hometown, but this Spring Festival, they couldn't spend it with their grandparents, because Shu Jing was leaving for the BJJ military region to report on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and Shu Rao had to see him off.

Normally, it should be reported after the Spring Festival, but because college students like Shu Jing and others who are introduced into the army as technical talents are still different from those soldiers in the combat army, the army asked them to come to the barracks in advance to feel Take a look at the life of a large group, exercise and test start from this Spring Festival.

Shu Rao was very sad about this, but there was nothing she could do about it. Through Lou Xi and Lou Yi, she now had a little understanding of the soldiers, so she resisted the parting emotions and said nothing sad, only giving Shu Rao Scene more encouragement.

It’s really like what Lou Yi said before, Shu Jing’s group of college students will be assigned to all parts of the country, but in Yunchuan’s test center, Shu Jing is the only one assigned to the BJJ military region. The major was requested by the J military region by name. Shu Jing's train ticket to BJ was bought by the army, and Shu Rao bought one with his own money.

The two got on the train with big bags and small bags, found seats and sat down. The train departed on time and arrived at BJ West Station after more than ten hours.

When they got out of the platform, they immediately saw the soldiers waiting outside. One soldier was holding a red flag, which was very eye-catching. The other soldier was holding a document with Shu Jing's photo on it. After recognizing them, they immediately went to the station. Helped them with their luggage.

Behind the soldiers there were a few boys who looked about the same age as Shu Jing, who had just got off the train, came from another city, and were also assigned to the J military region. Shu Jing greeted them and soon got off the train They chatted hotly, obviously they had a lot in common.

Seeing them talking and laughing happily, Shu Rao couldn't help curling the corners of her lips. It seems that Shu Jing made the right choice. In the future, he will join these comrades in the military camp to serve the motherland and the people.

After Shu Jing, the soldiers picked up another student, counted them all, and they were going to the army.

The army's car was parked not far away, a large military jeep.

Shu Rao noticed that the parents of those students did not intend to get on the bus. Although the army would also receive the family members who saw them off, in order to give the students more independent space, the parents were reluctant to leave, but they still left one after another. Well, Shu Rao thought that she shouldn't be special, otherwise she would cause trouble to the soldiers, and it would make people think that Shu Jing was not independent enough and would not have a good influence on him, so she didn't get in the car and told Shu Jing Jing said a few words, then watched him get in the car and leave.

The army green jeep drove away slowly, Shu Rao looked at it for a while, the jeep soon disappeared into the rolling traffic, and she slowly looked away until it was completely out of sight.

Blinking hard, he blinked away the sourness in the corner of his eyes.

Looking at the time, it wasn't too late, she wanted to go see the little devil, since everyone has arrived at BJ, let's go and see her, otherwise I will be sorry for her eloquent contact information.

She took out her mobile phone and took out a note. She tried to call the cram school, and she got through. The teacher answered. She said she was looking for Lou Xinxin, but the teacher said that Xinxin was not there. She went out to play after class, and Shu Rao couldn't help it. Smiling, she said it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as she knows that the little devil is in the cram school, she can find it directly according to the address.

After hanging up the phone, she turned around and went to the ticket office, planning to buy Yunchuan's ticket first, and then go to see the little devil.

But as soon as she entered the ticket office, she was shocked immediately, my God, there are too many people here, right?

I hear about the Spring Festival travel every year, but I have never experienced it in person. The ticket hall, which can't be seen at a glance, is overcrowded. There are long queues in front of every ticket window, and some queues are almost squeezed out. Had to turn a corner and form a serpentine shape.

The staff at the station shouted back and forth with loudspeakers to maintain order, and their voices became hoarse.

Shu Rao looked around for a long time, and found that every line was long, so she had to find a random line and line up, and the people in front didn't move for a long time. , I don't even know if there will be any tickets when it is her turn.

bell bell...

The phone rings.

She didn't hear it, it was too noisy in the ticket hall.


The phone continued to ring.

Shu Rao belatedly realized that her phone was ringing, she quickly took it out, and looked down, it turned out to be Lou Yi?
Shu Rao frowned subconsciously, why is it him?She came to BJ without notifying him!

Suspiciously picked up, "Hello?"

"Shu Rao, I'm Lou Yi! Where are you? I'm outside the West Station!" Lou Yi's voice was a little anxious, even panting, as if he came in a hurry.

"Ah?" Shu Rao was at a loss. If she hadn't been sure that the number belonged to him, and he had called her by her name, she would have thought that someone had made a wrong call!
"Hello? Shu Rao, are you listening? Don't worry, I'm at the North Station on the east side, come here, I'll wait for you! Be careful..." Lou Yi didn't finish his sentence , The call was cut off, because his mobile phone was out of battery, and he was too anxious when he came out, so he didn't notice it at all.


Shu Rao looked blankly at the disconnected phone, what was she worried about?What are you careful about?Does he sound like something happened to her?

What the hell is going on here?
what did he say?He was waiting for her outside the West Station?

Looking at the queue in front, and then at the queue behind, my God, she has managed to advance some positions, if she leaves, won't she have to re-queue later?
But people are waiting outside, she has to go!

Shu Rao was very annoyed, she grabbed her mobile phone and left the line. The people behind immediately filled up. She felt sorry for her position, but she had to give up and walked quickly towards the door of the ticket hall.

There were a lot of people in the ticket hall, and they were everywhere. It was difficult to get in, and it was also difficult to get out. Shu Rao was crowded by people, and finally squeezed out of the ticket hall, but she was not very familiar with the environment, so I asked After asking someone, I found out where the Beiyi exit was, so I hurriedly trotted all the way there.

When she arrived at Beiyi Station, she looked around and felt a little nervous for no reason. What was he in such a hurry for?

After wandering around for a while, he soon discovered the existence of Lou Yi. Although there were many people around, he was really conspicuous, with a deep outline and outstanding facial features. With a thin figure, his shoulders are strong and broad, he looks incredibly masculine, and that straight military uniform is even more eye-catching. BJ's weather is much colder than Yunchuan's, and he didn't even wear a coat, just a military uniform , looks very flimsy, but it is so tough and heroic, all passers-by pay attention to it, and can't take their eyes off it.It is said that men in military uniforms are particularly attractive, and it is true.

(End of this chapter)

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