Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 210 Destined to be the daughter-in-law of the Lou family 1

Chapter 210 Destined to be the daughter-in-law of the Lou family 1
"Girl, look, these are all the rewards my father has received, from childhood to adulthood, in terms of studies, sports, and technological inventions!" The little devil pointed to a pile of certificates on the bookshelf Said with the trophy, the tone is very proud.

Shu Rao bent her eyes unconsciously, no wonder the little devil said her father was her idol before, he is indeed outstanding!
Look at those certificates and trophies, there are all kinds of fields, first prize in mathematics competition, excellent composition award, gold medal in [-] meters, first prize in model aircraft... What a versatile man!

Not to mention those glittering medals of merit!
I couldn't help admiring, couldn't help but envy, and even more couldn't help worshiping.

The little devil started offering treasures again, and brought a photo frame to show off, "Girl, look, this is a photo of my dad, isn't he handsome?"

Shu Rao wanted to see it a little bit, but felt embarrassed, this photo or something seemed too private!

"Girl, look quickly, this is a photo of my dad when he was enlisted in the army, a large group of people, he is the most handsome!" The little devil was very proud.

Shu Rao couldn't help being curious, picked up the photo frame and looked at it, a group photo, there were almost a company of people, but it was indeed like what the little devil said, among a lot of people, he was the most outstanding, she Just saw him at a glance.

He is obviously standing in an inconspicuous position, but he grabs people's attention abruptly. His handsome face is full of youthful rebelliousness and flamboyance. His handsome brows are full of arrogance, and his eyes are sharp, which is different from him now. .

In Lou Yi now, the determination and sharpness in his bones are still there, but most of the time his eyes are gentle, and his smile is also warm. After time tempered, he looks more mature and stable, and the traces of the years are light on his face. Stay, but more convincing.

After years of baptism and suffering, his eyes are like polished jade, deeper and more charming.

Uh, wait, wait, what did she think?charming?

Khan, what are you thinking?

Shu Rao quickly put down the photo frame, her face was inexplicably hot.

"Girl, are you hot? Then quickly take off your coat!" the little devil said nervously.

Shu Rao shook her head, she was leaving soon, it was too troublesome to take off her clothes!

"Oh, hurry up and take it off, we'll be eating later!" The little devil simply reached out and unbuttoned her.

Shu Rao frowned subconsciously again, who said she was going to stay for dinner?
At this moment, a voice suddenly came from downstairs, and Han Fengyi asked nervously, "Where is Lou Yi, Rao Rao? Are you going upstairs? Oh, be careful when you go up the stairs!"

Hearing this, Shu Rao went downstairs quickly, walked halfway up the stairs, and saw several people standing in the living room downstairs, there was Han Fengyi who was about to go upstairs, there was Lou Yi who had been scolded, and there was someone holding a thoughtful hand. Lou Xi of Si, and the stars beside him.

Ye Xingchen was also taken aback, didn't Rao Rao go to Shu Jing's army?

She asked suspiciously, "Rao Rao, why are you here?"

Seeing Ye Xingchen, Shu Rao ran down the stairs as if he had seen a savior. This frightened Han Fengyi, and immediately scolded Lou Yi, "Lou Yi, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you help Rao?" Rao! If something happens to the child in her belly, I will ask for you!"


Ye Xingchen's eyes widened, even Lou Xi was a little startled.

Shu Rao wanted to cry, but she quickly explained, "Auntie, you misunderstood... I'm not... Really not..."

He tricked Lou Yi into picking her up at the train station, up to the present, and told the whole story.

The more Han Fengyi listened, the colder her heart became, her grandson!Her daughter-in-law!Why is it all gone?
But... It's not her style to be discouraged, and if she doesn't have it now, it doesn't mean she won't have it in the future!
There is still a saying in the market that you will die and live later, let alone this kind of thing!

"Uh...it's okay, it's okay, you are friends with Xingchen, and you are also friends with Lou Yi, stay for dinner later!" Han Fengyi wanted to create more opportunities for Lou Yi, she really likes this girl, she can't let it go!

At this moment, there was another sound at the door, Lou Yicheng came back!
As early as he was outside, he heard the neighbors saying congratulations and congratulations. As soon as he entered the house, he saw people standing upright. He glanced around and saw Ye Xingchen next to Lou Xi. He didn't look carefully, but only glanced twice. , I thought it was quite pleasing to the eye, then I turned my gaze away and looked at Shu Rao.

This must be the original daughter-in-law of the Xiang family!
The anger in her heart was still there, her face sank, and she was about to say something, but Han Fengyi was afraid that he would lose his manners due to his stubborn temper, so she hurried over and tugged at his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Mistake, This girl is not like Lou Yi at all! She has no interest in your son!"


The depression in Lou Yicheng's heart immediately dissipated, but... his son is very good, why should she look down on him?How is Lou Yi worse than Xiang Fan?
"Uh...that, stay for dinner!" Lou Yicheng said forcefully.

Lou Yicheng didn’t really mean much at home, but no one else objected to his proposal. Lou Xi held the mentality that it had nothing to do with him, Ye Xingchen was new to the place and dared not speak, and Han Fengyi supported it. No, the little devil was even more delighted, and Lou Yi also thought it was good, anyway, a large part of the reason why he brought her back was that she was sick last night and needed to rest at home and eat some good supplements.

In this way, Shu Rao had no right to speak at all. Even though she was the person involved, she couldn't help herself, especially when facing Lou Yicheng's majestic face, and the ears of wheat and stars on his shoulders that dazzled her, She really didn't dare to refuse.

"Girl, you can stay here, you are still sick, don't go, it's so cold outside, what will you do if you keep freezing?" I did it, if you just leave like this, I don't worry, you won't even be able to eat, and you won't have a good year!"

A black line appeared on Shu Rao's forehead, you said it pitifully, but your words are really not accurate!

But she still couldn't bear to make the little devil worry, so she patted her shoulder lightly and said softly, "Xinxin, I'm fine now, don't worry!"

Han Fengyi looked at the interaction between Shu Rao and the little devil, and felt very relieved. Look, how kind this girl is, she is just a little devil in her heart. Wherever she goes, everyone suffers, but she is not angry at all. How soft-hearted!

And looking at the little devil like this, he clearly has a crush on him, and he is so focused on letting him be his new mother, this is not easy, it is the first time in history!

Whether it's the girls who grew up together in the compound of the military region or those girls from the art troupe, how many girls admire Lou Yi. It's also sad, the little girl sees that they don't have a good eye, but for this Shu Rao, the little devil has put his heart and soul out!
The relationship between people is really about fate, look at the intimacy of Xingchen and Sisi, is it true that the family does not enter the family!

This Shu Rao gets along really well with the little devil, so there is no need to worry about the future!

As for the matter of Xiang's family, don't worry about it, it's going to be a wedding, and it can still be pornographic, so it can be seen that there is no destiny!This is the same as doing business, until the final contract is signed, it is not considered a transaction!This girl must be destined to be the daughter-in-law of their Lou family!

(End of this chapter)

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