249 Let's Divorce 2
Amid anxiety and sadness, they were finally called, and the two of them entered the consulting room together.

The doctor is an old lady who is not young, a very authoritative professor, with gray hair, a very calm and calm expression, warm eyes, no excessive attention, not even pity and sympathy, as if they came to see a cold, giving people A feeling of peace of mind.

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt extremely grateful, feeling that this doctor is really understanding.

The doctor asked a few questions, and then ordered them to do tests separately.

Of course, Ye Xingchen didn't say that she had already checked, and went to the women's clinic silently with the list.

I have done a lot of projects, and of course the test results cannot come out all at once. After a while, the nurse brings them a report, and then another nurse comes to tell them a certain result. This process is like being delayed by someone. The list is like a knife, which cuts through their hearts deeply and mercilessly. There are still many results that need to be analyzed and compared in the laboratory. The doctor told them that they can get all the reports at four o'clock in the afternoon.

This is like the process of criminals waiting to be judged. One minute is as long as a century. In fact, many times, people are not afraid of death, but the process of waiting for the result is too tormented.

Finally, the pointer on the watch pointed to four o'clock in the afternoon, and the final "judgment" finally came.

"Ye Xingchen!" The door of the consulting room opened, and a nurse inside called her name.

Hearing the sound, Ye Xingchen was willing to stand up, and at the same time, Lou Xi also stood up, but the nurse stopped him, "Sir, the doctor only asked your wife to go in alone."

"Why?" He frowned subconsciously.

"It's okay, I'll go in first, I might wait a while to get to you." Ye Xingchen quickly comforted him and said, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

She is also a doctor, and she often does this kind of thing. There are many patients who come to the hospital accompanied by their family members. When encountering some troublesome conditions, doctors usually do not tell the patients directly, because telling the truth may affect the patient's psychology, thus Leading to the deterioration of the condition, and the real situation can only be told to the family members.

Lou Xi had no choice but to continue to wait in the corridor.

Ye Xingchen shook his hand hard, not knowing if he wanted to give him strength or to give himself courage, after a deep shake, he slowly released it, and followed the nurse into the consulting room.

As soon as the door was closed, her tears fell, but she tried her best not to cry.

"Miss Ye, please sit down." The doctor's tone is still calm. It's not that he is sympathetic or sad. It's just that he has experienced too many such situations. At this time, the patient's psychology is very fragile. As a doctor, he must remain calm. , the only way to help them.

Ye Xingchen wiped away his tears, sat across from the doctor, and asked in a trembling voice, "The result...how was it?"

The doctor handed her several laboratory test sheets, and there were several numbers on the paper with red circles drawn on them, which meant abnormal indicators, and told her, "Your husband's sperm survival rate is very low, so low that it is only [-]% of that of normal people. one."

Ye Xingchen felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave in an instant. Even though the sun outside was so big, she was shivering from the cold.

"How, how is it possible?" She heard the sound of her teeth colliding, and emphasized very forcefully, the tone of maintenance was so obvious, "We had children before!"

The doctor was silent for a while, instead of getting angry because of her questioning, he kindly handed her a glass of warm water, trying to calm her down.

Ye Xingchen held the paper cup, lowered her head, and tears fell into the cup. In fact, she could easily fill the paper cup with tears, but she knew that crying was useless. She had to be strong, face reality, and save her Happiness!
Wiping away tears vigorously, she raised her head and drank the water in the paper cup in one gulp. The warm liquid slid down her throat and fell into her stomach, warm.

But she felt that it was not enough, so she asked the doctor for another cup, and drank again until there was nothing left.

Then, the third cup, the fourth cup...

It didn't stop until her stomach was bloated, until she couldn't drink any more. The stomach was full, so that her heart could not be so empty for a while.

The doctor felt that her emotions had almost recovered, so she spoke again, this time in a chatty tone, "Have you had any examinations in this area before?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head, the hand holding the paper cup trembled slightly.

"In this case, his data is only once, and it is difficult to compare, so I need to communicate with him personally. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

Ye Xingchen's hand holding the paper cup tightened suddenly, almost crushing the cup, and the water inside spilled out, but she didn't notice it, and said hastily, "No! Don't let him know!"

She was afraid that he would not be able to bear it!

This kind of thing is a fatal blow to any man, let alone such a resolute and bloody Lou Xi?

In her opinion, he is strong, resolute, unruly, and pure enough not to have any flaws. She can't imagine what will happen to him when he knows this cruel truth, and he is also eager to have a child!
But she doesn't want him to be a burden, she cares more about his feelings than wanting a child!At worst, they don’t want children. In fact, it’s not a big deal. There are many DINK families now, and they still have Sisi, who is so obedient and cute. The girl is obedient, so don't be so troublesome. It takes ten months to conceive, confinement after giving birth, and raising the child little by little. It's too troublesome, and the two children may even fight for favor, so simply No more children, it is enough for them to have Sisi, anyway, Sisi has already identified them as their biological parents, and they all regard Sisi as their biological daughter.

"Doctor, I...we don't want a baby anymore, please tell him later that I have a problem, please, just say that I can't have a baby..." Although the result is the same, if it is replaced by If she has a problem, he won't doubt himself, and he will still be the same Lou Xi.

"Don't talk nonsense!" The door of the consulting room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Lou Xi's tall figure flashed in.

Ye Xingchen's lips were parted, and the unfinished words froze in the air, his face turned pale, haggard like paper.

The paper cup in her hand fell to the ground with a "pop", and the liquid water splashed at her feet, but it made her feel like walking on thin ice for a moment.

At this moment, she was like a child who did something wrong, even the posture of watching him was so restless, flustered, and clumsy that she was at a loss.

Lou Xi saw her flustered, even trembling with panic, suddenly felt a lump in her throat, approached slightly, bent down to pick up the paper cup, tried to stay calm as much as possible, but the slightly trembling fingers revealed his innermost feelings sad.

In fact, he was also panicked.

"Sit down!" The doctor sighed quietly.That being the case, we can only be frank and honest.

Neither of them moved. After being stiff for a while, it was Lou Xi who came back to his senses first. He took her hand and sat down together. He felt the trembling of her fingers, light touch, and the fingertips hurt slightly. Only then did he know , It turns out that the heart is connected there.

The doctor poured them another two glasses of water. She has done this kind of thing every day for a lifetime. There are thousands of similar patients. Regardless of the condition, the key is to stabilize their emotions first.

It is indeed difficult for people to calm down without the problem of children, but once people lose their minds, everything is empty talk.

The doctor's duty is not only to save lives and heal the wounded, but also to take care of the patient's psychology.

(End of this chapter)

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