Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 256 I Became Your Bride Today 1

Chapter 256 I Became Your Bride Today 1
Her facial features are very bright, especially her eyes are very beautiful, the corners of her eyes are slightly upturned, the eyeballs are that kind of very pure black, without any impurities, the waves are flowing, clear and agile.

Zuo Lingfeng looked at her steadfastly, his dark eyes suddenly became a little hotter.

click... click...

With the sound of crisp shutters falling one after another, the beautiful wedding photos are also frozen into eternity.

The photographer first took a group photo of everyone, then the bride and groom, and some close-ups. Half an hour, an hour... slowly passed.

Although Shu Rao is not a bridesmaid, but as Ye Xingchen's best friend, she naturally wanted to take some photos as souvenirs. After she finished taking her own part, she exited the studio and walked downstairs slowly, thinking Take a breather.

Although it has been a long time, when she just took pictures, she couldn't help but think of the wedding photos she took with Xiang Fan. At that time, she wanted to take several groups of photos like this, some with her family, some with They were together with friends, but none of her wishes came true. In the end, she didn't even finish taking the wedding photo. She just took a hasty photo, enlarged it and placed it at the entrance of the hotel.

Thinking about it now, she finally knew why the wedding was cancelled, because it was not blessed from beginning to end.

Love is not a vigorous vow, but a plain companionship.What she wants is not short-term tenderness, but a lifetime of waiting.

In fact, the happiest fairy tale in the world is just to spend time together.

Happiness is a state of mind.It does not flow on the surface, but exists in people's hearts.

The past is like smoke, blown away with the wind, but now, she is very happy.

Going down the escalator, you arrive at the first floor of the bridal shop. The floor-to-ceiling glass windows let in the warm sunlight.

In the window, there are a few humanoid models. The models are wearing various styles of beautiful wedding dresses, sexy, fresh, minimalist, and extravagant... Looking at those wedding dresses, she seems to be in a fairy tale world.

She subconsciously reached out and touched a patterned wedding dress, the romantic folds intertwined with the beautiful tulle, after sprinkled with pink blue, pink and pink purple and other colors, it was like a budding flower, waiting for some lucky girl Wear it, blooming incomparable light.

She couldn't help exclaiming enviously, "It's so beautiful!"

At the same time, Lou Yi also walked downstairs slowly. When he saw the beautiful figure in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows downstairs, he stopped in his footsteps, then slowed down, and gently spun down the stairs.

When he reached Shu Rao's side, he put his arms around her shoulders and asked softly, "Do you like this one?"

Shu Rao froze for a moment, then quickly withdrew her hand, smiled and shook her head, "Just looking around!"

"Try it if you like it!" Lou Yi turned to call the waiter in the store.

His eyes were full of firm tenderness.

Shu Rao met his fiery black eyes, blushed suddenly, shyly said, "I'm just looking casually..."

"Then try it casually!" Lou Yi held her hand, a little smile appeared on his handsome face.

Shu Rao was slightly taken aback, a little puzzled.

Lou Yi smiled, nudged her, and walked towards the fitting room.

Shu Rao couldn't resist him, feeling embarrassed and joyful, she entered the fitting room under the guidance of the waiter.

Lou Yi waited quietly outside the door of the fitting room. In her mind, she couldn't help but imagine how she would look when she came out after a while. It must be very beautiful!

The waiting process was very long, and he finally understood why Lou Xi was restless before, this is really a process that can't wait.

The stereo in the bridal shop was turned on, and the soft music was flowing slowly, and the jumping notes, like a breeze, floated into the ears leisurely.

The faint scent of perfume is also pervasive around.

The door of the white fitting room finally opened.

Lou Yi's hands, which were originally in his pockets, were suddenly taken out, his palms slightly moist, looking forward to her appearance.

His breathing was tense, and his heart rate was instantly out of balance. It seemed that he had never been so tense in his life!

As the door slowly opened, Shu Rao's slim figure slowly entered his sight.

The typical high-waisted wedding dress, coupled with her tall figure, makes her look more noble and charming. The fabric of the upper body of the wedding dress is very light, even with lace, it is only a thin piece, making her waist look very light, and the close-fitting fishtail The design is light and elegant, and a row of white flowers is dotted on the tail of the fish, which is beautiful and lively.

Lou Yi couldn't help walking up, his eyes were fascinated, his hands lightly wrapped around her waist, slightly lowered his head, and pressed against her forehead.

Shu Rao was a little shy, but she didn't push him away, and slowly reached out to hug his waist, and asked softly, "How is it?"

"That's it!" Lou Yi said firmly, and began to fantasize in her mind. When they got married, she was wearing this wedding dress, and walked slowly through the arched flower door, step by step towards his picture.

What to do, he wants to break his promise to her grandparents, he wants to get married early!

He wanted to marry her home as soon as possible!
Shu Rao was a little taken aback, what did he mean?

Lou Yi smiled but said nothing, still staring at her bewilderedly.

No wonder people say that the bride is the most beautiful woman in the world. A beautiful wedding dress is not only the fruit of the autumn harvest of love and a testament to fate, but also a new stage of a girl's birth, and it is the bride's eternal love.

Fate, some people say that it is already doomed in life, and it is the red string that was tied a long time ago; some people say that fate is just... a more mysterious way of saying, it is the process of two people from acquaintance to mutual acquaintance.

The sea of ​​people is vast, and we have met countless people, but it is indeed not an easy task to know each other, love each other until we find a confidante to support each other for a lifetime!
Shu Rao was a little embarrassed by his focused gaze. She took a step back in a daze, but she didn't expect to step on the hem of the wedding dress, and suddenly staggered, "Ah..."

"Be careful!" Lou Yi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, a pair of arms firmly stabilized her waist, preventing her from falling.

Being held in his arms, Shu Rao's heart beat a few times faster in an instant. After standing still, she wanted to retreat from his embrace, but his hands were still tightly hugging her waist, refusing to let go.

"Let go!" she whispered, not wanting to attract the clerk's attention.

"Don't let go." He hugged her tighter.

Shu Rao glared at him coquettishly, "Someone is watching!"

Lou Yi turned his head and looked to the side, his black eyes were filled with warning, the gazes of several shop assistants immediately disappeared, he looked back with satisfaction, and said, "It's gone."

Shu Rao couldn't laugh or cry, isn't this trying to cover up?
"What are you trying to do?" she asked angrily.

"Can't you see? I'm getting ready to propose!"

Shu Rao was stunned, and couldn't quite believe what he heard, "What did you... say?"

"Prepare to propose!" Lou Yi said again, with a very firm tone.

"Don't be kidding! Today's protagonists are Xing Chen and Lou Xi!" Shu Rao reminded him.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious!" He thought she looked so good in this wedding dress, and he didn't want her to take it off!

Shu Rao stared at him fixedly, a little excited and a little unbelievable.

Lou Yi met her gaze, his eyes were focused and fiery.

In fact, they have been together for so long, and they should put the wedding on the agenda, because of the particularity of his profession, he can't take too much leave, and marriage involves all aspects, and it takes time to prepare for the wedding, although the mother can help them take care of it Everything, but their situation is different from that of Lou Xi and Xing Chen. She once experienced a wedding that fell by the wayside, so this time, he wanted to let her decide on all aspects, wedding rings, wedding dresses, whatever she likes, choose whatever she likes, and let her decide. She understood his feelings for her.

(End of this chapter)

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