Chapter 258 Shu Rao's Impulse 1
The due date is next May, so this is a very long process.

After Lou Xi returned to the army, he didn't have time to go home for a long time. During this period, he went out to perform two missions. The arduousness of the mission was slightly less than what he had experienced before, but he didn't dare to go home at all. Let your guard down, because he is leading the new with the old. In a team of nine, five are recruits.

Last year's group of recruits has gone through devil training and hard work, and they have matured day by day, but they are still inexperienced and need more tempering. With the strengthening and aggravation of training tasks, their combat capabilities have been significantly improved. Improvement, however, training and actual combat are completely different things. The truly excellent special forces are born after they need to stand out from the encirclement in battle after battle. Every battle is a transformation of life.

Through the old and the new, they unite and help each other, and successfully completed the task, but this is not over. After returning, they have to summarize the problems exposed in the battle, analyze, summarize, and correct them one by one... and then reinvest in the mission. Go to the new combat mission.

And during this time, Ye Xingchen basically spent in bed. In Han Fengyi's words, the child in her belly is even more tossing than Monkey King, and the whole family is so tossed. After it is born, it will definitely be a bully. .

The baby in her belly was six months old, and Ye Xingchen's belly was obviously big, and she couldn't move around very easily, and BJ's winter was very cold, and the road after snow was very slippery, so she didn't dare to go out easily.

But the doctor said that doing proper exercise is helpful for future childbirth, so she still has to do some activities every day, but every time she is accompanied by someone, even if she just walks in the yard, Han Fengyi and Mrs. They are all worried, rushing to help.

Ye Xingchen said that she was actually not that delicate, but they didn't listen to her. Han Fengyi even put down her work, and would not go to the company if she could. Every day the secretary came home with documents to ask her to sign, and Mrs. Lin was even more timely. Prepared all the time, fish soup, chicken soup, bone soup... Ye Xingchen cried secretly after drinking it, but for the sake of the little guy in his stomach, he could only drink it as medicine.

Just after drinking another bowl of crucian carp soup, Ye Xingchen sat on the head of the bed caressing his chubby belly. In the room, he still looked like when he left. A small crib.

Although there are still several months before the baby is born, everything is ready at home. The baby's bed, quilt, clothes, small hat, small shoes...all are bought back, and even a lot of toys are prepared.

Ye Xingchen felt that although she was working hard, she was extremely happy.

bell bell bell...

The landline beside the bed suddenly rang.

Because of her pregnancy, it was inconvenient for her to use her mobile phone anymore, so her mother-in-law asked someone to pull a cord and connect her to the landline. Every weekend night, the phone would ring, sooner or later, but always loud.

She bent her eyes and gently picked it up, "Hello..."

"Xingchen, how are you? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" Lou Xi's anxious voice came clearly through the microphone.He just got out today because he had something to do in the army, a little later than usual.

"Fortunately, the situation is much better this week, and I don't vomit so much anymore." Ye Xingchen held the phone in one hand, and gently stroked his protruding belly with the other.

"Is your appetite better?"

"Well, these two days are especially edible." Ye Xingchen said shyly.

Lou Xi was happy to hear that, and asked with great interest, "What did you eat?"

"I drank a bowl of crucian carp soup just now..." Ye Xingchen just finished speaking, when she heard Lou Xi on the other end of the phone groaning strangely, she couldn't help but chuckled, almost forgot that he hated eating fish the most. Not to mention fish soup, if the bowl of soup just now was served to him, he would probably vomit more than her.

Lou Xi's fingers holding the phone tightened slightly, and his heart was a little turbulent, not because of the mention of eating fish, but because he thought of his star, who worked so hard with his stomach upright, but he was not by her side, let alone It's chicken soup and fish soup, and I can't even pour a glass of water for her.

On the day of boarding the train, there happened to be a couple opposite him. The woman was also pregnant, but her physical condition was much more stable than that of Xingchen, but her husband was still very nervous. He took good care of his wife along the way, even peeling apples. She cut the skin into small pieces and fed it to her mouth, but the woman was still dissatisfied, and would scold the man every now and then, but the man just smiled naively and told him that women tend to have big tempers when they are pregnant, not on purpose, but to control Can't live.

But for such a long time, Xing Chen was gentle and gentle every time she called, and she never complained to him. He didn't know if she was really out of temper, or if she was holding back. In fact, she had the right to complain He even scolded him.

Through the phone, he couldn't see her expression, so he couldn't help but wonder, would she cry secretly by herself every time she put down the phone?

(End of this chapter)

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